Hideaway Strath Getting old sucks
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
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Artok awoke, body aching in places he hadn't realized he could ache. He would attribute it to some of his more permiscuous activities of late, and also his absolute shitty body that was now failing him. Granted, it had always failed him since he had been barely 6 months old and his scarring wound had started. However, he had managed, he had moved on. But now. Nothing could fix this but death.

Though now he stood on shaky limbs, stretching the muscle there. The ever present ache. It slowly began to unknot itself, and he hoped it would hurry, because he really had to piss and soon. He yawned, again. Tongue lolling from mouth, white fur crytaline with dew as he shook.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had been around when she saw Adlartok getting up or just moving around stiffly. He was getting older, but she hoped that she would be able to help him. She approached him when she found a fresh scent of him. She made sure to catch up with him. "Morning," she greeted as she approached him with a graceful trot. She wondered if the male wanted her help though.

"I was wondering if you are able to help me today?," she asked, a soft smile on her face. She doubted he would say no to her, just got a feeling. Her red eyes looked excited.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok was in a foul mood. His body hurt, and it pissed him off. He heard loping feet, and for a moment he thought about ignoring it, he didn't look to see who it was, but then her voice came to him and he stood straighter, lifted his head. Golden eyes meeting her red ones. And he smiled.

Mornin' Miss. Arlette. He returned her gentle smile. Though he longed to say yes, he wasn't sure if his body could handle it today. He also knew that she was a healer, a medic. She would never push him to far, he didn't imagine. And he just liked her. Plain and simple. Liked her a lot, which most could not boast of from him.

I"ll help you gladly. He shifted, but shook his head. But excuse me a moment.

He trotted to a space away from her, given her privacy. She was a genteel lady after all. He relieved himself. And then returned quickly.

What do you need?
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had a feeling that he wasn't too happy but she wasn't certain. She didn't know him well enough. The pale female was glad to hear that he wanted to help. Perfect. She waited for him to do his business, though she hadn't minded if he hadn't gone to somewhere private. She lifted her head when he returned, her tail gently wagging behind her.

"Excellent. Okay, follow me," she spoke and then started to walk. Normally she would trot but she didn't want to make things worse. She did know movement was probably good. "I found something, and I like you to try it for me," she explained. It was a little vague she knew but she just hoped that the other would accept her help.

The female moved towards the chambers, the cave system of the Strath. The darkness fell over them until she stepped into Gaia's altar. The lake with light coming from the ceiling. To the side she had found another chamber, it smelled a little strong of sulfur. She looked over her shoulder and then smiled. "Can you get into the water? Till it reaches your neck," she instructed. The water was hot to touch, but not scaldingly hot.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok was angry, but not at anyone. Other than his own stupid body. That he had always been angry at, though it was worse now, because age was now a factor. He was no spring chicken. Though, he couldn't stay upset around Miss. Arlette it was too difficult to hold that anger in. She was just good.

He had been confused, but the more they walked. He had an inkling, helping was just an excuse. Made plain when they got to the hot spring. He nose wrinkled at the sulfur smell.

Miss. Arlette, did you just use a ruse to get me to allow you to heal me.

He was mildly amused, present by the smirk on his face.

I'm so proud. He gently teased, as he slowly moved into the water, a wince as his body adjusted to the heat. But soon he was fine.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette got in as well and then looked at the male getting in after her. She looked shocked. What? Me? Scheming you?, she commented in return, with a little grin. She got used to the smell pretty easily. Actually. I don't know if it will be able to heal you. Hence why you are helping me with this experiment. After all, I like to learn how to become a better medic. She had to smile a little at that. It was perhaps a little scheme but it worked.

It was always nice to hear that someone was proud of you. She had a flustered smile. How does the water feel? she asked curiously. Hopefully, it would feel good on his older body.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok laughed outright at that. Full bodied and warm, warmer than the male usually was. Though, he had learned as he had aged, that feelings weren't as bad as he had thought. Surely, he still disliked a lot of wolves. He was crotchety and he was mean, but there were a select few. That just warmed him.

He nodded at her admission. Well, I'd say you're a pretty good one Miss. Arlette.

He shifted in the water, and was surprised at the way it felt. Well my bum leg doesn't ache as much as it did. I wager that's was the plan, but the real test will be what happens when it cools down. Will it ache worse or not so much.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had to smile at the hearty and full laugh. She wished she would hear more of it. It just felt to her that the male had known little love and happiness. It saddened her. But if she could give that to him, and make his elder days better she would sign up for it. "Thanks, you are too kind," she spoke, accepting the compliment.

"Interesting," she spoke. The warm water even did her well, honestly. It was very comforting. "Exactly, and see if it feels better after the soak." She looked at him for a moment, contemplating. "If you wish I could make something that will help with the ache, just to relieve it for a bit. But I don't know if you want to take something daily."
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The only love Artok could really remember was Miss. Scarlett and a wolf pup years ago Sora, sorya lord help him he couldn't remeber, but that was it. Even his uncle was mostly cruel. Though, he had loved Artok in some type of way.
He chuckled. Kind is not usually how I am described.

Artok studied her with golden eyes. Will it help you be a better medic and healer? If so I'll take it until my number is up.

If he could help her be a better healer, he'd do it. Offer her all he could until he lay cold and dead. She deserved it. She reminded him daily of Miss. Scarlett though with her own quirks.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
I seem to have that effect on others, she admitted to him. It had been the same with Derg, Kynareth, and most of the Saints. She wasn't really a fighter type, stoic, or dominant. Somehow it worked for her, she worked at the Saints. To me you are kind, she reminded him.

Arlette seemed to think about that and then nodded. Actually, it will, she started. It will make me recognize some of the things elder wolves struggle with, and perhaps instead of having to respond acutely, I can perhaps learn more about prevention. Healing a wound was something that was acute. Adlartok's symptoms were different. Also, you have chronic pain, and that is something you don't see often as a medic. I would help me a great deal. She found it sweet that he was willing to try things for her.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Miss. Arlette was a different type of wolf. She was not a soldier. She was however a good fit for the lifestyle. Warriors needed healers and she was a good one. She was proving so now.

He listened closely. Surprised at the lessening of pain in his shoulder and back. It wasn't even as tight as normal. He wondered what would become of him as he got out and cooled down.

Then I will help you.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette smiled. Thank you. She felt really blessed that he wanted to help her. The female moved an noticed that the water was hotter. "Try to move, and see how things feel for you in the water. The weightlessness with also help, there is no weight on your joints while you are able to train, she explained

I think a daily swim would do you good, Adlartok. She was going to monitor his progress. Just to see how he was doing with soaking and swimming. Just that first before she would start to give him medicine or other plants.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok listened and moved. The eater warmer when he moved. He wouldn't be able to do this long. His pelt was thicker than most. Evidence of parentage he didnt know.

In the hot springs or the river or both?
He had a feeling she'd be watching his progress to help. He found a freeing sensation from being able to move. Something he hadn't felt in years. Couldn't even remember what it was like not to pull and limp.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette thought about his question. She felt that the warm water would be best. Plus the river was tougher to swim in. "I'd say this hot spring first," she commented. Though, I can understand that with the summer heat the cool river is nicer, she added.

I'd really like to know the effect of the hot water. Maybe in a week's time, we can check how cold water works versus warm? she offered. She looked at him and felt that his soak was maybe enough. She pulled herself from the water. How about you get out and try walking.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok nodded his head. She was damn right that the cooler water would be nicer. Specifically for his large pelt, but he could see the merit in the warmth.

Artok listened calmly, his eyes at half mast. He'd have to be careful the hot water made him a little sleepy.

We can do that.

He slowly pulled himself from the water and was pleasantly surprised.

Well its not as tight as usual. I can still feel the snag, but its looser than its been in years. Granted I can't remember ever walking without it.

He drew a pause. I was 6 months old or less when Tuwawi tore me apart.

He would remeber that ahe bi***s name until he died.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head. She was glad that Adlartok was willing to try it. She watched as he pulled himself from the water. She was on stand by if he needed her help, but that didn't seem to be the case. The male seemed to get out of the pool okay.

"Well that is good," she hummed. "I think you will always feel that snag. Probably with the injury part of the muscle has been torn off," she spoke, studying his leg. "It does seem that other muscles in your body are bigger to compensate," she studied. It was an interesting study, the after effect of a big injury like he had.

"Tuwawi?," she asked. "Why did she do that?"
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok shifted. Saw her hovering, there worried. It made him smile, just a bit. He shifted and shook his pelt free of the water that clung to him. His long downy fur was wet and bedraggled sticking to every line and curve. It would be clear where once muscle had been, his was showing, but he was still fairly hearty for an older male.

If it had been anyone, but Miss. Arlette, he would have said something crude and disgusting about her eyeing his muscles, but as it was she. He curbed his tongue. Realizing he had learned a little more than he thought he had growing up. Though a small smile still lit up his face, and made his eyes dance with mirth.

They did yes. I also learned to adapt almost anything to it. So my body works differently than a wolf like you with four working legs. I have better balance on three legs for one.

Artok's eyes glittered dangerously. Because I wasn't her son. When I arrived and the coward named Malachi let me in with safety at the borders. Within hours, I was found by that she bitch, and she lost her mind. Told me I wasn't welcome, that the glacier was for her children, not another child. And she attacked me. I tried to fight. Truly I did, but i was still a pup, barely able to survive on my own. So I managed to get away from her, before she killed me, but i kinda wish I had let her finish the job.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette could tell that his body had adjusted. It was good to see, interesting to see. It was also interesting to learn more about how he gotten his injury. It was because of another wolf. She was a little stunned by the motivation of the attack. She knew some females didn't tolerate other pups but this sounded extreme. "M-Malachi?," she seemed to think of that name. It sounded familiar but she couldn't place it.

"The name sounds familiar," she admitted. "I cannot remember the face or where from. Maybe it is another," but she doubted it with her family being connected to Adlartok. Where did she know that name from? "It is terrible she did that to you." She wished the male wouldn't think like that, think that he didn't have a place in this world. But accepting an injury was hard. She remembered how down she felt when she realized how scarred her faced was.

"I know the feeling," she admitted with a soft sigh. "When my first mate died protecting me. I also delivered all my pups-- stillborn." It was still hard to think about. "While also dealing with the wounds that now have become scars. I also wished that the cougar had finished their job, as I felt there was nothing more to live for," she spoke quietly.

"But then I met Derg, and the Saints. They became family to me. A home that accepted me. And while I then lost another mate, now I feel glad that I lived that day. Because I met others that made me feel happy again, feel loved." That was worth something to her. Hence why she would always stay loyal to the Saints, or well, Fury mostly.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He tilted his head. As she tried to place a name. He probably found Miss. Scarlett or her family again. He knew both Miss. Scarlett and Kove. As well as others. He was a good wolf, for the most part. He spoke grudgingly.

However, he couldn't accept things at face value. Preferring to always think the best of others. Which in most cases is fine, until they prove you wrong as Tuwawi did. He refused to believe that she would do such a thing, until she attacked him. Then he allowed the pack to chase out Miss. Scarlett with their words and their actions.

He growled lowly, but only to voice his displeasure. Though as always with Artok it was vehement and dangerous.

Artok listened closely and though he was admittedly not easy to get along with and usually empathy left him, he did feel a small twinge of regret for what she went through and a small ember of pride for the male protected her.

I am sorry that you lost him, but I'm glad he was able to protect you mostly. As for the pups. I don't have a fatherly bone in my body, but I am sorry you lost them.

Artok studied her, looked over her face with their scars and with a gentleness unusual for him, he bumped her in the shoulder and in the head.

Scars give you character and you're still as pretty as the day is long. I'm glad you found a family.

He backed up and dipped his muzzle a small smile on his face.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette blinked. Wait, so. She chased my grandmother out of the pack because you got attacked? Because she protected you? Honestly it sounded like her grandma was a really cool wolf. Her mother had never spoken about this. But perhaps that was all for her time, perhaps her mother hadn't known either. Arlette didn't know so much had happened but seeing how much happened in her life... it wasn't that crazy to think.

It is okay. They weren't meant to be. That pregnancy did more harm that good. She had accepted it, but it was still hard to think about. Arlette offered him a glance back and then her lips quirked up. Do you say the same about you own limp?, she returned with a hint of a challenge. She felt that Adlartok did feel that way, and it was kind of how she viewed her scars.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok shifted his weight and lifted one of his shoulders.

I don't know exactly why. I was too weak to go to the pack meeting that day. I just remember her coming back, frantic and making me move. Even though she didn't want too, because the pack was going to chase her back. She called Malachi a coward I believe and said he couldn't protect either of us. And that is why we went to Kove. It was before she had her own pack and babies. Her and Kove weren't even official yet if memory serves.

Artok grew silent, remembering that day and Miss. Scarlett. And a painful twinge grew in his chest. He missed her. And he had left her just like everyone else. He really was a selfish bastard wasn't he. He shook his head and tuned into what Miss. Arlette was saying. He'd make it up to Miss. Scarlett. He'd stay near Arlette until he literally couldn't anymore.

Artok chuckled, and smirked. Hell yes my scars are bad ass. A youthful cockiness showing through. A image of what he would have been as a youth, had she met him then.

The limp, eh not so much, but i've gotten so used to it. I don't notice it except on bad days. Though, they are more than less, these days.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
It was al so interesting to her. She had lived with her grandfather. He had been pleasant, while also admitting his mistakes he had made in life. It seemed he had been a safe haven for her grandma. Scarlett had at least somewhere to go with Adlartok. It is so nice to hear things from your perspective. I mostly heard from her what my grandfather told me.

I wish I could have met her, but apparently cougars seem to be a theme in our lives Her mother was still deadly afraid of them. She wouldn't deny that she was also rather afraid of them, with the damage those big cats had done. Arlette had to grin widely when Adlartok spoke of his scar. Hell yes, she agreed.

She nodded. Well, lets see how I can help with that to make sure you don't have as many bad days, she smiled. She really hoped she could help him. We could see how the hot water works, and otherwise switch to something else, she hummed.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Perhaps Artok's perception of Kove was colored with childlike sadness, and regard for Miss. Scarlett. She had been treated badly by so many, and Kove had fallen short of how Artok felt he should've for a she wolf that meant everything to him.

There's no denying Kove loved her I suppose, but he felt short of how a mate should act, especially with a she wolf as good as your grandma.

Artok shifted and began to walk towards the outside. I've been lucky enough not to have met the tail end of any cougars in my day. But i've met countless other beasts that hurt.

I can get behind that. And thank you. Miss. Arlette. Do you need help with anything else? He teased gently.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
She had to agree with that. Kove had loved her but he had made mistakes, he had admitted that. Sometimes we don't realize how good we have it until we lost it. That seemed to be a common theme with some wolves. She followed the male outside. Consider yourself lucky, she commented. Though warrior like him, also larger inside would make the cat think twice.

Arlette had to smile. For now, no. But I do think I need more sessions to confirm my research, she grinned at him. She was pleased that the male was willing to help and wanted to get better himself. You are free to go and enjoy your day. Meet me here tomorrow morning?, she asked.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He looked her over and dipped his muzzle. I wouldn't know Miss. Arlette. I've mostly always been alone.

And he wouldn't even with Miss. Scarlett he had been stand offish at the best of times. He knew he could love in certain capacities, but love for love itself. Well that was a mystery to him.

Artok nodded his head. More sessions eh. Alright. he chuckled.

He nodded a glimmer of fondness in his eyes. I'll be here.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.