Redtail Rise She'll take what you give her, as long as it's free
828 Posts
Ooc — Jess
All Welcome 
Lilia sharpened her claws. She'd found a good stump that was perfect, and she used it to rake her claws into the bark, hoping that it might help her work the blunt ends of her claws into points. She used a log nearby to practice her balance on, teetering precariously, but holding her head up the whole time, staring out to the horizon. Fighting wasn't all about being bitey and swipey- it was also being well coordinated. And what Lilia may have lacked in size and strength, she certainly made up for in coordination. 

She trained herself to pivot on top of the claw-sharpening stump, so that she could spin without losing her balance or moving off her spot. Like a ballerina, practicing her pirouettes. But there was only so much she could practice on her own. 

So she howled- calling out for anyone willing to help her learn some fighting moves- and maybe participate in a spar.  
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Since the meeting, Redd had watched.  The girl who had raised her head... the instant she'd seen it, Redd had bristled against it.  Only the one who led the hunt had the right to lift their muzzle above the rest.

If Lilia would seek that right, Redd would make her defend it.

She did not give a warning as she charged the log.  If Lilia was not quick, she would bowl her from it with a leap, taking her to the ground in an aggressive start that was, likely, not quite the spar the girl was looking for.

She did not seek to injure.  Yet she would do what she could to test and to cow her.  There were no queens among them.
828 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Lilia's eyes were focused and forward- but the sound of footfalls approaching caused her to crouch to stabilize herself while she stared over her shoulder. Redd- approaching swiftly, aiming directly for her. Lilia managed a quick grin, gathering her feet below her, and just as she went to bound off the log, the bark gave away beneath her feet. She scrambled for her balance, but was swiftly bowled off the balancing log as Redd slammed into her. 

Lilia, though, wasn't going down without a fight- and didn't even want to hit the ground on her own. With her claws spread and jaws spread wide, hoping to grab onto some of her loose skin, she sought to grab hold of the ruddy girl, and haul her to the ground with her.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Lilia was ready but did not avoid it.  Redd growled and sought to grab hold of her in return, but what small grip she might have managed she quickly lost as they tumbled from the log together.

She'd been too focused on her attack to ensure a graceful landing and she realized this too late.  The experience was noted for future learning... but this time she hit the ground hard, winded and stunned into a moment's recovery.

She would be quick to leap back into the fight she'd started.  It was a momentary opening.

rolled a 6 XD id be fine with a straight roll for overall victory if you want?  Otherwise we can play it round by round - Redd is more wanting to test than actually outright win
828 Posts
Ooc — Jess
lol sure, we can roll for a win! I'd put the odds in Redd's favour though. Lilia's fierce, but like...Doesn't know wtf she's doing. Maybe we roll a 10, and like...1-3 be Lilia, and 4-10 be Redd for the win?

Both girls landed with a thump, and reeled from the impact for a moment. Lilia did not have the muscle structure to give her power just yet- she'd recovered from starvation, but was only just beginning to put on muscle- and it took her a moment longer to recover. One moment was all it took for Redd to have the advantage and come at her again. 

Lilia thought it was unfair for her to attack by surprise, and to not give her enough time to get to her feet after knocking her off a log. It was fighting dirty, and only cowards and low-lifes did that. There was no dignity in this, as it was more of a brawl than a spar- but Lilia knew pointing that out wasn't going to make Redd apologize. She'd have to dig in, and get dirty herself. 

She was low to the ground and could not bound out of Redd's way fast enough, so she whirled her hindquarters behind her, dug her claws into the ground and opened her jaws. The impact hurt, and she was pushed backwards, leaving long, rake marks on the ground from her claws but she did not falter. She strained against Redd, and snapped her jaws, aiming for low on her shoulder now that they'd come within striking distance.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
sounds good!! Rolled in discord and got a 10 lmao!! (Might be the highest I've ever done for one of these)

I'll let you decide how the win happens <3 feel free to power play Redd for it!  Otherwise I'm fine for a few rounds so they can play this out!

Redd sought to overbalance her but the girl planted herself.  This showed determination that brought some level of appreciation, though it did not decide things on its own.  She would test further.

Still rumbling, she caught teeth to her shoulder and allowed it, enabling the girl to open herself.  In turn, if the girl caught hold and stayed, she would put her own jaws at the back of her neck.  A warning... and if she could, an attempt at her scruff.  She did not wish to injure but did wish to spark danger within her mind.
828 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Teeth grabbed her too close to the point of her shoulders for comfort. It sparked an instinct that her body had forgotten- but not entirely. And it brought with it a very vague memory, of having been carried once- but that was very long ago. It meant, now, that if Redd could get a hold of her there, then she'd have better control. 

She pulled back, feeling the skin and fur of her shoulders pinched and stretched by the grip of Redd's teeth. She growled, but she couldn't tug herself away, not with the grip Redd had on her. So she bolted forward, hoping to thump Redd in the chest, and push her back, and then snapped at the girl's leg. If she'd get it, she'd squeeze her jaws as hard as she could, to get her to loosen up her grip on her shoulders.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was small but did have some fight.  Redd hadn’t intended to release her but her hold on Reed’s foreleg hurt.  Her grip loosened in surprise and she pulled back with a growl, her ears twisting back with displeasure.

Even so, she gained a level of respect.  Not enough to cow her but enough to breed some caution into her next step.

Redd reached for the girl’s muzzle to try and force her to let go in turn, hoping to get some space so that she could attempt another angle.  If she managed it she would try to strike from behind and compromise the balance of her rear legs.  If she did not, then the Lilia’s muzzle was still an acceptable target.
828 Posts
Ooc — Jess
lol I rolled a 1d10 to see how exact Redd's aim was, with 1-3 being less of a grab, more of a hit, and 4-10 being a definite grab and she got another 10 XD

If she could just squeeze hard enough to make Redd bail, she'd have the upper hand, she thought. It seemed like a good move- inflict as much pain as possible in an area that wasn't a chokehold or a scruff. She'd had her eyes squinted closed with the effort, and only opened them when she felt the heat of Redd's breath against the bridge of her muzzle- just a moment before they closed. 

Her own jaws popped open both in surprise and from the pressure placed on the sides of her jaw. Redd's molars put pressure on her nasal passage, so her yelp of surprise and pain turned into a loud holler as she diverted her air through her throat, now that her mouth was forced open. Each exhale was a sharp, high-pitched squeal. Her jaws incapacitated, she raised one foot and began to claw at Redd's face, hoping that it might dislodge her if she nailed her opponent in the eye.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Redd heard the yelps and knew she might have this if she did not let go.  She did not seek to crush with her grip, or injure, but held firmly as Lilia began to kick at her face.  Her eyes closed instinctually but she took whatever wounds the girl might give to hold on.

With her muzzle held she wished to cow her.  To show her what must be understood; Wealda’s crown was not something given.  It was something earned.  And none were worthy but Wealda herself.
828 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The pinching on her sinuses maintained. Lilia's yowls and screams turned frenetic. She began to whip her head from side to side, screaming in agony as that put more and more pressure into the places where Redd's fangs dug into the bone of her skull. That just caused her more pain. 

Her attempt at clawing at Redd's face had had little to no effect. She tried again, slapping and grappling with her claws, but her claws were not hooked and sharp like the ones belonging to the panther who lived on the mountain. Hers were worn by sand and stone and frozen ground. She snapped her jaws, but could not reach Redd's legs either. She was immobilized. 

She emitted a high-pitched screech, which might not have meant a submission, but her lowered tail did. She stood still, waiting for Redd to release her. And while every fibre of her being wanted to grab the Redd girl by her own face and rub it into the ground...She would obstain. She'd lost this fight, fair and square.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Lilia’s claws stung, but did no true damage.  This raised her some in Redd’s esteem… despite the position she was put in, she knew pack was not to be harmed irreversibly.  Even small bloodshed could remove a hunter that would otherwise aid the survival of the whole.

When Lilia’s tail dropped, Redd released her hold and stepped back, satisfied.  The aspiring queen had fought well.  She was not fit to be Wealda, but she was perhaps fit to be Clawan one day, just as Redd aspired herself.  

Hopefully the memory of this would hold.  She would know that to seek queenhood was to question the rule of Wealda, one who owned every ounce of loyalty Redd held.  Until she chose, none would rise.

Her tail waved, and if Lilia allowed, she would clean the marks she had left.  A silent acknowledgement of the match well fought.  She would not approach, however, if she was not welcome.
828 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Lilia fumed and shook her head as soon as her muzzle was released. That was a move for parents to make against unruly children. It stripped her of her dignity and did nothing but humiliate. It wasn't a move that would kill a wolf, but simply force them into submission. As much as she would like to do the same to Redd, she felt it had been done as a gesture to put her in her place. 

Redd remained; her tail waved. Lilia fought with her spite. She gritted her teeth. "That really hurt," She said, lowering her muzzle slightly, indicating that she would take Redd up on her offer. The young girl didn't use many words- but she was surprisingly easy to read.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Redd gave a small rumble of acknowledgement, but she didn’t speak as she moved to brush her tongue over where her teeth had held.  Perhaps it was her way of apologizing too.  She was not sorry to have done it, but she was sorry that it had hurt.

Perhaps, only in this, words would be necessary.  Redd considered the ones she might use, but after a time, chose none.  She would watch and she would see.

After a moment she stepped back and huffed an invitation, turning and then twisting her head to look back with a question.  She would go get water and something to eat - the other welcome to join her.  A peace offering and a desire to know her as something other than outsider.  Other things would likely trigger responses from the silent girl but she wished to understand more about this new peer.  She did not like the distrust that burned.  It was not suitable to the cooperation they needed.
828 Posts
Ooc — Jess
fade here? Wanna have another before the pack sets out? I think I have an AW somewhere where Lilia calls out looking for a spar :)

She braces herself while the other cleans her wounds. They're the wounds she created, so it's only fair. She was also faintly aware of the aching in her ribs from having tumbled head over heels- this fighting business wasn't only tiring, but it actually meant a bit of pain that would linger afterwards. She hoped that over time, perhaps, she might simply feel less. That would be a blessing. 

When Redd pulled away, she grunted and gestured with a swinging of her head that she was going somewhere- and that Lilia was being invited. Being invited meant everything to her. So while she still didn't like that she'd lost the fight, it was over and that was simply the outcome. She gave Redd a half-smile and bobbed her head. She shook her coat out, and moved forward to brush her shoulder against her tough comrade, and would follow her off to find something to eat and drink in the wake of their battle.