Redtail Rise She's ahead of her time
Bearclaw Valley
839 Posts
Ooc — Jess
All Welcome 
By the order of the crown, the youth would spar. 

It was only a matter of time until the great boulder of a man returned and they would be put in formation and launch their attack upon the murderer and her family. A serial murderer, it turned out- with more than one hit against Avicus. Until then, the command to train and ready themselves had been a call to arms, and Lilia would spend all waking thoughts and slumbering dreams preparing. 

She howled, calling out for her packmates with an invitation to meet her, and brawl.
Redtail Rise
350 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
They had sparred before, but that time, Redd had taken her with surprise.  She still did not know what to make of the newcomer but she no longer held active dislike after the resolve of their previous encounter.  As the call faded, Redd moved to respond, appearing a few moments later to stand opposite of her.

Her golden eyes appraised Lilia dispassionately, but then her tail gave a small wave.  She turned slightly, her stance light and wary, but she did not drive to make the first strike.  This time she meant to be on the defensive.
Bearclaw Valley
839 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Seriously I want you to buy me a lottery ticket :') I rolled a 1d10, 1-4 for Lilia, 5-10 for Redd and got an 8 XD

She chuffed, pleased that Redd had decided to answer her call and train with her. Her tail waved as well, for a moment as well, which was all the communication they'd need to have to agree to a fair brawl. She had been training with Ancelin, but something about the last spar she'd had with Redd had shaken her bravado. When the quiet cardinal had been benevolent following the spar, Lilia had been able to lick her wounds and accept her defeat gracefully. 

This time, though, Redd wasn't going to take her by surprise- so she might actually have a shot. She turned her side to the other youth as well, raising her hackles to improve her stature though she was very well aware that she was still relatively dainty in build in comparison. She bared her teeth, and clicked them together, as though ringing the bell in a boxing arena, for the round to begin. 

She zig-zagged toward Redd, jaws clacking together noisily. She wanted to put her opponent in motion, but did not aim yet to come within reach. She lurched away once she thought she came nearly within striking distance- wanting to lure her opponent into an attack. If she teased enough, she thought she might catch Redd's attention and provoke her to move her balance and strike out.
Redtail Rise
350 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Redd had wanted to give the first move but Lilia did not seem keen on taking it.  There were advantages to both, she felt, but the upper hand was more easily won by striking than defending.  She wondered what ground Lilia sought to gain.

With wary interest she tended when Lilia got close but she did not attack just then.  She waited until she had drawn back, then advanced with a low rumble.

Then she charged, carrying the momentum through so that she would try and collide with the other girl and throw her off balance.  It would be difficult to knock her off her paws completely but Redd would try.
Bearclaw Valley
839 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The bait was taken, and Redd barreled toward her. Lilia bounded back, allowing Redd to gain momentum with her strides, before she leapt into the air, and launched herself to the side, before digging her paws in on the landing and pushing herself back toward Redd. It was a very bullfighter move, to try and side-step a charging animal, and then seek to strike as they went past. 

She'd been careful, though; out of want to humiliate her opponent and drive her into a frenzy, she'd also left enough space between them so that when she struck out at Redd, her teeth simply clacked together in the air near her shoulders. They were still 0-0 in terms of trikes, but she felt her nimbleness could at least be applauded.
Redtail Rise
350 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I don’t mind keeping this one short since I’ve been struggling so much to keep up, esp with Redd

Lilia had learned.  Redd could tell this clearly, though her own advantages were still a privelidge she instinctually recognized.  She had been raised amongst a pack and siblings, fed well and challenged often in the arena of her brother, sister, and cousins.

Still, her opponent was not to be taken lightly.  Red shirked back and avoided the snap… though it would not have connected anyway.  Redd’s gaze narrowed thoughtfully at this, her tail slashing sideways behind her.  Did she not intend to exchange true blows?

But the invitation had been hers.  Still watching warily, she held back and let out a querying huff.  Until she knew what was intended, she did not wish to attack - a spar without an understanding would only bring injury that the pack could not afford.
Bearclaw Valley
839 Posts
Ooc — Jess
sure! Redd won the roll for this one so feel free to murk Lilia with your next post hah

Her opponent pulled back, confused- and Lilia saw that her snap had had a different effect, but the result wasn't bad. Redd did not become furious, but confused, and Lilia saw that as something she could take advantage of as well. She lowered her head and lunged forward again, though one of her forepaws slipped in the loose snow. She crashed onto her own shoulder as her foot slid beneath her chest- the only thing she could reach now was for one of Redd's forelegs, while she squirmed furiously trying to get herself back to her feet.
Redtail Rise
350 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
tried to do it in character! I can adjust

Lilia seemed to take a renewed attempt when she stepped back, but lost her footing.  Redd still wasn’t certain of the parameters of the fight, but here was a chance to end it either way.  She surged forward and moved to pin her opponent down, planting her weight on the girl’s side and keeping out of reach.  Avoiding any snaps, she rumbled near her throat, indicating without an actual grab that the fight had been won.

It was possible that Lilia could have broken free - she was small and crafty, and Redd would not underestimate her.  But she could not do so before Redd could get fangs in her throat.  If this were a hunt she would be felled.

She did not feel the need to wait for submission, however, before letting Lilia up.  This had not been for that.  This was to test themselves, as equals, for the fight they would soon face.  She felt they both had done well, and her tail swayed behind her at friendly neutral as she stepped back.
Bearclaw Valley
839 Posts
Ooc — Jess
thank you for the sparring thread! Redd is such a good sport <3

She hit the ground and felt weight on her shoulders. With a rumbling, reluctant growl she voiced her annoyance, adding a higher tone at the end to acknowledge her surrender. Her opponent was merciful and fair- she'd taken advantage of the opportunity that had presented itself, without feeling the need to punish Lilia needlessly. If the tables had been turned, Lilia might not have been quite so magnanimous. 

She rose and shook the snow out of her pelt, allowing it to fluff up a bit. As before, Redd gracious in her victory, which Lilia appreciated. Still, she thought she should have won- she could have won, if not for the damn snow...But she would try again, some day- hoping the odds might be in her favour. 

For now, they were not yet equals. Lilia struggled with her posture and technique and was beginning to learn that she couldn't seize a victory simply because she wanted it so much. She gave Redd a nod of her head and chuffed- gesturing that they should put the remainder of their energy into finding something to eat.