The Heartwood Ashen Remains
88 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
All Welcome 
All welcome! Trying to get a little more active!

Trading a bounty of thorns for an overgrown gravesite, the moss blanket of the Heartwood was welcomed underfoot. Vale had moved slowly in her travels. Taking the time to scour the horizon and absorb each passing environment. She did not know the name of this place. But even one uninformed of the events that have long since passed could assume a burn had taken claim of what was once a great stretch of forest.

With a gentle stride, she weaved amongst the saplings, brushing aside what little sprouts she could before placing each paw. Pausing in a barren patch, she closed her eyes. Within her mind she constructed what perhaps might have stood around her. Tall, mighty trees that caressed the sky with their limbs. Obscuring the sky in the spring when adorned with green. Boughs that sheltered all that walked beneath. 

Of course, that was simply in her imagination. In spite of this fact, she still felt small. The idea of what might have been, or what may be to come, was far greater than what she presently was. With a brisk shake, Vale opened her eyes again. Lowering herself to the forest floor, she pressed her chin against the ground. Taking in a new perspective. One of young trees, some with their first leaves.

What did this place have to tell her? Were there any secrets left to tell?
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
At the close of her trip with Keen, Bridget still wasn’t sure where they stood, and she’d decided not to press it at the time. She’d seemed so torn over encountering her old family home and finding it abandoned, any other conversation seemed selfish while she struggled to work through those emotions. She’d been supportive and together they’d gone north, but Bridget wondered how much she’d actually managed to help. For once she felt a little out of her depth; family counseling was another matter entirely, one her track record didn’t exactly reflect well on.

She’d stuck to the caldera a while on her return but things seemed to be smooth there. It was almost as if she hadn’t left; confident she would scarcely be missed, she set out again, this time to gather more supplies to stock away for summer and fall.

Bridget took a deep breath, seeking the telltale crisp scent of mint, but was surprised to detect a stranger on the wind instead. It had been a while since she’d encountered a random traveler. Smiling, she adjusted her course, coming upon them and leaving some distance so that she hopefully wouldn’t startle them or make them think she had a problem with their presence. This place wasn’t claimed, as far as she knew. If it was they’d both be in trouble.

Hey! She called out cheerfully, tail raised in greeting. You lose something? The way she had her face to the ground made that Bridget’s first guess.
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Ooc — Squeaks
At the sound of a voice Vale shot upright. Hackles bristled and eyes wide, she nearly choked on her own breath. It didn't take many turns of her head to find the source. A large, golden woman towered over the shrubbery. The saplings waved around her, some barely brushing her withers. 

Just... how long was that woman watching her? A warmth bloomed within her cheeks and her ears flattened against her skull. She allowed someone to sneak up on her. Forcing her heart back down her throat, she blinked slowly. Willing the raised hair along her spine to settle, she properly looked at the new face. A masked woman. Dressed in gold with a large, strong body. With a friendly look to her. What did she ask again?

The swirling thoughts of her mind slowed. Wagging her own tail low besides her legs, Vale stammered out, No! No I— I didn't lose anything! I was just.... looking. Vale took a few sheepish steps forwards. Clearing her throat, she assumed a better posture, setting her ears forward. Thank you for asking.... Miss?
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, whoops! Bridget laughed a bit as the other woman was startled, then shook her head apologetically. Sorry! Didn’t mean to give you a scare. My name’s Bridget.

She was adorable, but clearly shy. Or just overwhelmed, Bridget thought with a smile, not all that seriously. Her confidence was high but not quite that high.

If you’re looking for something specific, maybe I can help? I’m just passing through this area, but two sets of eyes is better than one. She didn’t have much better to do today and it was the least she could do after interrupting. Besides, really, she could use the company. It had been quiet lately, even during her trip with Keen, and there was a chance they could both get a bit of conversation out of it.
88 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
No hard feelings! She returned Bridget's smile. Easing away from the moment of panic. Bridget offered her kindness. Vale could only hope that all wolves of the wilds were as pleasant as the ones she had met. My name is Vale.

She shook her head, gaze turned upon the infant forest. I wasn't really looking for anything specific. One of her forepaws lifted of the ground as she spoke. Gesturing to the saplings. I was admiring it. I imagine it will be a great, big forest one day! A small grimace crossed her face, thinking back to the orchard, ... Hopefully without a ton of thorns.

Having closed some the distance between the two of them, Vale's tongue flashed between her lips, tasting the air. Bridget carried upon her not just an individual scent, but one that was intermingled. A pack? Despite the initial interruption, her curiosity was far from squandered, simply redirected. Were you out here for something? Or just on your way home?
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Very cute. Not many would come around here just to admire the forest. Bridget was normally the type to live in the moment like that, but lately she’d had a number of things to think about. She’d barely noticed the young trees.

Unless they’re some kind of rose trees, I’d hope not too! Though maybe that’s their best way of protecting themselves until their big enough to put up with anything else’s nonsense. Hate to berudge them that. She smiled, looking at the trees, then thought about the question.

I was looking for mint, specifically. But honestly? I took the excuse to go for a bit of a walk. Felt like maybe meeting some new faces. Lucky me that you came along. She gave a good natured wink, but then looked off. This wolf seemed to be alone… did she have a family out there? Someone she’d been loathe to leave behind? It felt invasive to ask, but maybe knowing would help her with her own decisions.
88 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Writing on mobile for this reply, will try hard not to leave errors!

Vale chuckled at the quip, but it didn't escape her how Bridget looked away. She took another step forward and balanced her weight onto that limb. Leaning closer as though there was something to see behind Bridget's eyes. 

Appraising her new conversation companion for a few breaths, she returned to her original position. A slight tilt to her head. Her interest evident but she was cautious to push boundaries.

We all need time away sometimes. With a patient smile she straightened her head. And you are, in fact, lucky. Mint is one of the few plants I know. If you do need assistance in actually locating some. She didn't mind offering to help. Whether that be as another set of paws or a new set of ears
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget’s smile grew a little at the easy offer, and it helped in a number of ways. Lucky indeed! Vale was easy to talk to and seemed understanding, plus seemed to have a sense of humor worth sharing. All qualities Bridget tended to need when it came to heavier times. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to talk to someone about some of this.

I’ll take you up on that, I think. Just because it was an excuse doesn’t mean I don’t actually need some. She chuckled, then shook her head as they likely began walking. Between the two of them keeping an eye out, they should spot something, but she wasn’t going to go so far as to say they should split up. She didn’t care that much about finding it.

I shouldn’t need an excuse, I know, but it’s been harder and harder just hanging around at home. I love my packmates, but I can’t help feeling it might be time to move on. I don’t think I’ll be able to find what I actually need, if I stay, but I’m not sure they’ll understand. So I’ve been avoiding it, I guess. Bridget looked at Vale with a good-natured smile. You wouldn’t happen to have any brilliant words of advice for that kind of conversation, would you?
88 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Vale moved to follow Bridget, keeping in line with her flank as they continued through young forest. Her nose twitching as she regularly scented the air. If asked to identify a plant from sight alone, Vale knew that she would most certainly fail. Mint, however, had a distinctive scent. Makes plant hunting easier!

Her gaze flickered between Bridget and their route through the saplings. Absorbing what the larger woman said, turning it over in her mind, and thinking over a response. She had, after all, left her own pack not too long ago and came to the Teekons.

Well, I don't have much in terms of life experience... Vale looked down to her paws, mulling over her words before looking up to Bridget again, But if they care for you in return, shouldn't they be accepting? Like — sad to see you go but confident that you can make your own choices?

Shaking her out her pelt — and hopefully her own awkwardness — Vale made a mental note: Get better at talking to others.

When I left home, my littermates were a bit huffy that I was leaving without them. But my dad let me go without a fight. He was sad, but he let me do it. Maybe talk to whoever is in your corner at home first?
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
That’s definitely the hope. And really, either way, the important part is knowing what I need to do. But I’m not sure I’ve got anyone specifically in my corner anymore. She paused and laughed at that, shaking her head.

Not in a ‘woe is me’ kind of way. They’ve just got lives and families of their own to care about. I care about them too, I just want something that’s more… mine.

She would be there in a heartbeat if they needed her, but lately they hadn’t. It didn’t feel as selfish as it might have a year ago, when everything was upside down.

Your dad sounds like he knew what was up. Mine were similar, but I did cause a lot of headaches. Their lives probably got a lot easier once I was off and making myself someone else’s problem. She winked, hoping to settle some humor on it before things got too morose. No use dwelling on the future now - if all she could do was worry, the only solution was to ask the ones she was worried about.
88 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Much of what Bridget said held a familiar sentiment, and Vale all the more felt at ease in her new acquaintance's presence. The conversation brought her own bittersweet memories to the forefront of her mind, but Vale kept those thoughts shelved. If she could string together her thoughts and feelings with the adequate words perhaps she could offer Bridget some confidence or at the least comfort. Leaving home on good terms was a hard topic to approach.

I think you will have someone in your pack who would understand you want something more. I mean, they obviously pursued a family life for themselves.

She chuckled at Bridget's account of her own home life with her parents. I can't see you causing much trouble, aside from dragging someone along for a plant hunt. And perhaps worrying yourself with what someone else thinks. 

She quickened her stride to bring herself closer to Bridget's shoulder, offering her a sincere smile. When I left home I never planned to stay close. I wanted to see places beyond the mountain range. My dad knew that, but only because I told him. What do you want to find for yourself outside of your pack?
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was sweet. Bridget was absolutely caught by it, the same way she was caught by the dark offset of her golden eyes and the way she moved when she spoke, like every word was simultaneously effortless and the truest thing she had ever said. It was an air that Bridget typically tried to carry herself and it wasn't often that she had the pleasure of meeting someone who matched her. If she wasn't careful she'd be tripping over words here soon.

Collecting herbs was usually the punishment, I just didn't let on that I enjoyed it until it was too late. I guess they thought working with the healer would put my energy to something useful, and they weren't wrong. Bridget laughed too, remembering her mentor fondly. She wondered what had happened to her, if she was still in the Court with her parents.

That was a hard question. Well, not a hard question, but a hard one to answer without the proper context. Closure, I think. Bridget looked at Vale again, then shook her head, her smile turning a little playful. I made the mistake of falling in love with my best friend. She wanted a family, got married, and got the life that she wants. Deserves, honestly, and I'm happy that she's happy. But that isn't a happiness I can find for myself if I'm just watching her and getting it secondhand.

Bet you didn't think you'd be getting complicated secrets from strangers this morning, did you? She added after a moment's pause, chuckling. It wasn't a huge secret, or something she was even ashamed of anymore. But it wasn't something she could discuss with the wolves of Brecheliant for obvious reasons, and maybe that space was something she needed too.
88 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
A small glimmer set about Vale's eyes as warm admiration enveloped her words, Be that is it may, it's a noble thing to do! Healing. It's wonderful you can find enjoyment from it. A slight sway to her tail, she quieted down as Bridget answered her question. A secret followed by a quip.

Not exactly, no! Vale's voice rose into a soft laugh. A good natured sound to accompany Bridget's own chuckle. She broke her gaze toward their path again, blinking slowly. Allowing a pause in the conversation.

It wasn't a completely foreign feeling to her. Watching the life of someone you care for continue on while you are on the other side of the window pane. To be welcomed at the dinner table but knowing your seat is the one reserved for guests. 

Vale glanced sidelong at Bridget. They both shared a similar feeling but the differences of their experiences were stark. Vale once had her own seat at the table. With her father, mother, and littermates. As time marched forward they were met with loss. Soon after, her mother's seat was given to her father's second wife before it had grown too cold. When Vale gave up her place at the table, it was long anticipated as a milestone of adulthood. Hers was a gift granted before it was returned to be a hand-me-down. Comparatively, Bridget was waiting outside with no key to the door. Ringing the bell to be let in.

Vale looked to Bridget again. I hope you can find your closure, and a happiness all your own. A hopeful smile set across her face. Afterwards, perhaps you could recount any adventures you had on the way for your friend.
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget’s smile took on a slightly reflective nature as she nodded in agreement. Healing hadn’t been the life she would have called for herself when she was younger, but she’d had no patience back then and, if she was honest, no clue what she wanted to do with her life. We can’t always fix things, but the times when I manage it make every chance worth it. She’d helped and healed countless strangers over the years and had no idea if some of them even still lived. She still wouldn’t take back any of it.

Then her expression lit up a bit with humor as she came back to the focus of the current conversation. With that kind of optimism, you might make a good healer yourself. Maybe, if it’s something she wants to hear about. She and Teya were complicated in ways that were hard to describe.

Have you found what you were looking for, since leaving home? She’d talked the poor woman’s ear off about her own problems but knew next to nothing about her - where she lived, who she ran with, where she was heading. Bridget wouldn’t pry but it didn’t seem fair to let her leave as a stranger after the conversation they’d been having. And maybe there was a chance they could cross paths again if she knew where to look.
88 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Vale shook her head with a smile. I'm doubtful I'd be helpful patching somebody up. She jutted out a forepaw, briefly gesturing to the saplings and moss of the forest. I'm not much for really understanding plants, you know? I don't know the names for many, but I like the look of them. She quirked a brow playfully. That might be enough cause for liability concerns.

A neutral smile smile passed over her face, a slight hum as she thought over her words before carrying on. No I don't think so. I'm stilling learning about the Teekons, but I don't think I spent a lot of time really exploring yet. I want to see more of it. And being alone is going okay but it's a little... weird. I think that's how I'll put it. A crease formed, pushing down her brow. I'm still used to maybe being out for a few days but coming home eventually. Waking up in one place and pushing forward to somewhere else is a bit jarring. 

Piquing her ears, she lightened up a bit, loosening her posture. But! Watching the sunrise in new places in nice. I heard they were good in the Teekons. Pausing in her stride, she looked towards the mountain range in the east. Will say those get in the way a little bit.
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It reminded Bridget of the way she’d first come to the wilds. Aimless, carefree, and unsure what she’d find. She wondered why the thought of that didn’t hold the same excitement it used to. Maybe it was the thought of being alone.

I haven’t done a great job selling you on my home. I could introduce you, if you were interested, but I probably won’t be there much longer. I was thinking of heading towards the coast. She looked westward, then gave a quick chuckle. Plenty of beautiful views there, and no mountains to get in the way.

Moonspear still felt too close and ever since the fall that had ultimately cost her a leg, Bridget hadn’t considered a home in the mountains an option. It wasn’t an experience she wanted to repeat and testing fate on three legs felt like a dare.

Seems most of us have a thing that always makes home home. For me it’s the water. The ocean was different but there were places besides the beach; plenty of rivers found their way to the sea eventually. Maybe she could follow one there.
88 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
I'm sorry for the wait! Thank you for your patience, irl things sapped away my muse.

Vale followed Bridget's gaze to the west. Presumably, that was where Bridget's pack was. The tips of her ears pointed forward. I appreciate your offer but I think I'll decline. She laughed, adopting a more serious tone. Not one with an edge but one with sincerity. Your pack does sound nice, I just feel it'd be awkward to join and then you leave. But! If I ever find myself that way I would like to know their name, though! I never did ask you that, huh?

Bridget spoke of the coast and waterways. Vale's eyes turned back to the mountains. I know I complain but I really do enjoy the mountains. Grew up in a range myself. Maybe I'll just climb them if I really want to see the sun. The thought made her chuckle. I don't know if they are what makes home home though. Maybe I'll find that out once I wear myself down a bit more.
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
no worries!! We can fade this whenever you like as well <3 and assume they keep on herb hunting

Bridget laughed aloud at her statement, not at all bothered by it. Fair enough! And what I figured. It’s called Brecheliant. It’s a flat-looking mountain that way, and the pack is great. Super welcoming. I just want to see a bit more of the world I guess. She smiled, clearly amused with herself. You’d think I’d have had my fill of it by now.

Her comment about maybe finding the place once she wore herself down resonated with Bridget. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for by leaving but she hoped she would know it when she found it. I think some wolves have an easier time making plans and knowing what is ahead. While some of us just have to let the wind carry us and hope we land somewhere alright. Personally, I think the first way is okay, but that those types miss out on some pretty interesting things too. She winked at Vale, then directed her attention towards the growth around them. The search for herbs was a distracted one with so much conversation but she didn’t mind that one bit. She was in no real rush to get home and had needed the conversation, likely even more than she really needed the plants.
88 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Brecheliant. Vale whispered it under her breath to commit it to memory. She repeated it two more times for good measure. Perhaps it was silly, but Vale couldn't quell an excitement bubbling in her chest. She wasn't sure if she would ever encounter Brecheliant. However, she hoped it would be as pleasant as her current conversation with Bridget.

She laughed. The world always changes! I'm not sure anyone could truly get their fill of it. She gestured to the saplings with her nose. I mean, these saplings will be great big trees one day!  If you want a rather large example 

She returned her attention to Bridget, a smile upon her face.  I think having plans and being flexible are both good. But you planned to take some mint home today, didn't you? Vale said it mainly to remind herself. She had mostly forgotten about the herbs if she was to be honest. Although, she figured it wasn't that high up on Bridget's priorities. 

Vale let the conversation quiet a bit. She wouldn't let it die — it was important to communicate on any plants of interest after all. But she smiled as she too returned her attention to the task at hand. She wanted to help Bridget in a tangible way, beyond a conversation. After all, she clearly needed someone to talk to as well. Vale didn't voice it, but she hoped she could consider the golden wolf a friendly face, if not a friend, if they ever crossed paths again. 

I think fading here and assuming they keep searching works out well! Hopefully they'll get a chance to meet and talk again <3
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget had enjoyed this conversation enough that she would have gladly forgotten her aims today, but she nodded and let Vale draw her back into the search. She really should find something to bring it back, her supplies were low. And if she was looking to leave, who knew what sorts of things she’d find on the way?

She’d take Vale’s company as long as the other woman was willing to linger, though, and enjoy it. It made her optimistic for leaving, remembering that there were other wolves to meet out there who could be this easy to talk to.