Stone Circle From Bali to Cali, far beneath the Coral Sea
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
Atreus decided to follow the water south. It led him through some flood plains beneath the shadow of a mountain, then past a watering hole flush with wildlife. Beyond that, he ventured into a forest that felt like it stretched on for hundreds of miles. When he eventually hit the far side, he turned east.

He managed to navigate his way back to caldera by way Haunted Wood, though he only spent a night there catching up with Amalia before going right back to roaming. This time, Atreus picked a path he knew a little better, his heartbeat quickening a bit in his chest as he crossed a wetland now infested by mosquitoes and the familiar stretch of prairie approaching Stone Circle’s borders.

He drew close to them, reflecting on his last visit here during the winter. Atreus’s nose told him @Inkeri was still living here. He wanted to find out how she was doing but hesitated to call out to her, instead loitering there like a ghost of the past.

Timestamp: June 16.
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-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Had she been unsure before, Inkeri was no more unsure that she carried life in her womb, and she marveled daily at the small changes that made up her daily life. And the sheer miracle that she would have children. She would bring life into the world. Beautiful wonderful life that belonged to her and Merry. Whom she cared for so dearly. Though the signs were still rather miniscule, the rounding of her belly, the tenderness of her teats. She knew it, but to other's who weren't practiced they may not see.

Determined to be healthy for her little ones and anxious to keep herself from being sick. The open air and the gentle movement of walking often helped.

A scent teased her nostrils and she froze and broke into a gentle trot towards it with a smile on her face.

Atreus! Atreus! Hello. Hello!

451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Although he liked to think he’d long since moved on from her, the sight of Inkeri still made his breath catch in his throat. Atreus’s heart hammered against his rib cage as she noticed him and came closer. She looked happy to see him, which made his limp tail wag.

Ink… he breathed, not sure what exactly he wanted to say as his eyes roved over her. You look so…

Hell, she was glowing with what he took to be happiness. Atreus let out a little noise, like a strangled sigh of relief. He had thought he’d hurt her—and he probably had—but she had definitely made a full recovery.

Hey. It’s good to see you. How have you been? Atreus wondered.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She had found his company pleasant, he was pleasing to look at, but he'd been young, much younger than she. But that had been okay too. But her affections were all for Merry now, but she knew they could still be friends. Though the sting of his rejection of even their friendship had been a painful one.

She dipped her head. You look well too! Too! I'm just fine. Learning to be content and happy with my life. Life. And moving through the hard things everyday. Everyday.

She moved closer and his scent wafted towards her and she was confused. You no longer smell of stone and grit? Grit?


451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
It sounded like things were going well, though the mention of dealing with difficult things every day caused Atreus’s brow to furrow. What did she mean? Did it have anything to do with him? Surely not, after all this time. But could he ask her for details or would that be overstepping?

Her comment brought his racing thoughts to a halt. Atreus didn’t understand what she meant for a beat, then he realized his scent would’ve changed a lot since their last meeting. His lips parted as he thought of everything that had happened to him since then.

Mereo doesn’t exist anymore. But don’t worry—not that you would worry—um, but I’m living with Amalia in Brecheliant now. Do you know of it? Have I ever mentioned her? She’s basically a sister to me, Atreus felt it was important to add, blinking before blurting, What do you mean by ‘hard things’?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She hadn't meant it how she had sounded. Her grasp on this language was still not a great one. She knew it, but not fluently. She doubted she'd ever be fluent or at least not have some way of saying something that was confusing.

She frowned. Oh no. No. Are you okay, Atreus? Atreus? You didn't get hurt did you? You?

She sniffed at him again, checking for any blood or wounds, before the rest of his conversation came filtering in. And she lay her ears to her head with a small chuckle at herself.

She shook her head. I don't know this Brecheliant. Her own accent changing some of the way the letters sounded, but there was no way she wouldn't butcher this one in some way.

It is good to have found family. Family.

She tilted her ear forward and gave a little hop skip. My merry be helping me with my anxieties. Anxieties. The large places, the scary things to me. Me. I doing better. Better!

451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
But she did seem rather worried. Atreus was quietly flattered by this, a smile pulling at his lips as she nosed at him. It sent a little tingle through his skin, reminding him of the days when she had introduced him to the magic of touching and being touched.

No, I’m perfectly fine, Atreus assured, skin warm.

He would’ve told her a little more about Brecheliant but he suddenly found his gaze lingering on her middle. Had she gotten a little plumper too? Atreus’s smile grew even fonder, though he suddenly felt self-conscious of his own pudge. Had she noticed?

Ink sidetracked him by saying something Atreus didn’t quite follow, so he echoed, Your Merry…? with an inquisitive tilt of his head.

Before she could even answer him, a realization hit him like a punch. Merry must be a friend, someone who hadn’t abandoned her to her trauma. Because of them, Ink was doing better now. Atreus was glad, though it made shame curl in his over-sized gut.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri had been pleased to share her love of touch with Atreus. She had found it a godsend after some of the things her family put her through. When it was just her and Anja. She thought of her sister then and missed her so much.

Good.Good. She smiled.

Yes Merry is my boyfriend. Boyfriend. That is what he calls it. It. Good wolf. He helped. But so did Atreus.

She smiled at him with a fond smile. He had helped a good deal teaching her it was okay to leave home. And yes the canyon had been scary and the pain had been hard when he had told her they couldn't probably even be friends. But it was a lesson and he had taught it well.

451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
“Yes, Merry is my boyfriend.”

He had no right to the jealousy that burned in his stomach at this revelation. His head ducked as his shame grew alongside it, making Atreus unable to meet Ink’s eye for a moment. He should’ve been happy for her, he knew. She’d moved on, found someone who could be there and make her happy. Maybe he was still immature in that way because mostly he just wanted to gut this faceless Merry man.

Belatedly, he registered what she said about him. Despite himself, Atreus raised his head, gaze finding hers. He was confused. He had done the opposite of helping her. He had completely bailed on Ink during her time of need. His expression contorted. He deserved these terrible feelings, didn’t he?

Good, he unwittingly echoed her, his voice quiet and more than a little hollow before Atreus caught himself and cleared his throat, forcing out, Good for you, Ink.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri was oblivious to the inner turmoil of Atreus. As she happily chattered along. But she was not one that knew jealousy or anger for a lover. For she had never had one until now. And she had been raised to believe she deserved nothing, so she was more happy to have anything than nothing. That it didn't fully compute.

She wiggled and wagged towards him. Smiling so sweetly. What have you been doing, Atreus? Atreus? You have found things to make you happy? You have made more friends? Friends?

He was her friend and she loved him as much as she could as such. She was pleased to see him. Happy he had sought her out and found a way to show he still thought of her fondly.

451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She didn’t seem to notice the shift in his temper. Atreus supposed he should be grateful, though it just soured his mood even more. He really didn’t appreciate the way she smiled at him so sweetly. It reminded him of the way Ink had touched him in the past: flirtatiously. If she had a boyfriend, why would she tease him like this?

Nothing, he replied, which was the truth. His jaw had tightened, so he loosened it a bit to say, No, it’s really just Amalia and me. She’s probably wondering where I am, so I’m gonna go. I’m glad you’re happy, Ink.

He turned and began to walk stiffly away, though he stopped after a few yards, raised his head and let out a great breath. Atreus turned to look back at her, catching those pretty eyes. His gut felt hollow as he realized what he’d lost but it wasn’t her fault. Ink had done nothing wrong.

You deserve all the happiness in the world, you know that? I really am happy for you. I just—I have to go. But I hope you and Merry have a wonderful life together. I really do.

He even managed a tight smile before facing forward again and trotting away, heading north despite knowing exactly what he would find in that direction. Atreus supposed it fit. If he was already stumbling down memory lane, he might as well face some more painful fuckery from his past.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
And Suddenly a different man was in front of her again. one that hurt and used words as weapons again. Even if he didn't realize it. His tone gave him away. Her ears drooped. And though he had nice things to say in the end. IT still hurt his reaction before. And she didn't understand.

Why was he mad at her? He had told her he didn't want her as anything. By Atreus. She called.

but a soft whine and she turned back towards Kvarsheim and Merry She would have to ask him why this happened, because she didn't understand. She had only been kind.