Lion Head Mesa i wanna take the hand inside you
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
All Welcome 
Weeks had passed since Inji became one with the palace. She had begun to settle in, learn the passages of the halls and their intricacies — she found herself often accompanying the Queen, studying the members and their placements, their routines and what they enjoyed. A few she had met with alone — the unlucky fellahin Tuna, and the neb known as Naberius. However, there were many more to attend to.
Today, she is alone. The mazoi barracks are where she has business today, straightening bedfurs and sweeping the halls. She hums to herself absentmindedly with a pelt slung around her shoulders for ease of carrying, and she is light on her feet as she goes from chamber to chamber, poking her head around in search of whoever may linger.
before, I was not a witch
643 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Rounding a sandstone corner is the new maidservant. And just a girl. Her heart falls but composure fettles upon her face. She sets aside the dishware she’s been freshening to bow her head to the lovely silver girl.

“You must be Inji- I am Eset," she introduces warmly. "We’ll be working together, welcome to the palace.” She lifts to find the girls’ eyes now, a light lavender.

“How are you settling in?”
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
!!!! <3

A voice from behind echoes through the halls, polite and airy; woven with silk and accented deeply with those of the desert. When she turns, she is greeted with thoughtful eyes and a dark masked face.
Oh, hello, Inji returns the greeting with a curl of her lip. I am, yeah! her body swivels, the pelt slipping to rest upon her mid-back. You must be one of the other fellahin, right? Nice to meet you, co-worker. her grin stretches.
She swoops behind Eset to check one of the empty rooms — within it, she sees a dried-up water dish and a pile of crumpled bedfurs. She makes a note to tend to it later. I'm doing alright, she shrugs, a coolness to it. so far, everyone's been really friendly. The Queen especially. And it's so fancy, isn't it? Like, look at this! she gestures to nothing in particular. It's kinda crazy. I feel lucky to work in a place like this, y'know?
A buttery, girlish giggle falls from her lips. Her gaze finds the intricate golden necklace strung around Eset's neck, and curiously, she bends down to admire it. That's so pretty! Who gave you that?
before, I was not a witch
643 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Inji’s face in that moment, glowing with promise and joy.

“It is very beautiful.” But it can be ugly, too. Her chest wells. How much does the girl understand about what her job here entails?

Eset had learned to become numb, barren as winter in those formative months. But she’d had her mother to prepare her. Inji did not have that. The girl’s eyes trail to the necklace. Eset holds her gaze.

“A gift from the nobles for diligent work.” The lie was already on her lips and quickly passed over. “I am still new here as well. But if you need anything, you may always come to me,” eyes softening on her before sifting over the quiet hallway. Her voice falls lower now.

“I tend the mazoi bays in the morning, after their shifts start. Never after nightfall,” a difficult pause, “but Inji. If you are called for you must answer.” She'll turn, to search her face for knowing.
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
A gift from nobles? Wow, what an honor, she pulls herself away, shifting nimbly in order to lean against the wall. She'd realized in that moment that perhaps Eset did not want a teenage girl hovering up close to her neck, especially not with something so certainly expensive around it. that's so cool. You must be very proud!
Eset's tone becomes terse, as if she is warning her of something. A darkness settles within her gut. Why would she need assistance? Not that it's not appreciated, but, y'know, I grew up in this sorta environment, she shrugs her shoulders bashfully. not quite like this, but, um. My family goes from pack to pack doing odd jobs to score places to sleep for a bit. I'm no stranger to it! You don't have to worry about me, as she'd done with Tuna merely days before, she drawls on before coming to an abrupt pause. She's rambling again, isn't she?
She whispers now; low and gravid with uncertainty, searching. You must answer. Inji frowns. She knew what she meant.
She thinks of Naberius. So I've learned.
before, I was not a witch
643 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Inji is not unaware of the palace customs. They stand oak to oak as servants, and both prepared to live with that.

“You are a fast learner- that is a blessing. Tuna has been quite occupied with the Queen and I’m still learning to navigate the catacombs myself. Still, if you ever need to talk to someone, I am here. We fellahin stick together.”

Her eyes find the jewel and object of the girl’s admiration. Her smiles tightens, “There’s a lot of luxury here.” Especially when someone wants something from you. She is pressed to find a topic more encouraging.

“We’re very fortunate that the Queen values her servant’s education. Are there any areas of study that interest you?”
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Eset does not pry; Inji does not elaborate. The memory of the neb would be buried deep within the chasms of her brain, locked away behind a well-guarded safe.
Eset does not linger on the topic for long, either; instead, insisting that fellahin must stick together. Inji, in her malleable mind, takes this as an invitation of companionship; guidance. Her smile brightens. Thank you, Eset, I'll keep that in mind, her eyes scrunch shut as her tail flicks up and into a gentle rhythm. you're very sweet. Y-You've got a friend in me, too, y'know, I'm always happy to have somebody to talk to. And show me around. The Queen gave me, um, a little bit of a tour, but maybe we could learn more together.
She pauses upon the next question; what did she want to study? Um, her eyebrows knit together in thought. she mentioned that a little bit. I don't think I really know yet, is that bad? one ear twitches, then falls to the side of her head. I thought about maybe sharpening my hunting skills, but... can we even do that? Or maybe, um, like, hmm, another pause; her cheeks puff out as she swishes air around inside her mouth. oh, maybe an entertainer! Do you know if they do training for that? Like, singing and dancing and stuff!
before, I was not a witch
643 Posts
Ooc — tazi
A forbidden look flashes in Inji’s eyes, like teeth at a wound. Eset feels the numbness, drawing from her side a clean bowl to replace one with brackish waters. She can console. She can teach. But she cannot protect the girl. It was the same plaintive awareness of her own mother.

“I’d like that,” she settles her brows, a smile given to talk of both hunting and music. “Not at all, I'd try a little of everything and see what draws you most.” There are many altars, too, which Eset resolves to show her. She may find a shared strength in prayer. “I won't occupy too much of your time, Inji, but you know where to find me.”

She gathers her things to take a step past, halting.

“The one who called for you. Tell me their name.”
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Eset indulges her, allows her to flutter to and fro with nods of her head and gentle encouragement. All the while, Inji follows along — picking up alongside her by giving a pelt that makes a bed a good shake, followed by a smoothing press with a paw.
Thank you again, Eset, she urges, giving a soft hum. Safety that could be found in others of her kind would never not be appreciated. I'm here for you too, if you ever need an ear, like I said. It's a hard life sometimes, right?
Their idle conversation comes to a close as Inji reaches up to dab at her forehead with the back of her wrist. A question is asked amidst the pleasant silence.
A name.
She freezes.
A frown finds her features, ghostly — why did she want to know? — before she lowers her voice to a whisper. Naberius, the neb, she gives a rapid blink. h-he didn't, hurt me, or anything, I promise. He was nice. Why do you... ask?
before, I was not a witch
643 Posts
Ooc — tazi

Prince Naberius.

There’s a stiffened nod. Her gaze on the maidservant softens.

“I’m relieved to hear this,” dark lips say little but her golden eyes bear warmth. “You can trust me, Inji.”

Children of laborers often come to adulthood faster than their freed counterparts. Like so many before them, Eset too had been led to show herself to be older than she is. There was some amount of caring that had been left in the dust on the floors of her shiel. There had to be. But what was she without the rest of it?

A tense smile is for the girl, then she turns and slips around a hallway of columns.
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Something about the way Eset had asked about Naberius gave a prickly feeling to her stomach. Why did it matter? Why did she want to know?
She can trust her. She wanted to, she did! And perhaps it was nothing; perhaps it had merely been her own anxieties. There was no reason not to! Right?
Okay, and she gives a polite nod, downy eyes following as she slips through the doorway from which she came.
With a puff of air from her lips, Inji resolves to return to her work. Perhaps she'd now tend to that particularly stagnant room at the end of the hall.