Ouroboros Spine BWP: TSS Little Fairies
547 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Backdating to the first of July please so i can keep my timeline pretty decent. This prompt Your character discovers fairy circles in an unlikely place.

Ajei moved through the pack lands, Delight in her features. She was learning the lay of the land and becoming well versed in the travels of those that shared these lands with them. It wasn't often thats he strayed far from mama or Chiteo or one of the other puppies, But today. WEll today she had left the river and the meadows and instead headed towards the cavern system she had seen, but not entered. The dark compact floor made her wonder and she smelled other wolves there though they were stale. She wondered when they had been there. Mama said they were healing dens for when a wolf was sick or hurt. This made the little girl sad and she wanted to help where she could, but no one was around.

So instead she settled on curious wanderings, but imagine her surprise when she found to her delight fairy circles of grass and leaves. They had fallen in such a way along the dark and dirt that they made the prettiest circles. Simple in design. She cooed at them and sniffed gently. She had been told stories of fairies. The tricky little things, but they usually stayed near water and meadows, what on earth were they doing in the dirt near the healing dens. Three perfectly round fairy circles.

She gave a loud awwoooo to whomever happened to be near her. Delighted to share in this new find. Though she would have to be cautious. You dare not mess with fairies homes or circles it could cause great and terrible things. Her tail wagged joyously.
375 Posts
Ooc — ebony
bending my timeline a bit! <3

knowing she had new little siblings in brecheliant made chickadee homesick in a way never before. but she decided to make herself useful, eventually deciding to visit moonglow while she figured everything out.
she found ajei out and about, moving with a determined air that she hadn't remembered seeing in the girl before. chickadee howled back, then snickered as she approached. "whoa!" she stared about at the ethereal place of greenery. had that been there before too?
"what did you find?" she asked, tail waving.
547 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thank you for Joining! <3

Ajei was the youngest she believed of the pack babies in Moonglow. That was okay. But sometimes she wished for littler ones, just because she wanted to play and little things fascinated her. 

Ajei looked up at her with wide eyes. They be fairy rings, but fairies be tricky! Sneakier than brother otter! What should we do?

Then she glanced at them again with both awe and a little fear. Fairie rings were not for the faint hearted. What if they came and stole her away!
375 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"hmm!" chickadee said, tilting her head to one side as she wished to indicate she was giving it good thought. "fairies like ... gifts, right? little things. like berries. or maybe something nice. a rock, or a stick."
she was rambling, and cleared her throat. "what if we found some things and brought them back. just to like, say sorry if we disturbed the fairies. what do you think, ajei?"
547 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei looked back at the rings and studied them from all angles. Unsure what to do. I think so. Fairies like them things, but they also tricky, tricky.

Ajei looked up at Chickadee with an adoring face and smile. She always had an answer for Ajei and it helped her often. She gave a soft chuttering sound and nodded. Yes please. You help me find pretty flowers and berries and mm. She stuck her tongue out in thought. River rocks?
375 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"yeah! river rocks and maybe some of those yellow flowers that grow close," chickadee exulted, falling deeper into the game. "you lead!" she would follow ajei, prancing happily after the girl.
"rocks from beside the river? or under the water, do you think, ajei?" the iota asked conversationally.
547 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Yellow flowers that grow close. She had to think about it. Then noddee. Yea those would work. 

so pretty

Ajei proudly lead her head lifted and her tail swaying gently. It was nice to find things for the fairies.

Ajei stopped and wrinkled her brow. Mm. Under. Mama say it cleansing.
375 Posts
Ooc — ebony
can fade this! <3

"under, then!" chickadee would spend some time fishing out those stones for the girl, exclaiming here and there over a particularly vibrant one.
and then she would help ajei carry them where she would, feeling quite pleased at her contributions to this day.
547 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei enjoy3d thectimexspent with the she wolf Cjickadee. It was like having an older sibling. Chiteo was often out on adventires and Mojag hadn't come home yet.

As they set it. A sense of calm stole 9ver the girl and she smiled.