Ouroboros Spine Midnight, somewhere
51 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 

Returning to the place of their birth was a mixed and uncertain feeling; joy tinged with sorrow, relief tainted by dread. There was no way to know what they might find. That brief reunion with Vairë felt a million miles away — and what of their mother? Lómion? Wilwarin?

None of those scents came to them as they approached the outskirts of Moonglow's claim. Inkalorë hesitated only for a moment, then called out for their sister, whose scent was here — and for Kukutux herself, who seemed eternal. She had never left. Ink sometimes wished that she had been their mother.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
A call roused upon the border. One which rang out to both Kukutux and his daughter Vaire. Aiolos followed the call and followed the scent, one which was a vague memory in his mind now. 

There was a wolf ahead- one of creamy tan with a cloak of gold and dusty purple eyes. He knew this wolf, Aiolos realized. Inkalorë, he called out the wolf's name and drew nearer, a soft smile on his creamy mug. It's good to see you again.. And my, had they grown.
moonglow daddy
51 Posts
Ooc — xynien
It wasn't Vairë or Kukutux who answered their call, but Aiolos! Inkalorë, who remembered the man fondly, was immediately thrilled to see him. Aiolos! They called out, rushing over to hug him. It had been so long since they'd seen him!

Oh, it's good to see you too! Where's Vairë? Is Lómi here? What about Wil? And how are you, how is everyone, what - Here they had to stop for air. Not for long, though! What happened while I was gone? Ink finished, a little breathless.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
There is a laughter which comes from Aiolos as Ink rushes him to offer a wolfish hug. Aiolos lifts a ginger foreleg to wrap it around Ink in return. This child wasn't his own, but Aiolos had treated them as such. In fact, Aiolos didnt even know if Lote had told them any differently. @Vairë had never revealed so at least. 
Another laugh then, as a flood of questions is thrown his way. Oh, a great deal of things... He murmurs. Lets head in while I think. He would ponder and offer Ink to walk with him and maybe they would pick up others along the way.
Lómi and Wilwarin are not here. I have not seen them since you all lived in Neverwinter, though your mother has passed through a number of times. She moves in and out like the tides. He spoke with a small smile. 

Yet Vaire is with us and is mother now of three. You are an aunt also through Sialuk and Saman-. His voice cuts off, a frown deep on his features. Your seaside sister has passed giving birth to two sons. 

And then, doing his best to shove down that reminder of his daughter gone, You have younger siblings, as well... Come to think of it, Aiolos didnt even think they had met Callyope, Ariadne or Stratos, either, two seasons ago.
moonglow daddy
51 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Ink realized quickly that they may have overwhelmed Aiolos with their questions, but the man took it in stride. They obliged his request to walk with him, listening intently when he began to speak. Of their siblings, only one remained; Vaire had been by the sea when last they'd seen her, but now she was here, and a mother! Ink was shocked and awed by this, but kept quiet so that Aiolos could finish.

An aunt, he called them, and they were not sure how they felt about that. Ink was neither aunt nor uncle, they felt, but what then could they be called? This, the unending dilemma of their life; they searched always for a place where they might fit and, always, the answer was nowhere.

But these were thoughts for another time. A sister gone, one they'd never met, but their ears lowered in solemn sympathy all the same. So many new children, They commented softly. Can I meet them? Can I - can I stay here? Here; home; the place they wished they'd never left.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
An aunt - or maybe uncle? Perhaps just family. Just Inkalore, too, was fine. It was a subject which Aiolos had never gotten himself to tangled up in. A mistake which their true father had done, for not simply accepting what was. Their real father had walked out on the whole family because of it and Aiolos had taken the mantle in stead. 

To Aiolos, they smelt different. A little boy, a little girl... and their parts? Well, Aiolos was a simple man. He didn't need to know the why or how. He accepted the pup, whatever gender or both it were, just as much so as he did now. 

A great many. He would grin down at Inkalore as they walked through one of the forests of home and out into the open, the expanse of the great lake before them both. Of course you can. Moonglow is home to you, as much so as any of the other Moon Tribes. There are Moonspear and Moontide. You can visit them all and meet everyone.
moonglow daddy
51 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Home had grown so very large! Inkalorë's eyes went wide, shining a little with the beginning of tears. Home. They were home, and they would never leave again.

I'm happy to be back. I've missed you all, They said, smiling and touching their nose to Aiolos's shoulder. Who leads Moonspear and Moontide? One of their siblings, they assumed! They knew that Vairë had been at the coast, but now she was here... well, they would just have to get the story on that one later.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Since I believe this was before Samani died...

Aiolos lowers his head, touching his nose to Inkalorë's crown as she touched his russet shoulder. 

Sisters Sialuk leads Moonspear, bringing it to life like her blood of Ostrega before her. He says with a smile, feeling as though her long gone blood relatives would be proud of her for doing so. 

Samani along with husband Rodyn leads Moontide. Samani has taken a love to the sea, as I.
moonglow daddy