Firefly Glen time well met,
Bearclaw Valley
She never asked me once about the wrong I did,
461 Posts
Ooc — honey
Pack Formation 
The first hints of dawn barely broke through the horizon, a dim wash of light spilling over the rugged path Cole and @Arnarkla had carved out over the past few days. It was colder than usual, the sharp bite of morning lingering in the air, but Cole took a steadying breath, shaking off the chill as he glanced at the shape of Arnarkla nestled nearby. She was still, but he could tell by her breathing that she hadn’t fully surrendered to sleep.

Quietly, he leaned over and gave her a gentle nudge with his muzzle, his touch both reassuring and grounding. Ain't nothin' to worry 'bout, he murmured softly. There was a calm encouragement in his voice, a reminder that he was there, just as steadfast as he’d been the day before.

Satisfied, Cole lifted his head, gaze tracing the sky as he steadied his paws. Then, with a careful roll of his shoulders, he tilted his head back and let out a low, rumbling call for @Ameline, his voice carrying over the morning stillness, echoing in the space between trees and rocks. It was an invitation, a signal to begin the day’s journey, but threaded through it was the hint of anticipation, of an awaited reunion and a path well-worn.

common; · speaks with southern drawl;
guarding the valley bts.
ᴀɴᴀᴛᴏʟɪᴀ ᵐᵃʸ ʲᵒⁱⁿ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈˢ, ˡᵉˢᵗ ᵖʳⁱᵛᵃᵗᵉ
when you're lost in the darkness,
look for the light.
71 Posts
Ooc — River
The mountain wolf was bound in a ball in a bed of fallen leaves, nose tucked under a hind leg with her tail wrapped around. Silvern eyes were softly shut but her left ear was alert. Deep sleep had been a rare occurrence of late. 

Movement made her ear twitched, and then a soft nudge followed. Eyes opened, half-lidded. She heard the words uttered, and then remembered the pack he had mentioned. 

Cole howled, Arnarkla sat up stiffly. Her body shook slightly as she flexed the muscles of her legs, back, and then neck in a subdued stretch. 

Her gaze turned eastward, where the sun would be rising. Already, the highest spires of the mountains were alight like torches. That was always the best place to watch the sunrise, she thought, from the mountains. A soft sigh escaped, a cloud of vapor from her nose that faded quickly. 

She smacked her lips, and then asked: What are they called, again? Bear-something.
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,107 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
She'd noticed the tall man's absence, but given his situation she had come to the assumption that he might be off, looking to see if there was anyone in the area that he knew. She knew there was a chance that he could cross paths with an acquaintance- and that it might either lure him back to his homelands, or drive him to hide. As far as she could tell, he had some secrets- and she was happy to leave him with them. 

They all had secrets, after all. And they'd all get along better if they respected that fact.

She stretched, warming up her muscles with a shake, pausing in a deep bow when she heard Cole call for her. She murmured a few words to her husband, fussed over one of the girls' bedhead, and then began to meander out into the treeline where the call had come from. 

He was doing the polite thing, she thought. Letting her know he'd found his way home. She went forward with the assumption that she'd yet again be down another potential packmate. 

Chin up. Maybe at least Milana will still be in the Valley when you get home...

He looked well, when she caught sight of him. Better than before- considering that he looked even more content with a pretty woman at his side. Her eyebrow raised, but her lips pulled up faintly in amusement. She appraised the woman briefly, noting her health, the thickening of her pelt, the moonbeam shade of her eyes and the light tilt of her head which she assumed was due to curiosity. She gave a nod of her chin to Cole, and drew to a halt. 

"Makin' friendth I thee," She said. She wouldn't presume that out of the two women, she knew Cole better. For all she knew, perhaps this was a childhood friend who had also found themselves drawn to the pack hunt; regardless, she smelled like a lone wolf.
Bearclaw Valley
She never asked me once about the wrong I did,
461 Posts
Ooc — honey
Bearclaw Valley, Cole uttered under his breath as they drew near, his eyes tracing the familiar rise of the mountains surrounding them, shaded in the first light of morning. A sense of belonging settled over him, like the kind of weight you welcome after a long trek. He glanced at Arnarkla with a flicker of warmth in his gaze, silently hoping she’d find something of interest here herself.

It wasn’t long before Ameline appeared, her gait easy but her eyes sharp as ever. There was a glint of understanding in her expression as she took in Arnarkla at his side, and Cole’s head dipped in respect as he greeted her.

Ameline, he said, his tone steady, respectful. This is Arnarkla. Found her wanderin' 'bouts, and I figured she ought to know what makes this place somethin’ worth comin' back to. He gestured between the two with a quiet confidence, as if the introduction was more than just words, more like a bridge that he hoped they’d both be willing to cross.

Turning his head slightly, he added with a touch of his characteristic humor, Seems you caught us on the right end of the hunt—when the valley’s got its own kind of welcome waitin’.

common; · speaks with southern drawl;
guarding the valley bts.
ᴀɴᴀᴛᴏʟɪᴀ ᵐᵃʸ ʲᵒⁱⁿ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈˢ, ˡᵉˢᵗ ᵖʳⁱᵛᵃᵗᵉ
when you're lost in the darkness,
look for the light.
71 Posts
Ooc — River
Bearclaw Valley. She tucked the name away with a small nod. Idly, she pondered the choice of name. What it could have meant or symbolized. But not every moniker required depth, it could be as plain as the words. 

Her gaze was torn from the mountains and sunrise, briefly catching Cole looking at her before the arrival of a third drew her attention. She gave her coat a brief shake. Honeyed ebony, the stranger's coat. A bit taller than herself and better built. The trait of well-fed wolves. Arnarkla had lost some of her own weight over the moons. 

Left ear flicked toward the young woman speaking. It sounded like a thick accent warbled the words. 

Cole shepherded introductions. Her head dipped when her name was given. 

Ameline— she tested the name with her own thick mountain accent— pleasure. A small, polite smile lightened her umbral face.
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,107 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian

A glimmer; a name she could pronounce, and it began with an A. She sensed something happening- stars aligning, so to speak. Cole spoke now with a warmth, with a humour that she'd only just begun to coax from him. Arnarkla, it seemed, had unlocked whatever he had kept gated. He referred now to the hunt, to the valley- and she breathed a deep, freeing breath, and nodded. 

To Arnarkla, an appreciative smile was given. "Mine ath well." Her voice was warm. She saw value in the pair- especially now, that they seem to have bonded. [b]"It'th the arthe end of the hunt, now; we'll be leavin' for the Valley thoon, takin' all the meat we can carry...Thome honey, too, if my daughterth haven't eaten it all yet, She said with a light chortle. Aaaand maybe one or two ekthtra theth of pawth an' teeth too, if yuh lookin' to come back to the Valley with uth,:: She said. After all, she assumed that Cole was orchestrating this introduction, now, as a means of getting Arnarkla an invitation as well.
Bearclaw Valley
She never asked me once about the wrong I did,
461 Posts
Ooc — honey
Cole leaned slightly closer to Arnarkla, offering her a gentle nudge with his shoulder. His gaze was steady, encouraging her to consider the opportunity.

See? Ain't so bad. We’ll learn together, he said, keeping it simple. His tone was warm, filled with hope, but he let the silence hang in the air, allowing her the space to decide for herself.

With a subtle nod toward Ameline, he added, The valley’s waitin’ for ya— maybe some honey, too.

common; · speaks with southern drawl;
guarding the valley bts.
ᴀɴᴀᴛᴏʟɪᴀ ᵐᵃʸ ʲᵒⁱⁿ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈˢ, ˡᵉˢᵗ ᵖʳⁱᵛᵃᵗᵉ
when you're lost in the darkness,
look for the light.
71 Posts
Ooc — River
The occasional word was regrettably missed—common was a second tongue—but she managed to piece things together. Cole's response aided in her comprehension. Food, honey—possibly—both appealed to a hungry lone wolf.

If you'll have me, she said with a small nod.

She couldn't help herself from anticipating some clash of personalities or views. Expect the worst, never hope: no disappointments. If nothing else, it was a matter of convenience for all involved: extra sets of teeth and paws, as Ameline put it. Cole's enthusiasm was a spur, fueled her intrigue.

How many of you are there? she asked.

Ameline had mentioned daughters. Young for whelps, she thought.
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,107 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
She hadn’t signed up to audit a chemistry class, but she was certainly watching one right now. Cole and Arnarkla? Seemingly an item; the man moved quickly, finding himself both a home a pretty woman to share it with. 

Of courthe, She said. We’ll give yuh a trial, anyway, thee how it workth out fuh all of uth, but the valley’th a good plathe to call home. She reasoned. They’d found a good deal- especially considering they could hold the claim of being members of the valley as it was re-claimed.

Ath puh memberth, She said, gesturing so that they could follow her and meet the rest of her crew. There’th me an’ my huthband, Anthuhlin. Tholid guy, good hunter, great father. I’m biathed of courthe but Cole met him, She said, allowing him a moment to vouch. We got five daughterth- one yearling an’ four from thith year. We altho got Milana, who’th holdin’ the borderth. We had a few otherth, but, She said and shrugged. Wandererth, She explained simply.
Bearclaw Valley
She never asked me once about the wrong I did,
461 Posts
Ooc — honey
Cole dipped his head with a quick, quiet nod, casting a sidelong glance at Arnarkla as if gauging her thoughts. Ancelin's a good man, from what little I seen, he said, the words simple but sincere. The man struck him as sturdy—a fitting piece in a place with this much promise.

He fell in line with Ameline, moving with a steady, easy pace, watching Arnarkla out of the corner of his eye. The Valley offered something close to a second chance, a thought that carried just enough weight to linger on as he walked beside her, silently hopeful.

Cole's gaze drifted briefly over the valley’s horizon, then back to Arnarkla, the edges of his mouth lifting in a small, unreadable smirk. He could already feel the tug of the valley settling into him, grounding him in a way he hadn’t expected. The place had a promise he could respect, and the pack seemed solid, a rare blend of grit and ease. Even from his short time here, he felt the strength of it, and part of him wondered if it was what Arnarkla needed too.

He trod alongside her, taking note of the steady strength in her steps. The thought that they might both be looking for something familiar yet new lingered as he spoke quietly, almost to himself, A place worth callin’ home, maybe. And for a moment, there was a warmth in his voice that didn’t often make its way to the surface.

common; · speaks with southern drawl;
guarding the valley bts.
ᴀɴᴀᴛᴏʟɪᴀ ᵐᵃʸ ʲᵒⁱⁿ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈˢ, ˡᵉˢᵗ ᵖʳⁱᵛᵃᵗᵉ
when you're lost in the darkness,
look for the light.
71 Posts
Ooc — River
She nodded at the prospect of a trial—appreciated it, even. A sign that not just any wolf could slither into the ranks. 

Arnarkla moved to follow, gaze resting on Ameline as she spoke. Whelps aside, it sounded like a small pack. Familial, intimate. Her eyes shifted to Cole when he gave his own thoughts on the mate, Ancelin. She wondered if it was Ameline who stood furthermost on the helm. Outside of the family, it seemed Cole and Milana were the only other members. 

He uttered a chance of finding a home in them. The mountain wolf hummed softly in a thought of her own. 

But there were other logistics to delve into. 

May I ask of the Valley's values? What you strive to achieve and represent?
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,107 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Cole seemed easy enough to please. He wanted a home, a place to put down roots, the regularity of routine, security, food…All things that most packs would be able to offer, though some might come with some beliefs tied in, rituals, rites, and rules. 

Arnarkla, it seemed, wanted to know more before pledging herself. Aneline thought it was clever of her to ask. 

Shure, She willingly obliged. Family, firtht. Not jutht blood family, but chothen family. Anthuhlin an’ I grew up togethuh in a pack where the leaduh favoured her own kin ovuh all otherth. She raithed uth to think that if we worked hard an’ proved ourthelveth, that we’d mattuh…But ath thoon ath I thtepped up to lead when the pack needed me the motht, an’ rightfully won thparth to prove my thrength, she thaid I either had tuh fathe her an’ her children all at onthe or get the fuck out. She allowed that to settle in. I raithed huh kidth when she’d bailed on the pack a couple a timeth but they altho wuh raithed to worship her, tho…We left. 

A fair spar was one thing- but to stand against Avicus and her children would have spilled too much blood- and Ameline would have never forgiven herself for harming those she had considered to be family.

We’uh not doin’ that. Wuh gonna make a plathe where commitment payth off, an’ where loyalty matterth. Where you come from, doethn’t matter ath much, tho long ath you leave it behind an’ work in the life you have now. She said. We’uh jutht tryin’ to make a plathe in the world that maketh thenthe.
Bearclaw Valley
She never asked me once about the wrong I did,
461 Posts
Ooc — honey
Cole took in Ameline's words with a subtle nod, his gaze fixed intently on her as she recounted her story. There was a certain resonance in her vision—this idea of a family that wasn’t bound by blood but by choice, by loyalty proven over time. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard someone speak of fractured loyalties or harsh rules, but her resolve to build something different stirred something in him.

A place where loyalty mattered. It was a simple enough premise, yet there was weight to it, a solid ground he’d longed to stand on. He didn’t have much to say, not now, but he let his silence hold, a quiet acknowledgment that he was listening, taking her words to heart.

common; · speaks with southern drawl;
guarding the valley bts.
ᴀɴᴀᴛᴏʟɪᴀ ᵐᵃʸ ʲᵒⁱⁿ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈˢ, ˡᵉˢᵗ ᵖʳⁱᵛᵃᵗᵉ
when you're lost in the darkness,
look for the light.
71 Posts
Ooc — River
Her left ear focused on Ameline's words. Backstory was given to paint the full picture of the pack's vision. The sentiment rang familiar to the mountain wolf. She couldn't tell whether that was a good or bad thing—it ultimately depended on the leader's own resolution and the strength of the bond between their followers. 

Whether or not Arnarkla would fit as Ameline may imagine was still in the air. Regardless, there was a winter to get through. There, common ground could be found. 

A small smile was given as she praised: It seems you are already on your way to outshining your past leader. If I can, I will assist.
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,107 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
She drew in a breath, and released it slowly. She wondered sometimes if she had been brainwashed to believe that the wolves of Redtail Rise considered her to be valuable, to be family. Being outcast had rattled her; all the love she had had for her former leader had been stripped down. She missed what Avicus had been to her when she had been young- but also wished that she had seen through the woman’s concern and pride earlier.

I’m tryin’. She said. It was the best she could do. Currently, it seemed to be paying off- though the pack had dwindled down to only its core members, they seemed to have gathered three more in a short period of time. 

Leading a pack was a game of patience. 

What kinda roleth do you thee yourthelveth wantin’? She asked. We all kind of pitch in, in all wayth right now- but onthe we get more memberth, we like to have folkth focuth on a trade, or a thpecialty. Patrolling, hunting, medithine, childcare, et thetera, She explained. She was curious to find where their interests fell.
Bearclaw Valley
She never asked me once about the wrong I did,
461 Posts
Ooc — honey
Cole listened carefully, nodding in quiet agreement with Arnarkla’s praise. Ameline was trying her best, and from what he could see, she had a solid vision, even if it was still forming. Her openness about her past leader hinted at some scars she was carrying—but she was moving forward regardless. That kind of resilience wasn’t easy to come by.

When Ameline asked about roles, he took a moment, considering. I’m fine taking up hunting and patrolling, he offered, meeting her gaze evenly. Been at both a long while. A small, almost sheepish smirk tugged at his lips. Kids, though… can’t say I’d be all good of a sitter. He gave a short shrug, trying to hide the uncertainty behind his usual confidence.

It seemed like a good place to start, though. With winter ahead, keeping the pack fed and safe was as straightforward a duty as any—and something he could do without question.

common; · speaks with southern drawl;
guarding the valley bts.
ᴀɴᴀᴛᴏʟɪᴀ ᵐᵃʸ ʲᵒⁱⁿ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈˢ, ˡᵉˢᵗ ᵖʳⁱᵛᵃᵗᵉ
when you're lost in the darkness,
look for the light.
71 Posts
Ooc — River
Ameline asked of specialities. After a beat, Cole was the first to answer and her left ear focused on him. His remark on babysitting had a ghost of a smile softening her face as she chipped in with a soft Likewise.

And then her gaze returned to Ameline. 

I can also hunt and guard.
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,107 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
With the girls in their teenage phase, they needed little in the way of supervision. Hunters and guardians were what the pack needed most- and she got the feeling that Milana might actually make for a suitable babysitter, when whelping season came around again.

And perhaps by that point, she and Ancelin might not be the only ones having children; she would not count those chicks yet, but she had already begun to hope that Cole and Arnarkla might make a good match.

That’th jutht what we need for now. She said. Our firtht priority when we get back will be to make sure we got food thtashed away if the winter get-th though. She explained. The valley’th got a meadow near it, we hunt there. Oh- She said, struck by something she thought was important to share. There are othuh packth nearby- Thwiftcurrent Creek an’ Kvartheim. Were on good termth with ‘em. Well probably hunt with ‘em through the wintuh.
Bearclaw Valley
She never asked me once about the wrong I did,
461 Posts
Ooc — honey
Cole listened, his gaze shifting over to Arnarkla for a moment, catching her expression before glancing back to Ameline. Talk of nearby packs gave him pause, a small nod acknowledging the value in those alliances. Swiftcurrent Creek and Kvarsheim—names he’d need to remember. If winter pressed hard, having friends on the borders might be just as important as food stashed away.

Sounds like you’ve got good neighbors, he replied, adjusting the weight of the kill on his shoulders. These pups’ll need every bit we can bring in, he added, his voice light but serious. He hadn't thought of anything for himself, nor did he intend to— did he?

common; · speaks with southern drawl;
guarding the valley bts.
ᴀɴᴀᴛᴏʟɪᴀ ᵐᵃʸ ʲᵒⁱⁿ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈˢ, ˡᵉˢᵗ ᵖʳⁱᵛᵃᵗᵉ
when you're lost in the darkness,
look for the light.
71 Posts
Ooc — River
The names of neighboring packs—allies—were heeded. Having good connections showed some more promise of the Valley. The prospect of such large group hunts intrigued her. She pondered the size of the prey they may bring down.

At Cole's sentiment of needing to bring in food, she made a hum of agreement.
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,107 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
We’re pretty lucky in that way, She admitted. She hadn’t always wanted to have friendly neighbours- she hadn’t wanted neighbours at all for some time. But they’d grown on her, and the idea of having allies for hunting and defence purposes certainly seemed like a good one. 

I’ll introduthe ya to the fam, an’ we’ll get a bite to eat. How’th that thound? She offered, looking in particular to Arnarkla who would be the newest member of their pack, if she wasn’t deterred by her boisterous daughters.

Last reply for me :) feel free to archive this once you’ve replied and it can count toward our founding threads :D
Bearclaw Valley
She never asked me once about the wrong I did,
461 Posts
Ooc — honey
Cole's ears perked as Ameline suggested introducing them to her pack and promised a meal to go along with it. A good idea, he thought, and a warm welcome was something he wouldn’t mind, either. Giving a low nod, he rumbled, Sounds like a plan.

With that, he fell into step behind Ameline, casting a brief, assuring glance at Arnarkla. Though he'd never imagined himself much of a pack wolf, the valley had an unspoken allure—a mix of kinship and calm.

common; · speaks with southern drawl;
guarding the valley bts.
ᴀɴᴀᴛᴏʟɪᴀ ᵐᵃʸ ʲᵒⁱⁿ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈˢ, ˡᵉˢᵗ ᵖʳⁱᵛᵃᵗᵉ
when you're lost in the darkness,
look for the light.
71 Posts
Ooc — River
The prospect of food set her tail to swaying at her hocks. Given what Ameline mentioned, meeting the rest of the pack didn't seem too overwhelming. A small group.

Arnarkla gave a nod of her own with her soft smile.