Swiftcurrent Creek who would trade that hum at night
Home. Home, but not home — not really, he thinks. His ears fold back over his skull, eyes trained to the ground as he walks. Each step leaves half a pawprint of bright spotty blood, the earth tearing his flesh anew with each impact, but he hardly feels it. Home is with Helios. Even if the rest of their family was here, here where they belong instead of crushed under some rocks next to some stupid mountain, the Creek would not be his home. It never had been.
I hate you, He announces to the air, halting. The words feel good, somehow, like scratching an itch he's never been able to reach before. He tries again. I hate you. His heart is beating fast now, breaths coming just as quick, and he revels in it, though he can't quite tell if the feeling is joy or panic. I HATE YOU! For not being my home, for not giving me peace, for not teaching me and protecting me and loving me the way you did all the others —
And suddenly he isn't sure who he'd been talking to. Certainly not the girl he sees too late in the distance. Oh, shit. He freezes, face flushing, and simply stares.
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Messages In This Thread
who would trade that hum at night - by Clementine - November 28, 2019, 09:38 AM
RE: who would trade that hum at night - by Zephyr - November 28, 2019, 10:05 AM
RE: who would trade that hum at night - by Clementine - November 28, 2019, 10:32 AM
RE: who would trade that hum at night - by Zephyr - December 16, 2019, 08:17 PM