Two Eyes Cenote floral and fading
before, I was not a witch
713 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Master Advisor
Everything about Eset was faraway, but to her credit she’d been contending well enough with her tasks. She found if she fixated on her breaths she could hone her focus for a time.

If flaws were visible in her work, Eset had not been made aware. She knew how to forge a familiar face. She’d been doing it her whole life.

The hebsut had been scrubbing the slick blue surface of limestone when her breaths were joined by another.

“Good morning, Obelisk,” she stands to attention, spinning to greet the princess Nefari with a reverent bow.
Messages In This Thread
floral and fading - by Nefari - December 05, 2023, 02:51 PM
RE: floral and fading - by Eset - December 05, 2023, 03:11 PM