Jade Fern Grove 976-EVIL
229 Posts
Ooc — Twin
her throat clamps shut on itself. mulherin did not even seem to notice her and this woman, who apparently he also did not know, was talking about — children, and a dying guy and some sickness.
and mulherin was not himself. he is frenzied, manic in a way dinah had never seen before or really even thought him capable of.
she freezes, gaze frantically bouncing between the two. wh-what are you talking about? she mutters breathlessly, taking a step or two back, away, away; did something happen at the rise? the;
she remembers a comment he'd made once about his sister and her brood. those were — the only kids she knew to live nearby. oh, no, oh;
mulherin, she whimpers, pleading silently that he will look at her, that she could snap him out of whatever plagued his psyche. tell me what happened. i can help.
love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
it always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Messages In This Thread
976-EVIL - by Mulherin - June 29, 2024, 12:33 AM
RE: 976-EVIL - by Lilitu - June 29, 2024, 10:32 AM
RE: 976-EVIL - by Dinah - June 29, 2024, 10:33 AM
RE: 976-EVIL - by Mulherin - July 02, 2024, 12:30 PM
RE: 976-EVIL - by Lilitu - July 02, 2024, 03:12 PM
RE: 976-EVIL - by Dinah - July 02, 2024, 03:33 PM