Luneshale Pass Fingers Tearing Through the Ground
431 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Venom poured out his mouth from a sizzling throat. A snarl that hit the air like a whip and cracked the ears.

A cloud of dark dust ran off into the wind behind his tall figure.

And next he ran for her and her entire body shut down. Cowering, neck twisting to not dare look for a moment, legs curling into a terrible collapse. Eyes, coming to a shut until the beating sound of running came to an eerie stop.

When she opened her eyes and he was not towering her figure with foaming teeth and blood red eyes, was it wrong to have wished for an embrace from someone?

To understand how that felt?

Even if maybe they did not know each other well at all.
Machiavelli did not know what she had done.

He backed away from her. Maybe second guessing, or maybe it was never the intention at all, and because she was breathing and not yet dead and decomposing, intention no longer mattered to the demon. Never did at all. Only answers now.

And suddenly those big doe eyes caught Machi's and became a child's gaze that had been buried away. Scrambling on legs that felt all too big for her now, and then leaning forward-- the raspiness of a shrill voice breaking through in wounded cracks, "What did I do?" And,

"Why did you leave me?"

And why did she speak towards more ears than his?
Messages In This Thread
Fingers Tearing Through the Ground - by Machiavelli - September 21, 2024, 12:00 AM
RE: Fingers Tearing Through the Ground - by Legend - 6 hours ago