Ocean's Breath Plateau aäiáaaàuliq ⪤
Daddy Moonglow
1,056 Posts
Ooc — Vami
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Master Guardian
The old pair traveled. Aiolos had done it far too many times to count. He navigated as well as he had always, just a bit slower as he went. Again, he was happy that the hunts had not been far north-east in the alpines this year. 

Kukutux spat a tooth into the sands and the sea gobbled it up. A piece of herself offered to Sea, indeed. 

When they moved to the death ulaq of their daughter to their eldest litter, they helped one another pull the hides from their backed, wrapped up haphazardly onto their torso with vine and thin root. Placing the gifts onto the grave, Aiolos takes a heavy breath. A year, a daughter gone. A second year, a daughter of a second litter gone. Aiolos worried of @Galana in the year to follow. He would not tell his wife. He wouldn't speak it into existence. 

My sea-side girl... Whispered.
moonglow daddy
Messages In This Thread
aäiáaaàuliq ⪤ - by Kukutux - December 08, 2024, 10:18 PM
RE: aäiáaaàuliq ⪤ - by Aiolos - December 08, 2024, 11:07 PM
RE: aäiáaaàuliq ⪤ - by Kukutux - January 02, 2025, 06:09 PM