Stone Circle the air is dense as my back sticks to the leather
204 Posts
Ooc — jem
ebullience decorated the smile pressed upon her lips as she watched west exclaim their finds to his mother, the swish of her feathery tail consistent as it wagged lazily behind her. amusement sparked within the lustre of her look at his information about all the different prey situations, intrigued as to how such a thing had failed to capture her attention in the slightest. but she was immediately appreciative of his comment about the river reflecting her gleam upon the trees, always pleased to see anyone perceptive of the little beauties the world presented to them each day. still grinning, her gaze would only shift from her travelling companion when valette spoke up, eagerly attentive at her query. her nose would proceed to scrunch up in concentration, brows furrowed with determination to impress the master ranger. 'the mountain i believed to have crushed my family' was surely enough of a landmark for her to remember but that was not thinking with the mind of a scout, she had to be able to gather and present the information in ways that would help others. "we went for that peak, the huge one you can kind of see from here. so tall that the top is always dusted in snow even in the height of summer! of course we didn't even attempt to go near the top, we wandered around its slopes to the other side uh...thinking of the comment on fauna she supplied "not a lot of animals there but there was these ones with cool curling horns! like fuzzy, stout deer and um, then we walked along this ridge that overlooks the vale. it's a lot scarier than it looks because its got all these crazy little peaks as if the whole thing is spiky but inbetween them there's actually lots of nooks full of verdant life and little streams

her gaze was simply ecstatic at her breathless finish, enjoying being able to recall and supply the information of their travels almost as much as she enjoyed partaking in them. "she was very nice, ira, her pack made me quite curious to try this fish...she arched a brow to west, curious as to whether he had any such desires. she'd found the glint of their scales in the sun kissed waters mesmerizing and had felt a stronger draw to them than she ever had to gently staring deer. stretching her tired muscles out, her chin remained tipped in pleasure at the praise, unable to resist basking in it a little.
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RE: the air is dense as my back sticks to the leather - by RIP Polaris - June 16, 2020, 06:14 PM