Redhawk Caldera Ashes, ashes, we all fall down
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 

His wounded shoulder was no stiffer than the rest of his body this morning as he rolled from his warm sleeping space, yawned, stretched and mentally prepared himself for a patrol. He glanced down at the sleeping Fox, taking a moment to bend down and nibble at the tip of one ear. It flicked but she didn't rouse. Smiling to himself, the Alpha male pivoted, his head raising and his tail flicking upward over his hips as he strode from the rendezvous site toward the eastern borders.

He found his path blocked by none other than Ferret, who he hadn't seen since the incident. Peregrine's mouth opened to say—he wasn't sure. Before he could get a word out, his son struck. He was typically already on edge around his unpredictable eldest, yet he was not prepared for the genuine hostility of this attack. Ferret's fangs burrowed into the crook between his shoulder and throat, close enough to Peregrine's jugular for the father to realize the deadly intent. Fortunately for him, Ferret was still young and unskilled enough that he had missed his target.

With alarm bells sounding in his head—had his child really just tried to go for his throat?—Peregrine blinked and then reacted. He arched his head and bit at the nearest part of Ferret he could reach, which happened to be one of his ears. He yanked on it, causing Ferret to yelp and release, flinging himself backward. The swarthy father only had enough time to spit out the scrap of his son's ear and brace himself before the incensed youngster flung himself at Peregrine once more, tail raised in a flagrant challenge to the Alpha's authority even as he made another genuine attempt to tear out the leader's throat.

But he was ready for him this time and dodged the youth's quick but imprecise attack. Peregrine then snarled and rounded on the youngster, grabbing him by the scruff and roughly manhandling him until he got Ferret on his back. Pinning the squirming youngster to the ground, he looked into his son's eyes and saw actual hatred looking back at him. It pierced his heart like an arrow. Ferret had always been a difficult child but the Redhawk monarch had never anticipated this.

"I'm only going to let you live because you're my son," he said lowly, not sure if Ferret would even hear over all his struggling. He swallowed thickly. Peregrine couldn't trust the teenager any longer. He had proved twice now that he would attack unprovoked. He was a threat not only to the Alpha male but everyone else in the pack. "Get the fuck out," he said woodenly, sliding off his son to let him get up, head and tail arching with authority as he dared the Firebird to try anything else.

Ferret was one angry son of a bitch but he wasn't completely stupid. Glaring at Peregrine in a way that reminded him eerily of Junior, the pup skulked away toward no man's land, muttering curses under his breath. Only when he got far enough away did he actually turn back and hurl several loud and nasty epithets at the Alpha male. Peregrine tolerated this for a few moments but when Ferret dared to take one step back in his direction, the swarthy wolf snapped and lunged. Fortunately, the cowardly youth spun and fled.

The Redhawk stood there for a while afterward, waiting to see if Ferret would try to return. He was also trying to process everything that had happened. When Peregrine finally moved, all it took was one step before his legs buckled. He hadn't even realized how much blood he'd been losing this entire time.
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne

Ferret had always been, for lack of a better phrase, a piece of shit. Fox hadn't known it right from the start, but slowly he had shown that he was more and more rotten. Part of Fox had never wanted to believe that any of her children could be like he was. Maybe it was just a phase, she'd thought on more than one occasion, but considering he had attacked his brothers on more than one occasion, she was beginning to suspect it was more than that.

She didn't wake up until a grasshopper landed on her ear, causing her to groan something about something. When Peregrine was not by her side, she glanced around to see if he was anywhere in the vicinity. She caught only a glimpse of him before he crumpled to the ground, and her head tilted to one side. Was he playing some kind of game? Curious, she picked herself up onto all four feet and trotted somewhat-nervously toward him. The smell of blood quickened her pace (and her heartbeat), and she rushed to him as quickly as possible.

"Holy fuck," was all she could manage to squeak out. Panic washed over her, and she searched frantically for anybody who might be nearby. When she saw nobody, she called out for those she trusted the most: @Finley, @Elwood, @Eljay, @Shrike, and @Sassafras.
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239 Posts
Ooc — Ryan
Though his mother's call had not been for him, the urgent quality of her voice begged Whip to follow. The acrid scent of blood wafted thickly in the breeze. Once he caught the scent, Whip's pace picked up. He could not discern the difference the blood of his father or any other -- the nuance was lost on him. Nor did he believe he had any reason to worry. The adults must have simply felled a meal... and mom was just ringing the dinner bell.

When the boy finally arrived, stopping only a few meter from his mother, he saw that this was not the case. His father, their protector, lay torn and tattered -- a bloody mess. To see the only wolf he trusted with his safety so broken, it affected Whip in a peculiar way. He felt nothing; no sudden rise of fear in his gut, nor some lingering worry. He simply stared downward at his father's weakened form in silence and shock.
i don't need saving
98 Posts
Ooc — Allie
He didn't understand what was happening. Walking up to the man himself, staring at the attempted murder scene; he did not understand why he had been plauged with death and destruction all his life. Why him, for he had done nothing but simply live and yet fate seemed to have an eternal grudge against him. 

For a little while now, he had been distant in the wake of the the news shared of Odette and her whereabouts. Yet, now he knew, he could not keep himself at distance for so long. Over a little while, he had managed to convince himself that he had not really let Oddie fend for herself; how could he have known she would attempt to follow him into the great beyond? She was just plain stupid, and he had done what he had to do. Right? It was enough assurance he needed for now to re-embrace himself into the Redhawk family. That was, if they were still open to him becoming a son of sorts to him.

He had looked for his current guardian and interm father, expecting an embrace of his return to normal life, but he did not have to look far before the sight of Peregrine laying in a mess of blood halted his already tentative steps. Air seemed to escape the boy as he simple stood, eyed unwavering from Peregrine's collapsed form. had never seen the man in such a state before, and had promised he would never have to for he was no stranger to the dark thoughts of loosing yet another parent. Yet, it seemed a reality, that whatever had just occured to the great Peregrine Redhawk was going to end his life. That feeling was one that had been etched in his mind for far to long. Peregrine was going to die, wasn't he? Jackrabbit did not cry, he did not whimper. He did not move. He had lived it before a thousand times and he refused to shed a single tear again. This was his life, it had always been his life and he was an idiot himself to think that the Redhawks would be any exception to his curse. They always died, it was a smiple fact and one he could not escape.

Checking off another name on his mental list of wolves that had not died, lied or simply left him, he sighed, and walked away.
chaos isn't a pit, chaos is a ladder
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
When the howl sounded Eljay had been fussing over his baby siblings. Even if they were older now, he couldn't just leave them alone. Eljay glanced at daddy @Elwood when Fox called out so urgently with a questioning glance. "Should I watch the pups so you can go, daddy..?" he asked, waiting for daddy's answer because even though he wanted to go help, he knew that he wasn't the best wolf to do things and that maybe daddy would be able to help better; especially when things that Fox called about happened.

edit: since elwood accepted the offer, feel free to skip eljay :D
813 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The commotion also had the effect of waking the other Redhawk child, and when he discovered the den empty, he too rose to investigate.  

He came up as Jackrabbit was (thankfully) leaving, though that tiny jolt of satisfaction disappeared when he saw what had happened to Peregrine.  Letting out a gentle whine, he pushed in and made as though to clean it, taking some comfort from his pelt pressing against his father's and feeling the rise and fall of his breathing.  If he had beat Fox to it, he would gently clean at least the area around, nose wrinkling at the familiar scent of Ferret.
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Truth be told, Elwood likely would have ignored Fox's call had it not been for Eljay. The Beta had been reclusive and withdrawn ever since returning from his failed hunt for Lucy, rarely letting Lagan or Liffey out of his sight. The only adult that he interacted with on a regular basis was Eljay, and that was simply because he was Elwood's son.

So he blinked up at Eljay, taking a moment to comprehend the boy's words, and then pushed himself into a standing position. "Yes, please," he replied, indicating that Eljay's assumption was correct and that it would be helpful for him to keep an eye on the two remaining puppies while Elwood went to see what was up. "Thanks," he murmured even as he began to shuffle across the rendezvous site to find Fox and Peregrine.

When he arrived, he found Gannet and Whip with their parents, and the other youngster, Jackrabbit, was skulking away. Elwood frowned at Jack's retreating figure, then stepped closer to the Alpha pair, his eyes widening as he inhaled the sharp, metallic scent of blood and took in the wound on Peregrine's neck. Gannet was attempting to clean his father's injury as Elwood asked, "What happened?"
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
In case of confusion: I deleted and re-posted this with extra content. :)

Feeling woozy from the blood loss, Peregrine let himself slump and tried not to move. He didn't lose consciousness, though he definitely felt a little out of it. His mind began to drift. His face stayed blank, except for a small crinkle in his brow. Was it just him or did he have a penchant for producing miswired offspring? And it wasn't just Junior or Ferret. Those two were clearly rotten eggs. But then there was also Tytonidae, who was sweet but not quite all the way there; Pura, who was downright strange; and Raven, who was so distant as to be remote. Holy shit, he must have terrible genes. Combined with his lackluster parental abilities, he should not have any more goddamn children.

Fox's presence roused him from his daymare: "Holy fuck." His eyes lifted to her face, brightening and focusing somewhat. "I'm fine," he said, senses still dulled by wooziness. "But, Fox, I..." His mouth and throat were both dry and he swallowed a little painfully. "Ferret, he attacked me. Again. He tried to kill me." He coughed, which caused his bloody wound to burn and ache like a bitch. He winced as he continued, "I had no choice. I exiled him." But his mate was calling for backup now. Had she even heard him?

Wolves started coming out of the woodwork then, namely the pups. Peregrine didn't really want them to see him like this, yet he couldn't do a whole lot about it. He returned Whip's stare before blinking and watching as Jackrabbit showed up only to turn away. The Alpha's brow furrowed and he felt something curdle in his chest as his foster son turned his back on him. Again, there wasn't much he could do. He didn't even have the strength to call after him. And Gannet distracted him anyway by approaching and beginning to cleanse his wound. It hurt but Peregrine felt a rush of affection that took the edge off it.

"Thank you, son," he breathed quietly in the boy's ear before the Beta male's arrival caused his head to flick upward weakly. "Fucking Ferret," he answered simply before a dizzy spell assailed him. Hoping not to faint, Peregrine let his chin sink to his outstretched forelegs and fell quiet, just trying to ride it out and cling to consciousness.
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
No bold because mobile.

Fox felt light-headed, even though she wasn't the one losing blood. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion, especially as she waited for others to show up. She could hear them around her, even Peregrine, but she felt numb. After losing Peter earlier this year, she had just started to come back from that… and now this.

It wasn't until Gannet stepped in that Fox managed to snap herself out of it. Elwood had arrived, and she looked at him with bewilderment. "Ferret did this," she said, blinking with only an ounce of disbelief. She hoped she never saw him again, because she wouldn't let him live if he did come back. "Is he going to be okay?" she asked anxiously. "He's going to be okay, right Elwood?"
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
99 Posts
Ooc — Manda
If I end up being too slow, y’all have my blessing to skip me. ♥

She hadn’t been able to locate Lucy on her most recent expedition, but she was far from giving up the hunt. While Ferret was latched onto Peregrine in a ruthless display of aggression, Sassafras was somewhere near the northeastern border stripping one last morsel from the flank of what had been a pleasantly plump rabbit in preparation for another go at the search effort. She nosed the carcass aside somewhat lazily once she had finished it off, yawned so widely that her teeth clicked to a close, then flopped her shoulder to the earth and rolled with vigour. She paused only for a moment, lying there so still that she might have looked dead with plant and dirt debris strewn all throughout her swarthy fur, but in that moment a frantic howl rose up that shocked her to her senses.

She sat up with a start and pricked her ears, trying to metabolize what she had just heard. Fox was panicked, and if Fox was panicked, then something was very, very wrong in the Caldera. Suppressing a furiously frustrated growl that threatened to erupt somewhere closer to her chest than jaws that clenched instinctively, Sassafras launched herself to her paws and tore off in a flat-out run towards the Alpha female’s location as fast as her sprinter’s legs could carry her. She didn’t have time to think about the fact that her name had been one among the handful that Fox had chosen to call in a moment of desperation, or, more importantly, why she hadn’t heard Peregrine’s name, too.

When she finally reached the small gathering, it took next to no time at all for her gaze to settle on the fallout of what had happened. The scent of blood was as heavy as a shroud of fog hanging in the air, and it didn’t seem to matter to Sassafras that she had completely missed any explanation that had been provided. The girl’s eyes widened as she tentatively stepped closer, looking from Fox, to Peregrine, then back to Fox, and finally to Elwood and the puppies. Gannet was even attempting to clean his father’s open wound. Her lips formed a thin line as she struggled to keep her profanities to herself, and she kept her questions at bay.

"Just a second," she said to no one in particular. It didn’t seem as though they had reached the point of damage control yet, and Sassafras wasn’t sure the Caldera had a medic. Despite the fact that she had no idea what she was doing, the purpose with which she turned away and began to rip up as much grass as she could stuff into her mouth might have led someone to believe otherwise. She wasn’t certain it was the correct tool or method, but grass was the most innocuous thing she could think of to staunch whatever blood Peregrine was still losing. She lowered her head as she ripped and chewed and ripped again, glancing back to her packmates with a giant side-eye of concern. She briefly considered that she looked incredibly stupid.
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Hope it's okay if I go ahead and post! If not, smack me and I'll delete! :D

"Fucking Ferret," Peregrine said, and Elwood blinked. He didn't understand what Peregrine meant at first, until Fox clarified a moment later. Ferret had attacked his own father. The thought sent a chill down the Beta's spine. Ferret had always been particularly aggressive and outgoing -- but he doubted anyone had anticipated this. He wanted to know more, but Peregrine didn't seem to be in the best of shape to be answering further questions.

Fox's worried tone filtered into Elwood's ears and he nodded woodenly, then with more emphasis. "Yes, he's going to be fine," he assured her, speaking more confidently than he felt. He was about to call for @Eljay, to see if the boy could provide any medical assistance -- he was a caretaker, after all, though Elwood really wasn't sure how much he knew about treating injuries -- when Sassafras arrived and seemed to know exactly what to do. He never would have guessed that she didn't.

"What can I do to help?" he asked, directing the question mostly at Sassafras but letting it hang in the air between Fox and Peregrine, as well.
Select all. Delete.
239 Posts
Ooc — Ryan

Surprised as he was, the boy could not speak.

While Whip had always believed his brother eldest brother to be a total aggressive prick, the fact that he was the assailant behind this attack on their father was deeply unsetteling. Ferret was no different than the wolf that had killed Peter -- a monster. The young Redhawk was suddenly fearful. If family could do this to family, who could he trust? Could father turn on him as fast as Ferret had? Could Gannet?

And then Whip wondered, could he himself turn the same way?

The thought terrified him. More so than any monster could.
286 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Still on the prowl for any sign of Lucy or for Teagan, whom he'd sent out on a mission, Shrike had been patrolling the borders with his head low when he heard an angry voice. Quiet, but recognizable, the voice streamed from the interior of the packlands and beyond the borders, not too far from where Shrike was. He could tell that it was Ferret and thought twice about quickening his gait lest the youngster turn his sour attitude on him. Ferret had never done anything purely malignant to Shrike, but he'd always been too rough when he played, and had no respect for personal boundaries...Or anything, in general. He was a handful, that was certain.

It didn't take Shrike long to come upon the yougster's trail as he left the pack, but he stiffened when he stopped to investigate; the boy's scent was mingled with that of blood and Peregrine. He lifted his head and scanned the area, half expecting to still see the boy's patterned coat as he left, but wasn't sure if he should follow. His first duty, of course, was to see to Peregrine, though he was absolutely sure he could follow the boy's trail to track him down if need be. He lunged forward, and it did not take him long to find the gathering near the borders, and his ears flattened when he saw Peregrine with bite marks between his shoulder and throat. He immediately spotted Sassafras and moved toward her, balking visibly when she lowered her head to tear up a mouthful of grass and then start chewing it. One ear turned sideways in confusion he approached her, touching his nose briefly to her shoulder but still giving her a slightly odd glance as he tried to understand why she was eating- or perhaps just chewing grass.

"Saw him leave." Shrike voiced softly. "Want me to...?" He asked, not sure what he might be told to do. Track Ferret down, bring him back, let him go...He left the option open.

And that first kiss coming, let's just freeze the frame
Your eyes were closing, as mine were opening
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Since there's a bunch of people in here, don't sweat the post order too much. (Just don't go too crazy. ;))

Peregrine opened his mouth to answer Fox's frantic questions but Elwood beat him to the punch. He shook his head lightly at the Beta's question. "How's the bleeding?" he asked, shifting slightly away from Gannet so someone with a more knowledgeable eye could inspect the wound for him. He winced as pain lanced through the shredded flesh. He steeled his jaw and glanced at the wolves gathered around him. They had grown in number in the past several minutes and he blinked up at Sassafras and Shrike.

"No," he said flatly to Shrike's unvoiced question. They would not seek out Ferret to mete punishment, nor permit him back should he return. Peregrine doubted he would. The pup was now left to his own devices and the elements. He likely wouldn't survive the upcoming winter, unless another pack took pity on him. Peregrine doubted that as well. Ferret was a loose cannon. Perhaps it was best if the winter culled him.

Pushing that thought aside, Peregrine slowly made to stand. He felt pained, weak and dizzy but he managed to get his four legs beneath him. "Elwood? Shrike?" he called out to the two largest wolves. "Can you help me get back to the rendezvous site?" He threw a glance at Fox and his remaining sons. "As long as I'm not going to bleed out," he quipped, trying to make light of it. He was in a bit of a bad way but he was pretty sure this was survivable.

But once he was able to get somewhere to rest, he would help cleaning the wound, fully stopping the bleeding and preventing infection. They didn't have a proper medic (and he hadn't noticed Sassafras chewing the grass), though the Alpha had the presence of mind to question the crowd, "Has anyone seen @Trick? I think he's studying to be a medic." Or maybe he was wrong about that. He couldn't quite remember. It couldn't hurt to ask, though, right? "Could someone call for him or go find him? And have him meet us at the rendezvous site?"
813 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
When his father pulled away, Gannet stepped back wordlessly, understanding the cue that he was no longer required.  While he would have happily done more, he had no real knowledge to help and therefore wasn't of much use, so it only made sense for him to instead get out of the way.

Sliding sideways, he glanced over at Whip and sensed some measure of anxiety.  With a low whine, he approached, ears skewing sideways questioningly.  Perhaps he was upset by Peregrine's condition?  Gannet knew Ferret had done this, but for some reason, the fact didn't shock him.  He wasn't sure why.  He was perceptive in his silence, so had sensed the spirit in his brother.  He couldn't have known it would be taken this far, but for a male to challenge another at this point in their lives didn't seem that strange, especially in the case of a wolf with the alpha tendencies Ferret had shown.

He couldn't do anything for his father, but maybe Whip would let him huddle and take some happiness from that.
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Peregrine seemed more coherent, and the only words Fox really heard beyond his were Shrike's. "No," she hissed, surprised by her own volatile tone. She had already lost one child this year. She didn't need to lose another, no matter the reason. Her expression softened as she turned back to her mate, concern heavy on her features. Sassafras had come, too, and though Fox thought highly of her, she hadn't thought to call her. Thank goodness the girl had taken the initiative on her own. It only added to Fox's admiration for her.

Fox stepped back, stepping closer to her two sons. Jackrabbit had come and gone, though she had been so immersed in the chaos, she hadn't seen him. His scent lingered, and she briefly scanned the area. He was nowhere to be found, so she huddled close to Gannet and Whip. "He's going to be fine," she assured them, giving each a lick on their heads.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Shrike joined the small group and Fox directed her attention to Gannet and Whip, both of whom seemed to be somewhat shaken by the situation. Upon Peregrine's request, Elwood moved closer to the Alpha as he slowly assumed an unsteady standing position. "I haven't seen Trick, but I can go look for him after we get you back home," he offered even as he pressed his own shoulder against Peregrine's, careful to avoid putting pressure on the wound while offering support to his friend.
286 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Shrike was distracted from the grass-munching oddity beside him and shrank slightly when not one but both of the alphas commanded him to leave Ferret on his own. He wondered vaguely if they'd understood what he'd meant by offering to go find the youth- he, of course, had missed the entire scuffle and had not yet deduced that Ferret had been exiled from the pack. It was his instinct to go after the young boy, track him down and bring him back screaming, biting and flailing if necessary, but neither Peregrine nor Fox seemed inclined to want the boy back. He frowned slightly, thinking of what Ferret might do out on his own. The bad-tempered youth would have a hard time finding another pack to join if his manners did not improve.

He was asked, then to help Peregrine get back to the rendezvous site and he nodded, casting one more are you crazy? look at Sassafras before he stepped alongside the alpha, gingerly placing himself by the alpha's side and he glanced over to Elwood as he offered to go find Trick. A medic? That'd be a help. Shrike lowered his head in a quiet nod, so the alpha knew he was ready to help him amble back to the rendezvous site when he was ready.

And that first kiss coming, let's just freeze the frame
Your eyes were closing, as mine were opening
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Only after the words left his mouth did Peregrine suddenly remember that Trick might not be at the caldera. He had asked to join the search for Lucy. "Damn it," the Alpha muttered under his breath even as Elwood and Shrike moved in on either side to support him. "Trick may not be available," he said to his trusty Beta male before exchanging pained but grateful glances with him and the Gamma.

Slowly, painstakingly, they shuffled upward toward the rendezvous site. Several times, Peregrine grew dizzy and asked to stop and collect himself. After what seemed like hours, they reached their destination and he slumped woozily to the ground. "Fox?" he murmured, half out of it. "Can you..." His brain went all fuzzy for a moment, his vision darkening, before he blinked himself alert. "Can you help me keep it clean?"

Without another word, the Redhawk patriarch slumped over onto his good side, leaving the torn and bleeding flesh exposed so his mate (or anyone else) could tend to his wounds. Meanwhile, Peregrine's eyes literally rolled back in his head as he finally let go and let himself pass out cold.
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Last one for me!

Fox fell back as others helped Peregrine toward the rendezvous site. If she had offended Shrike, she didn't notice. She kept Gannet and Whip as close to her as possible, not wanting them to feel abandoned by both parents right now. And when they finally arrived at the rendezvous site, she quickly followed Perry's command. She cleaned his wound as he slept, keeping a close eye on him for as long as she herself could remain awake.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
My last as well!

Once Shrike positioned himself on Peregrine's opposite side, the threesome began to hobble forward slowly. Elwood moved carefully, so as not to jostle the injured Alpha male. It was awkward to carry him, but eventually they made it to the den with Fox accompanying them.

Peregrine's body went limp and Elwood stiffened slightly, though he soon realized that his friend wanted to lay down. He glanced at Fox as Peregrine bid her to check on his wound; she was quick to move to his side, and Elwood stepped away, sure that Peregrine was in capable hands even if there wasn't an actual medic present. "Let us know if you need anything," he said quietly, exchanging a glance with Shrike; he would stay close by, just in case, and hoped that the other male would do the same.