Heron Lake Plateau This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us
gubraithian fire
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All Welcome 
Note to readers: consulted with Houkie about Raven's reaction! :)

There were still dozens of details to suss out in the coming days, yet Wildfire wanted to tell her sister sooner than than later. It felt disingenuous not to reveal her plans to @Raven—especially after letting slip to Tulimaq—and of course obtain her litter mate's feedback. Her opinion would likely play a crucial role in the connection between the two packs. Of course, @Quixote would get the final say but naturally Wildfire wanted to start her official pitch for sister packs with none other than, well, her sister.

Wildfire felt a flash of doubt when she broke the news and saw the sadness flicker in her sibling's eyes like lightning on a stormy day. She opened her mouth to speak but shut it again, giving Raven a proper moment to process. She was glad she waited, because Raven eventually expressed support for the whole idea. She did say she would be sad to see Wildfire come and go so quickly—she felt another pang, this time of guilt—but as the minutes passed, the idea really seemed to grow on her. Not five minutes after Wildfire let the cat out of the bag, Raven seemed genuinely excited for her sister's plans.

"So where's your man? I'd like to float this past him. I'm counting on you to sway him," Wildfire said with a wink of one chestnut eye.

"It's a good idea, backed up with good reasons, Wifi. I won't need to," Raven insisted with a gentle smile. "You said you're thinking of setting in the copse—and I approve!—but you didn't mention a name."

She had been scanning the area for any sign of the Alpha male but she turned her head and bit her lip for a second before a grin split across her face and she revealed, "Firebirds."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
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The pups were getting older and more independent every day, which was a great thing in Eljay's opinion. It felt a little sad to let them go, but he was so proud to see them stand on their own feet and make their own decisions more and more every day. After some practise hunting with whoever wanted -- a stark reminder of Eljay he should probably organise a pack hunt for the pups, but also he conveniently waited until he was asked to organise such a thing -- he left the pups alone at the rendezvous site and decided to look for some herbs. Raven had been teaching him but Eljay found it difficult to remember what all the herbs looked like. After some searching he found a plant that he didn't recognise -- or did he? -- and because he wasn't sure if it was or wasn't anything good Eljay decided to bring it to Raven and ask her.

He saw Raven first and called out a muffled "Fffafffuhn!" through the plant in his mouth, only to realise that she was talking to Wifi (and that he was holding a plant and probably wasn't as audible as he thought he was). He heard her say a word that he thought was 'firebirds', a word he hadn't heard in some time. Eljay approached them a little awkwardly and put down the plant. "Oh, uh, sorry, am I interrupting anything?"
gubraithian fire
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Ooc — Kat
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Raven returned her sparkling smile, though before either one could say much more on the subject, the shuffling of feet announced someone's arrival. Wildfire turned, expecting to see Quixote, but instead saw it was Eljay. He tried to call out a greeting but it came out muffled, probably due to the clump of greens in his mouth. He soon set them down at his paws before retrying a greeting.

"No, you're fine," Wildfire said with a wave of her tail. "Hey, Eljay." She glanced over at Raven, a question in her eyes. Raven gave a single, subtle nod and the redhead turned back to Eljay. Perhaps it was good to rehearse what she'd say to Quixote. "I was just telling Rave about my idea to..." Before she continued, Wildfire turned to face him more fully, intensely curious how someone like Eljay would react. "...to lead a sister pack nearby, hopefully in Sun Mote Copse."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
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It was a relief to find out that he wasn't disturbing any talk between Raven and Wildfire. Eljay was just about to contemplate what subject he should breach when Wildfire said that she had an idea. She paused, and Eljay tilted his head as he wondered what this idea was. Eljay had no idea how the idea to just visit Redhawk Caldera had completely exploded into another idea and then another bunch of ideas over the course of only a few days, culminating in Wildfire's idea to...

... Leave? Eljay didn't like this place either, but he didn't think leaving it to some other place he didn't know made sense at all. His face fell and he frowned, clearly not too sold on the idea. Now, if the idea had been to move to Redhawk Caldera, he would've been instantly sold (oddly enough, Eljay didn't realise that there was promise of a brighter future in coming along to this new place -- as a matter of fact, he didn't even realise at all that it was a possibility to come along -- whereas with the Caldera he would've instantly come along). But it wasn't.

"You're... You're leaving?" he asked gingerly, his voice as though he was walking through a room filled with porcelain and tried not to knock anything over. He didn't want to hurt Wiffle or say that her idea was bad, but, her idea was pretty bad. "What's, uhm... What's in this Copse place?" That wasn't already here or at Redhawk Caldera, anyway.
gubraithian fire
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Ooc — Kat
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It was tempting to answer his brittle question with reassurances, though Wildfire steadied herself with a quick breath and nodded, "Yes, though the copse isn't far. That's part of the reason I chose it. I think it's a good idea to branch out—not just for me, for the good of everyone—but I don't want to go too far from family. We'll be neighbors." She smiled a small but hopefully winsome smile, glad that Eljay appeared to be taking the news fairly well. Hopefully her answer put some of his probable concerns to rest.

"Oh!" Another thought hit her suddenly. "I'm still planning to visit the caldera in the spring." It seemed important to note that she wasn't simply bailing on everyone here. The whole idea was that the packs would be inextricably linked. No matter where Eljay—and his parents—landed, Wildfire wanted to make that trip together.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
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Eljay swallowed thickly, not sure how to deal with this news. It was like malfunction in his brain, where he just kept trying to find a good solution to all of this but couldn't. He didn't realise at all that this might be an easy way out from underneath Towhee's scrutinising gaze or a ticket out from the Plateau -- all he could think of in that moment was Wiffle is leaving! Every time he swallowed again his head just seemed to be getting heavier and his world smaller, less headspace to fill with useful thoughts, more panicky alarm bells going off in his head.

As Wiffle said 'we'll be neighbours' Eljay noisily choked back a sob. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, he kept telling himself while he responded as nonchalantly as he could with "uh huh". Then Wiffle said that she still planned to visit the Caldera 'in the spring', which seemed to indicate that she was leaving... what, now? Eljay wanted to drag her to the Caldera to visit it right then so he could get away from the plateau and away from everything else that surrounded all of this right now.

He wanted to say something smart or something casual or something... Anything but having a panic attack. "When—" did he ask before he had to choke back another sob. Oh god and Raven was still right there, too. He'd wanted to ask 'When are you leaving' just all casual-like, but he got stuck not even halfway.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Something went very awry, though Wildfire couldn't be sure what or when. She could hear the hitch in Eljay's breath and she, perhaps more than anyone else, could spot the signs of someone struggling not to cry. Her smile slid off her face and she took a step toward him, brow furrowed mostly in confusion but concern as well. She felt that strong urge to reassure him again. What words could stave off the meltdown she could sense coming?

Before she could come up with anything, Raven suddenly stepped up beside her, brushing past as she sidled up to Eljay. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. I'm sad to see her go too but they won't be far," she repeated Wildfire's own words. Her black lips pursed as she seemed to consider something. She looked to Wildfire, whose head tilted, lips forming a question. Before she could ask it, Raven added, "Some will have to go with her, to help support her and to relieve some of the crowding here... maybe..." She was looking to Wildfire again.

The proverbial light bulb turned on above Wildfire's head and she was quick to say, "You'd be more than welcome!"
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
All the attention and focus on him and his freaking out didn't do Eljay any good. He felt worse as Raven huddled up close, though Eljay shot her an appreciative smile-gone-grimace. She went on to say some things about how someone would have to come with and help Wiffle. Eljay didn't entirely understand what she was saying at first, until Wiffle chipped in to say he was very welcome.

Eljay's first thought was that he couldn't possibly leave mommy and daddy. They'd have another litter next spring and he should be there to help them. Besides, he'd hated being away from mommy when he'd been at Drageda. Even if it was less far away, it was still away from mommy...

I.. I dunno. Would -- is that really what you'd want? he asked, looking briefly at Raven and then at Wildfire again. He didn't want her to feel pressured by Raven's offering. Part of him hoped that she'd say that of course she didn't want a stupid loser like him there so that the decision didn't need to be made. Eljay didn't realise at all yet that he didn't need to choose between coming and staying with his parents.
gubraithian fire
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Ooc — Kat
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Wildfire drew in a breath at Eljay's shaky question. "Sure, we'd be happy—and lucky—to have you." She looked over at Raven, maintaining eye contact with her sister as she shared, "I kind of inferred that Uncle El and Aunt Flea would be more than welcome to come too. But," she continued, gaze returning to Eljay, "we all need to take the time to consider the logistics. I have no interest in destabilizing this pack in the name of the new one. That would be counterproductive, among other things."

"Agreed. We'll figure it out so both packs will be stable," Rave added, then retreated a few steps back. "I expect Qui'll be back soon but I'll howl for him if he doesn't show up in the next fifteen."

Wildfire flashed her sister a grateful smile, then said to Eljay, "Take some time to think about it, for sure."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay looked uncertain even as Wildfire shared that she -- or rather, 'they', which Eljay wondered who all included then -- would be happy to have him. He wasn't too sure why she would be so happy to have him there, but at least that solved some of his problems. The next problem was suddenly solved -- well, more or less, because it didn't sound like they'd said 'yes', or anything -- when Wiffle shared that she had suggested for mommy and daddy to come, too. If they were going, then he certainly was. But. Eljay vaguely registered the 'but' of it all, not really understanding it in its entirety. Logistics? Stable packs? He wasn't entirely sure what it meant, but he had a feeling that it didn't really matter either.

"Yeah, I... I guess." Eljay looked thoughtful for a moment before he asked: "Why didn't, uhm... Why not Redhawk Caldera?" If they were moving anyway, why not to a place they already knew they loved?
gubraithian fire
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Ooc — Kat
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She supposed the idea had crossed her mind a time or two during her thought process, though Wildfire had dismissed it out of hand for a few reasons, some of which she explained now. "I want to be close to family. I think both packs will be stronger because we'll be in the same neighborhood." Her mind cast out to the east, to the place where she had been born, where her parents rested. It was definitely idyllic, though Wildfire was content to leave that legacy to her parents' beloved memory.

"I'd still like to go there in the spring," she repeated her earlier words. "With you, your mom and dad, and anyone else who might want to come." Wildfire shot a smile at Raven, who looked rather contemplative at the thought, but her eyes rested primarily on Eljay. She studied his features, hoping he no longer felt any urge to weep over any of this news.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
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Master Sitter
If only they could've gone to Redhawk Caldera. True, it was further away from this place, but surely they could work around that, right? Eljay opened his mouth to bring in more arguments, but found that he didn't actually have a lot of good ones without also uprooting this pack. He looked between Raven and Wildfire, looking a little better though still feeling anxious about having a freak-out right in the middle of two of the wolves that he liked the most apart from mommy and daddy.

He supposed visiting Redhawk Caldera was still good, but faced with the prospect of maybe moving back there it seemed to pale. "Can't we visit earlier?" he asked, and looked pleadingly at Wildfire. Spring seemed so very far away, even if it was a journey that might take some time. But if they were moving anyway, then maybe it could be an in between visit thing..? He quickly added, feeling like he was asking unreasonable things while Wildfire was thinking of bigger things right now: "Never mind. Do you know who is coming?" Aside from mommy and daddy, Eljay wondered if anyone else he knew was coming. Hopefully not Towhee -- a thought that crept up on Eljay and that he instantly felt guilty about.
gubraithian fire
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Ooc — Kat
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His question took her by surprise. She ignored his, "Never mind," and explained, "No, I don't think so. It'd be a much more pleasant trip—and easier on your parents, especially your mom—in warmer weather." As for his other question, Wildfire shook her head lightly. "It's still in the very early stages of planning, so I don't know for sure, aside from myself, Kiwi and Sequoia. I'd like to take Bat as well and I think Buckshot will want to come. But that's all I know so far. It'll take some time for us to sort out all the details."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
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Master Sitter
Eljay frowned worriedly and could not help but say: "Is something wrong with mom-?!" He just about managed to cut off the 'my' in 'mommy', just in time. Eljay knew she'd gotten hurt on earlier travels but was something wrong with her that she couldn't travel well now? Was there something Wiffle knew that he didn't? This suddenly became the all-consuming direction of his thoughts and Eljay's worried frown increased as he pondered this. Apparently not many had joined so far, something Eljay glossed over, for now, to await Wildfire's answer on the mom-question.
gubraithian fire
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Ooc — Kat
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Another unexpected question popped out of Eljay's mouth. Wildfire found it incredibly difficult to believe Eljay didn't know about his mother's hip. It occurred to her that he could be in denial about it. Her lips parted but, for a long moment, she didn't say anything. She deliberated on what to say as well as how to say it.

"Her hip," Raven spoke up before Wildfire could collect her thoughts. "Wifi's right, it'd definitely be easier on her to make the trip in the spring. In the meantime, I can help her keep it exercised so it stays limber. And maybe get her on some pain meds. That is, if she wants."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Oh, it was just about her hip. Eljay thought that there was some sort of terrible disease that had grasped mommy, but it was just the hip thing. Truthfully, Eljay didn't quite realise how serious that was because Finley tended to joke about it or make it out as if it was nothing at all; and he believed everything that mommy said, of course. He had noticed that she went on scouting trips less often these days, but he had never really thought it was because she wasn't able to walk as well anymore. He'd always thought it was just because she became more of a homebody, because to him, that was a lot more relatable than someone wanting to be outside all the time.

"Oh, of course. You're right," he said, not really feeling like it would be that much easier -- or more difficult, now -- in spring but since he had said 'never mind' on his impatient question anyway he didn't want to linger on the subject any longer, really. Raven probably knew better, anyway. "Oh -- I was looking for you to show you this herb, uhm... Is it any good?" Eljay glanced at the plant between his legs. Raven took a look at it and sniffed it, then shook her head. "The leaves should be a bit pointier, and it needs to have the root attached." Eljay glanced at his plant and nodded. Pointier leaves. He hadn't realised it was the roots that held the qualities he needed either, oops. Sheepishly he looked at Wildfire -- and a bit at Raven, leaving the option open for her to join -- and said, "Do you want to join me looking for the right thing..? Or do you have important things to do?" Honestly, Eljay could use some time to get his thoughts straightened out, so he wouldn't mind going out alone and Wildfire probably had a lot of things to arrange about this new pack thing, but since he always enjoyed Wildfire's company he wanted to ask anyway.
gubraithian fire
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Ooc — Kat
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Wildfire appreciated the assist. She remained quiet while the two shifted gears, talking about the plants at Eljay's feet. She watched and listened idly, though she took the opportunity to scan the area for any sign of her brother-in-law. If he didn't show up soon, Raven would call, though Wildfire hated to do that because she figured he was only away because he was doing his duties. She didn't really want to interrupt that.

"Wifi," Raven said softly, drawing her attention back to the caregivers' conversation, and she mentally rewound the last part of the exchange. Had Eljay been talking to her? Wildfire had automatically assumed, even unconsciously, that the invitation was meant for her sister. But evidently it was directed at her.

"I'd like to go with you," the Iota started, "but I need to speak to @Quixote about all this. If you want to go," she added, looking at Raven, "feel free. I'll hang out here until he comes by, tell him where you went." She flashed Eljay an apologetic smile.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
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Ooc — Iris
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It took a moment for Wildfire to answer. Maybe she'd been lost in thought, a concept that was far from foreign to Eljay. Raven drew her attention back and Eljay waited to hear if she would be interested to join. She mentioned needing to speak to Quixote first, and Eljay nodded, though couldn't hide looking a little disappointed that she wasn't coming. "Of course," he said, understanding that starting a pack was, probably, pretty busy. "If there's anything I could do..?" Eljay knew nothing about starting a pack but he would gladly help Wiffle if she had any pointers of things he should do nonetheless.

After Wildfire told Raven she could go if she wanted, Eljay looked at her expectantly (and maybe a little pleadingly, because he preferred not to go alone) and she agreed to come with a nod. Eljay smiled, glad that Raven would come with to teach him some more herb things. "Good luck," Eljay said to Wildfire, and he waited to hear if she had anything more to ask of him, or something he could help with.
612 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
IDK if you wanna make stuff happen BTS due to the holidays or not!  I'm fine with either way, so I'm leaving this kind of open. IT IS UP TO YOU!1one

Quixote had finished his patrol and taken a detour on the way back to see his family.  He'd caught a hare and had now brought it back for whoever wanted it.  It definitely wasn't enough now to feed the whole group of them, but it was at least something that he could provide to them.  The pack as a whole needed to hunt bigger things but he still hadn't figured out what to do with the gang of near-two year-olds that seemed likely to be highly uncooperative.  Who all did that leave him with when Colt was gone?

Anyway.  He wandered on back, coming upon the gathering without much thought that maybe something out of the ordinary had been discussed.  Raven was far more popular than he was, so other wolves being around wasn't exactly super surprising.  He bobbed his head to Wildfire and Eljay, but Quixote headed to his mate, nosing at her as he garbled something that was probably, You want any? around the rabbit in his mouth -- along with something that was probably about taking it on to the now-big pups, but that was even more incomprehensible.  And since the start of Raven's answer was a bemused shake of her head, he started to continue past them all to go deliver it to the rest of the family.
gubraithian fire
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Ooc — Kat
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Raven and Eljay were just about to head out when Quixote appeared, a fat rabbit stuffed in his mouth. Wildfire woofed hello, then waited for him and her sister to exchange greetings. When it was established that Raven wasn't hungry right now and that she was actually heading off to help Eljay, Quixote proceeded to carry the kill elsewhere. Wildfire bobbed her head to the pair of caregivers, then padded after her brother-in-law.

"If you have a minute, I'd like to float something past you," she called out to him, giving him an ample opportunity to stash the rabbit (or whatever else he planned to do with it) before she launched into her spiel about the sister packs. She finished by saying, "Rave supports it, though it's your—and Towhee's, I suppose—call in the end how you want the relationship between the packs to shake out." Wildfire sucked in a breath, her pulse pounding a little bit as she awaited his reaction.

I kept her spiel brief 'cause I figured you might have read it previously in this thread but I am happy to TL;DR if you need it. XD
612 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Writing at 1am is probably a bad idea o well

The problem with the pups now was that they were old enough now that who knew where they'd ambled off to.  If Wildfire hadn't wanted to talk, he'd go hunt them down and be annoying like he was contractually obligated to be, instead opting to leave it where they'd find it in case he got immediately distracted after their chat.

After listening, Quixote wasn't exactly the type to get mad at the idea or anything.  In fact it'd probably be counter to his character to get pissy at someone wanting to do something they felt was good for themselves.  He didn't want to trap anyone somewhere or doing something where they weren't happy, at least.  I will say the size of the pack is something that's come up before -- it's definitely one way to solve some of it, depending on who'd be interested in following. Who would end up going where?  Would he just be left with the people who hated him or something unfortunate like that?  That'd be just great wouldn't it?  Raven would get to hear his anxieties later on -- surely she was totally looking forward to it already.

Even with the other not-quite-packs that still may be lurking around, we're still pretty isolated out here.  Personally, I'd prefer if the packs are able to rely on each other -- especially since there's a lot of family involved.  Probably would make it easier on folks if they don't feel like it's the end of the world that a sibling or whoever ends up being a short walk away.  Sure, they might not share hunts or something like that unless times got really desperate, but if the standard family quarrels happened, then it would be nice to be able to go somewhere else for a while that wasn't completely ditching the pack.  Or so he thought.  It wasn't like as a leader he had much of a choice in that unless he decided it would be more fitting to let Towhee's left and right hands try to blow up the pack.
gubraithian fire
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Ooc — Kat
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Wildfire couldn't fight back the huge smile that wanted to take over her face. "That's exactly what I'm hoping for too," she said, head bobbing eagerly and black tail swaying. Not only did he seem to be on-board, he appeared to be on the very same page. It made her heart flutter giddily in her chest. "We'll each be our own entity but we will be branches of the same pack, in a way. And I'm not trying to be a conqueror or anything like that but I do think it'll make the Redhawks an indomitable presence here in Tuktu."

Her excitement was definitely mounting, so she couldn't help but strike out a foreleg and smilingly ask, "So will you accept my request for a formal alliance and sisterhood between Redhawks and Firebirds?" Her eyes glimmered, wondering what he thought of the name. Would he know its significance?
612 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
I'm pretty sure he doesn't know of significance of the name, or if he did he just brushed it aside and didn't remember it.  The obvious thing to him was that it was kind of like the name had been thesaurusized -- red to fire, hawk to bird.  It definitely sounded like they were sister packs just by the name.  Of course!  I think it'll be good for everyone.  And of course, before you've got a ton of numbers there, if any other little gangs give you trouble, you've got us to come tell 'em to piss off if you need it.  There used to be a few packs attempting to form, right?  He wasn't sure if they still were or not, he hadn't been on many trips recently, so maybe they were gone.. But eh.  There were always lone wolves, right?
gubraithian fire
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Wildfire had already liked Quixote—she was Raven's mate and the father of her nieces and nephew, so he must have some wonderful merits—but now she felt a flush of (sisterly!) affection toward her brother-in-law as they shook on the terms. His support meant as much as her sister's, especially because it would hopefully trickle down through the rest of the pack. The last thing Wildfire wanted was to cause any divisiveness or unrest.

"I really appreciate that offer," she laughingly answered, "and of course the feeling is mutual. I know it'll take some time for us to get ourselves established. But once we're up and running, I'm going to take the sisterhood seriously. If the Redhawks need anything, Firebirds will be first in line to help." She dipped her smudged snout to demonstrate her sincerity, complementing her words with another bright smile and wave of her tail.

"Thank you, Quixote. Now that that's settled, I'd like to go tell the girls, if you'll excuse me?"

Figured you could fade for us? :D
612 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
He hoped it would work out for the best.   That this would maybe give people enough freedom and new opportunity that maybe it'd let out some of the stress.  Or not.  It very well could just end up causing more problems, but oh well.  If Quixote had been pissed about Wildfire heading off, then he'd get in trouble with Raven and then there'd be all kinds of animosity between the packs probably and blah blah it just wasn't a good idea.  Why cause trouble when really there should be none?  The world would work itself out if he didn't add more trouble to the equation on purpose.

Quixote nodded, Just keep us in the loop with your plans.  He, too, smiled but Quixote was more reserved about it, happy for her.  Gotta let people figure out where they want to be in life and all that.  Again he nodded and watched her head off to do so.  Guess it was time to go figure out where the heck those kids got to...