Hideaway Strath I wonder
Swiftcurrent Creek
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@Zsuzsa :D

Arlette returned to the territory with several reeds in the mouth. She had met Germanicus and told him about reeds and their uses. The female figured that she would bring some home. The lite female carried several of them in her mouth, casually trotting over the border. @Dove had told her where she kept her stash, so Arlette decided to continue bringing her findings there as well, so they had one central hub for all their medicine. She still had to deconstruct the stems from the fluff at the top. She wondered if it would be easier to keep it all together if she kept the fluff at the top attached.

First, though, she would need to find Dove's stash. She knew where it was but with her carrying large stems it wasn't that easy to get there. She felt saliva drip from her mouth as she couldn't really swallow. She stepped into the forest of the Strath. Now having to be careful that she wasn't going to get stuck behind a tree trunk. It must have looked really silly.
riflette la colpa, alimenta l'odio
133 Posts
Ooc — Sen
Thank you for starting. <3

The Acolyte returned to the Strath to deposit the remnants of deer she hunted in the Hinterlands. Although she was not directly tasked by any leadership to be the sole wolf to fill the cache of their prey supply, Zsuzsa took it upon herself to focus all her energy on hunting. She made her way toward the center of the territory. She hollowed out a dugout in a bushy area that kept their meat supply accessible, which could have been close to the medic’s supply area.
She slowed considerably as up ahead a small figure also seemed like she was making a beeline for a task she was doing. Zsuzsa instantly knew it wasn’t Nyra, for Nyra was a behemoth of a female. This one was lithe and petite, much smaller than the average wolf. Her eyes were a red hue. It reminded her of Hemlocke’s blood-red gaze, although this female’s gaze didn’t seem as deep in contrast as the hellhound’s sanguine eyes. What was most striking was the deep wounds that caressed her neck and façade, mystified of how such a delicate wolf could sustain harsh damage.
She smelled well-established of the Saints. In her own jaws was some sort of collection of foliage. Coming to a stop and dropping the fragment of prey at her paws, she licked her jaws. ”Stocking up for the Winter as well?” Zsuzsa asked of her, giving a sway of her tail. Their numbers may have been small, but it seemed like every individual of the Saints was a fully contributing member of keeping their band functioning.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
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You are welcome! :D

Arlette was approached by a dark female. At first glance, she thought that the female was Whrist. As she looked closer she realized that this was not wrist at all. She placed her reeds down so she was able to address the female. This female was larger than Whrist. Arlette's red gaze took her in, all while having a friendly smile on her maw. "Most definitely," she agreed with a nod. "I am stocking up some herbs, or well, medical supplies I should say since reeds are not herbs," she hummed softly to the female. Her tail had a gentle wag behind her.

She noticed the meal by the female's feet. "As did you," she returned. "I'm Arlette by the way. I don't think we have met before." Arlette thought she had met most of the pack, but as it turned out she had missed this female. She hoped that this female was as nice as Whrist was as well. "You can come to me if you have any wounds or fell ill." Arlette offered. "Or if you need someone to talk to, about anything, I am there as well." That was mostly her introduction, the general information wolves should know about her.
riflette la colpa, alimenta l'odio
133 Posts
Ooc — Sen
For as deeply scarred as she was, it was a stark contrast from her good nature. Aside from Kynareth and his cheeky ways, Zsuzsa had not encountered another Saint that radiated profound kindness like the one female before her. Sure, every member had been extremely informative and helpful when Zsuzsa settled into the Strath, but this small female seemed to beam a neighborly nature.
Her name was Arlette and seemed like she was one of the resident healers. It was good to know the Saints had multiple healers, considering most of the hostile encounters they seemed to experience as a pack. ”Arlette,” Zsuzsa repeated, cementing the name in memory. ”I am Zsuzsa. Although, I don’t have as near impressive superpowers as you.” She started with a smirk. ”But am working my way to being a Specialist in hunting.” Since coming to the Saints she found purpose in her life again. Her purpose was to sustain the life of the pack by bringing in as much as possible to carry them through the oncoming winter.
Her steel gaze traveled to the reeds at Arlette’s paws. ”What are the reeds specifically for?” Zsuzsa questioned with a motion of her muzzle to the plants, noting how Arlette said they were not herbs, so wondered how reeds played in overall healing.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
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Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head when the female pronounced her name correctly. The female glanced at the other with a modest expression. "I'd hardly call it a superpower," she let out, a bit flustered by the compliment. "Nice to meet you as well Zsuzsa," she smiled. Arlette didn't realize that her friendliness wasn't normal for most wolves at the Saints. Then again, the female had been met with kindness and helpfulness ass well. She was eager to return the favor.

"Ah, yes. I am not much of a hunter myself but I really appreciate those who have the skill to do it well. I just accepted that I am good at hunting down plants instead of beasts," she chuckled, since well, plants were not prone to running away like prey was. "What type of animals are most common here in the area?," she asked curiously. Sometimes the local fauna could really have an impact on what type of plants thrived and which didn't.

"The inside of the stems helps against aches, especially in the mouth. The fluff on top helps with soaking up blood from wounds." She pulled on it with her teeth and the fluff came off. Some of it stuck to her muzzle. "Those are the most common uses. I also saw a wolf use it to help with a broken or sprained leg to give it support. So overall a very versatile plant!" Arlette hummed.
riflette la colpa, alimenta l'odio
133 Posts
Ooc — Sen
Arlette provided a well-rounded, informed explanation to the reeds. Steel gaze watched as the petite female provided an example of the fuzz that came out of one of the reeds. There was a minuscule tilt to her head, more so in interest than puzzlement. ”Who knew a reed could have so many other functions.” Zsuzsa jested. The Mackenzie was only aware of the basic herbs of mint, poison ivy, poison oak, and the assortment of wild berries found in the Wilds. Everything else looked like any other piece of foliage to her. ”What is the most common healing herb in the Hinterlands?” Might as well try to brush up on general knowledge of such.
Arlette inquired about the variety of prey found in the Hinterlands. Zsuzsa’s gaze shifted upward in thought, pausing momentarily. ”Well, I recently discovered much prey migrate to Shadewood, Two Rivers Isle, and Heron Lake.” The Mackenzie began to explain, recalling her last hunt with a Kingslend male. ”Mostly white-tailed deer. There are no wolves in those areas so they flock there for safekeeping.” The presence of the Saints and Kingslend pushed all the prey in the northern quadrants of the Hinterlands.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette grinned at the other and then nodded. "Amazing, isn't it?," she hummed. She knew that not all plants had dual functions but reeds were handy in that perspective. The female thought about the question from the other female. "I don't know the answer to that. I have only recently joined this pack, and these lands. So I wouldn't know. I will have to check the other seasons. For now, reeds are the most common as they live through the winter, moss perhaps as well."

Arlette didn't know the locations the other mentioned, but she assumed they were in this territory. "Are they far to travel to?," she asked. She always assumed prey stayed close. "At my birth pack we always had a bog herd of bison on our plains,' she returned, surprised that deer would move to an an area where there were less wolves. "I see, I didn't know they kept track of us like we would keep track of them. Interesting."
riflette la colpa, alimenta l'odio
133 Posts
Ooc — Sen
Discovering the scarred Medic was rather new like Zsuzsa to the Saints, the Mackenzie did not feel so alone anymore as far as being newer to the ranks. Everyone else she had encountered so far seemed well established in the hierarchy and expert in their specialties. ”Mm. I can see how that would be a challenge.” Zsuzsa mused, understanding sometimes you had to work with what was provided.
As far as the location of the mutual territories, Zsuzsa fell silent to calculate this in her head. ”I’d say 50 miles away, give or take.” The journey to those areas was not too treacherous to make. Zsuzsa issued a soft smile at Arlette’s comment of finding it interesting how the wolf’s prey was also intelligent with keeping a distance from their apex predators. ”The white tails are surprisingly observant and coordinating of each other’s herds. I don’t know if they have a hierarchy like our pack, but different herds seem to seek allyship in one another.” One would think they only mindlessly grazed all day.
At the mention of bog herd bison at her prior homeland, the Mackenzie tilted her head again in curiosity. ”What brought you to the Saints then?” Her steel gaze traced its way along Arlette’s deep scarring. Zsuzsa assumed Arlette must have sustained her wounds in travels along here, although she did not want to ask directly, risking it to be rather unpolite to point out her blemishes.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head in agreement. She assumed that once she lived longer in this place that she would know better what kind of plants were in the area. She just needed to head out more. She was glad that she was not judged for it.

It was really interesting to hear about the herds being perceptive of wolves and their packs. She never heard it, but then again, she wasn't a hunter. "Very interesting!," she returned. "Must be had to catch them if they are so far away. Would the pack have enough food?," she asked.

Arlette cast her eyes way briefly. "Bad things happened there. My face is proof of some of it," she commented to the other female. 'Cougar attack, lost my mate, and unborn pups to name a few," she spoke sadly. "So I had to leave really. Thanks to Derg and the Saints I feel more confident and just wanted." Perhaps it was too honest but then the female knew at least.
riflette la colpa, alimenta l'odio
133 Posts
Ooc — Sen
Arlette asked a great question, one of which Zsuzsa could not answer fully. They would learn within the next coming weeks that the Saints would not have enough food with the oncoming blizzard about to take over the Wilds. “The traveling can definitely take a toll. As far as your question though, it can be hard to judge. For now, it seems like Tuktu has a good supply to sustain us.” There was no seasoned hunter in the Wilds that would be able to predict the oncoming famine that the blizzard would bring. All Zsuzsa knew, for the time being, was that they were in decent supply.
Revealing the reasoning behind her scars, it all made sense. Sounded like she endured a rough past. There was a visible frown to cast over her dark muzzle, ears lowering at the mention of a passing mate along with puppies. That had to cut deeper than the scars that were physically on her. “I’m sorry to hear.” The Mackenzie sympathized with her. Her ears perked back up though. “This seems like so much more of a better place than where you came from. Kynareth made me feel the same too. Made me feel like I actually belong somewhere.” There was a mile-long stare in her silver eyes. Her past had been just as tainted.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette waas relieved to hear that. It made her realize that having a bison herd close by was not normal for a pack. Especially not having any prey animal so close to your pack. She never realized this. Perhaps her mother's work was harder than she thought, now she looked back on it. At least it was nice to know that Zsuzsa worked so hard for their meals. "Thank you for working so hard," she spoke, a bit in awe.

Arlette slowly nodded. "Definitely," she agreed wholeheartedly. "At first I didn't understand why I was the only one to live frown our little family. But now, I am grateful. Glad that I got another chance," she spoke, wanting to be more positive about things. "I agree. The Saints are a really nice pack," she hummed and wagged her tail. "Let's hope times will stay great." Whelp there went her positivity.
riflette la colpa, alimenta l'odio
133 Posts
Ooc — Sen
With Arlette expressing appreciation toward Zsuzsa’s efforts, it made her feel good. She had not been granted any sense of recognition in many moons for any type of service. ”I know I could be doing better, but thank you for saying that. Makes me feel like I’m making some sort of an impact.” Zsuzsa said with a sway of her tail.
Arlette’s own efforts did not (and would not) go unnoticed. ”You’re already doing a great service to the Saints with medic supplies yourself. Feels good knowing if any of us ever fall ill or injured, we have the best of resources.” And this was the truth, considering the Saints had three different individuals who could tend to medic needs.
The small Medic was optimistic about the current times, which Zsuzsa admired. Most focused so much on past troubles that it robbed them from enjoying what was in the present. Zsuzsa would have to adopt a mindset a lot more like Arlette, enjoying the opportunity they had now. ”You’re right. I think with who we have, we can take any hardship.” Zsuzsa smirked, thinking of all the characters she met in the pack thus far and how each of them were rough around the edges but all of them holding a solid, genuine concern for each other.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
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I love this thread!!

Arlette quirked up her lips into a friendly smile to the female. "You should really be proud of what you do," she added once more. Since the female did diminish the fact that she could do more. That was not her intention. She wanted the female to feel good about the work she did.

Arlette dipped her head, accepting the compliment. "Thank you. I really want to help the Saints as much as I can since everyone has been so welcoming." She really wanted to keep her place among them. Not that she feared she would be kicked out, but seeing she was a medic she did want to justify her trade and not slack around. She wanted to be preventive instead of reactive.

"I think so too. It is not always the easiest mindset," she admitted. "But since I want to help with mental and physical trauma, I am trying to test things out on my own brain with my own trauma," she revealed. "It has its ups and downs. But I noticed that when other wolves work hard and have the same commitment to the pack, things become easier."
riflette la colpa, alimenta l'odio
133 Posts
Ooc — Sen
<3 Arlette is just naturally pleasant to be around 24/7

For the first time in a long time, Zsuzsa felt like she was enough in who she was and what she did. All she could do was offer a generous smile in return with a wag of her tail. Even if their leaders may have not been around to notice all the efforts and hard work, it felt great to gain recognition from other pack members alike.
Arlette was right with the welcoming part. For those Zsuzsa had met, there had been comradery shared amongst each other to help each other in their goals, no matter how tedious or minimal. ”I feel at times we are misunderstood by the rest of the Wilds. But I can’t imagine being with any other pack during the rough times.” It was no secret the Saints were well-known, and some for the wrong reasons. Zsuzsa didn’t entirely understand some of the stigma surrounding them yet.
Speaking of experimenting with mental and physical trauma, it seems like Arlette could certainly be a master in such. ”I think you’ve got a good group here to test your hypotheses out on.” She smirked, knowing each Saints had a little touch of insanity to each of them.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
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Master Medic

Arlette once again was reminded that the Saints might not be as she thought they were. "I cannot understand why we as the saints would be misunderstood," she admitted. Then again, she had been quite oblivious to it all. She didn't know about the murder and kidnapping. She thought the Saints were a nice pack. A friendly pack like how her previous pack was. "Better than to have it the other way around, though. I'd rather have strangers frown upon us than packmembers to each other."

Arlette had to chuckle at those words she said. "I think you are right. I will be a master no time," she hummed. She then paused and laughed. "Perhaps I know the stigma now. Because I just grew excited from learning from other people's traumas. Maybe most wolves find that weird."
riflette la colpa, alimenta l'odio
133 Posts
Ooc — Sen
I think this is a good place to conclude!

Zsuzsa did not understand their misrepresentation either. She was still very much ignorant of the past, but perhaps it was nice to live in this sphere of unknown history for the time being. All Zsuzsa knew was that Kynareth stepped in at the right time to welcome her into the ranks, without judgment and really without much of a name or history to herself. The Mackenzie agreed wholeheartedly with Arlette. "Yes, I agree that is our best-kept secret overall." The Saints may have had many secrets, but the secret combination of the bond they all had with each other was unbreakable. 

Arlette had a gift about her that was priceless to the Saints. Not many can stomach past- traumas and there were many out there that didn't have access to a helpful paw or lending ear like Arlette was willing to do. Zsuzsa was interested to learn more of what Arlette had to say, but also felt the pang of having to drop off the sliver of kill back at their quarters to store. "Perhaps I will have to confide with you one day for my own troubles, physically or mentally" Hopefully, it wouldn't be too much of a burden for Arlette to do for either. "But I must go drop this off, and then head back out again. There's hungry wolves to feed." The work of a hunter was never truly over. Especially for what was to come, Zsuzsa had to make sure their food cache was stocked adequately. "It was great to finally meet you Arlette, let me know if you need assistance anytime." With that being said, Zsuzsa gave a courteous nod, picked up the kill, and went to go store it away before she would head back out into the Hinterlands again to rinse and repeat.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
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Master Medic

Arlette dipped her head in a friendly matter. The female would love to be helpful to her packmates. "You can come to me any time," she promised. She hoped the other would feel welcome or comfortable to come to her with her troubles. She nodded understandingly. "Of course. I wouldn't want to keep you from your tasks," she instantly spoke.

She stepped back and nodded. "Likewise for you. I wouldn't mind helping when I can," she stated and quirked up her lips. "See you around," she spoke and then went her own way.

- fin-