...that he was talking in philosophy but they were listening in gibberish.”
Terry Pratchett, "Small Gods"
Terry Pratchett, "Small Gods"
Up! You useless pound of flesh!
Kau cocked an ear, when she heard a voice talk inside her head, quite unlike the gibberish other giants in her world spoke. Then she slo-o-o-owly opened one eye (not realizing that the other was not cooperating, not knowing - really - that she was supposed to have two eyes instead of one) and without moving her head peeked around. No one of importance was nearby. She blinked few times, yawned, scratched a flee away from her belly, rolled and prepared to continue to nap.
Don't you dare!!!
Now this was interesting - she lifted her head, wagged her tail and woofed, and waited for a response.
She did not understand a word, but the game had become exciting! Kau got to her feet and began to amble awkwardly around the den, sniffing and searching for the one, who was talking.
September 21, 2021, 02:42 PM
Kausiut, whats the matter little girl?He asked as he slipped his cream and red head into the opening of the den, to see her stirring about in the dim lighting.
Aiolos had not been far. Never was not within eye sight of the den's opening whilst Kukutux was out and he was watching them. His ears perk forth curiously as he looks over one of his girls. Her fur just as the others, like the color of sandy beaches when the sun is setting and it casts a red glow upon it. A perfect mixture of both his fiery hues and their mother's snow.

moonglow daddy
September 29, 2021, 02:51 PM
The god roared in anger and frustration inside puppy's head, when its attempt to possess this mindless, little thing failed. It clawed at the kid's brain cells with invisible paws, but nothing came of it. He was trapped. Within four glass walls. At mercy of toddler, who did not realize that the one, who talked, was within her and not an outside source.
Arrival of the other wolf, who we shall call "O" for simplicity, distracted Kausiut enough to catch his eye. She greeted him with wagging tail and momentarily forgot, what she had been doing, in hopes of getting food. Now that Kukutux had begun to insist that her two little sharks nursed less and ate more, Kau had accepted the rules. And was just as a greedy eater as she had been a milk-a-holic.
She turned and walked awkardly (it was already obvious that one of her forepaws was unlike the other and that this was not something she would outgrow) towards O, huffing and puffing like a little steam engine.
Kau suddenly froze. Whipped against the nearest wall and began barking at it in a shrill, agitated voice.
Arrival of the other wolf, who we shall call "O" for simplicity, distracted Kausiut enough to catch his eye. She greeted him with wagging tail and momentarily forgot, what she had been doing, in hopes of getting food. Now that Kukutux had begun to insist that her two little sharks nursed less and ate more, Kau had accepted the rules. And was just as a greedy eater as she had been a milk-a-holic.
She turned and walked awkardly (it was already obvious that one of her forepaws was unlike the other and that this was not something she would outgrow) towards O, huffing and puffing like a little steam engine.
Kau suddenly froze. Whipped against the nearest wall and began barking at it in a shrill, agitated voice.
September 30, 2021, 12:53 PM
One eye squinted small, the other was at a happy delight to see her father. Tail wagging and she came to him with a crooked walk, only to stop in her tracks and immediately start barking at one of the den walls.
Aiolos stood still, head tilting in confusion as he looked between Kausiut and the dark hollow. What was she barking at?? What was she seeing?? Aiolos shifts inward, looking around for perhaps a bug, a mouse, a snake even which had gotten into their home but he saw and sniffed out nothing. Yet still, his daughter was determined something was there.
Even if Aiolos understood little of the otherworldly, even if he didn't know if what his daughter was seeing was only a figment of her imagination or something real, Aiolos would not allow Kausiut to be left thinking something was wrong with her. None of his six (seven, Huojin included) children would be left to think anything was wrong with them. They were just different in some ways. And different was okay.
So, standing so that his forelegs were straddling each side of his pup in protective display, Aiolos began aggressively growling and barking at the wall too. Maybe together, they could make whatever it was go away.
Aiolos stood still, head tilting in confusion as he looked between Kausiut and the dark hollow. What was she barking at?? What was she seeing?? Aiolos shifts inward, looking around for perhaps a bug, a mouse, a snake even which had gotten into their home but he saw and sniffed out nothing. Yet still, his daughter was determined something was there.
Even if Aiolos understood little of the otherworldly, even if he didn't know if what his daughter was seeing was only a figment of her imagination or something real, Aiolos would not allow Kausiut to be left thinking something was wrong with her. None of his six (seven, Huojin included) children would be left to think anything was wrong with them. They were just different in some ways. And different was okay.
So, standing so that his forelegs were straddling each side of his pup in protective display, Aiolos began aggressively growling and barking at the wall too. Maybe together, they could make whatever it was go away.

moonglow daddy
October 03, 2021, 12:10 PM
To Kausiut's eternal joy, O joined in and for a moment there she also believed that she had been correct in identifying the troublemaker. She even fell silent to let O do the job for her - he was just that good. The puppy was nice and obedient and in total awe for 5 minutes, then her gaze began to dart around, she yawned and it was obvious that boredom had set in and she was looking for an outlet.
Her one eye looked downwards, locked on O's paws and with a little war-growl she pounced at his foot and attempted to sink her tiny needle teeth in it.
Her one eye looked downwards, locked on O's paws and with a little war-growl she pounced at his foot and attempted to sink her tiny needle teeth in it.
October 22, 2021, 11:07 PM
The father would come to realize then, after just a few short moments, his daughter had silenced herself, happy for her father's help. Aiolos kept on barking and growling, baring his teeth and after a time mellowed to a low rumble in his throat. Siut had been satisfied.
Now, moving onto something Aiolos could more so understand, he grumbles at her attack to his footing. He lifts the limb, shaking his paw above her, lowering and lifting up in tease.
Now, moving onto something Aiolos could more so understand, he grumbles at her attack to his footing. He lifts the limb, shaking his paw above her, lowering and lifting up in tease.

moonglow daddy
October 26, 2021, 02:24 PM
Kau has played this game before and she has understood one important thing - attacking paws that rise in the air is pointless. That sticking to targets at her own eye-level is more practical. Simply because in her limited experience, never had anyone been able to lift all four paws up.
So - she ignores that O's foot that she cannot reach and goes swiftly and toothily after the other one. Intent on removing at least one of the digits.
So - she ignores that O's foot that she cannot reach and goes swiftly and toothily after the other one. Intent on removing at least one of the digits.
November 14, 2021, 02:02 PM
(This post was last modified: December 09, 2021, 03:18 PM by Aiolos.)
As smart girl, his daughter did not bother wasting her time on something that could not be reached. She focused on her abilities and what was within her grasp. Aiolos found himself dancing, lifting his paws and dodging her bites as best he could.
In the tight quarters of the den, he could not avoid her well. Tiny teeth bit all over his ankles until new teeth bit down onto his toes in just the wrong (or right) way.
And so does he use the top of his skull to push against her and flop her to the ground.
In the tight quarters of the den, he could not avoid her well. Tiny teeth bit all over his ankles until new teeth bit down onto his toes in just the wrong (or right) way.
OW!He yelps, jerking his foot out from her mouth and shaking it wildly. Little devil!
And so does he use the top of his skull to push against her and flop her to the ground.

moonglow daddy
November 16, 2021, 02:59 PM
As a very little kid Kau did not know yet the boundaries (or limits to her parent figure's patience), therefore, when playing she easily got carried away. Not only in terms of time, but also intensity. If not stopped at the right moment, she could easily become violent (as a puppy - v-e-e-e-e-ry annoying).
So, when the Aiolos had had enough with her trying to eat his paws, he took her by surprise, pinning her to the ground. At first she tried to squirm out of the hold, growling and yelping simultaneously, but eventually she calmed down and ceased to resist. Consider lesson learned. For now.
So, when the Aiolos had had enough with her trying to eat his paws, he took her by surprise, pinning her to the ground. At first she tried to squirm out of the hold, growling and yelping simultaneously, but eventually she calmed down and ceased to resist. Consider lesson learned. For now.
December 09, 2021, 03:23 PM
It didn't take much to hold the little rose pup to the den ground, his large snout pressed into the rounded tummy of the child. She resisted, of course, though after a time had given up and so Aiolos relented, backing up and plopping to the ground in a lay. Content he was then to lick the ruffled hairs of his daughter as time passed on...

moonglow daddy
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