Hideaway Strath No stranger to pain, though it lessen's some.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Artok woke and looked around. His muscles still hurt and were tight, but they were getting better. Each day that he tried the regimen that Miss. Arlette told him too. They stayed a little looser. They would never completely lessen there was no way. It was too damaged, but it was something. Anything than what he had was something.

He stretched, submerged into the sulfuric pool and then with his fur smelling like sulfur and his nose wrinkled in irritation. That was the only thing he hated. He rolled in the dirt and grass, shaking his pelt out.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
hope it is okay I snatched it up

Arlette was really proud of Adlartok for keeping up the regiment of swimming in the warm water. The female knew that she could find him around the hot spring, today was no different. She kind of wanted to try another method. It seemed the warm water helped but not completely. She figured it would never fully heal.

"Adlartok," she greeted. "How is the stiffness?," she asked. Her tail wagged in greeting. "I was thinking, now you have tried the warm water for a while we could switch to the cold river stream. See the effect of cold water?"
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Absolutely fine. He loves her

Artok was many things, but one thing he prided himself on above all else, was being a man of his word. He had promised Miss. Arlette that he would do as asked. And even despite his heavy fondness for her, he would've anyway. But that helped, certainly.

He heard his name and turned his head and he frowned for a moment and then spoke quietly. You can call me Artok.

He choked on the name a little. He had not given out that nickname since he was a pup, and never in the Teekon. Arlette wouldn't understand the seriousness of what he gave her or how much he had to trust her to share that one with her. But it felt right.

His tail wagged too, and he smiled at her. Full bodied and warm, made his eyes light up for a brief moment. It was not often he turned his full smile on anyone. He nodded firmly, back to business.

Alright. Lead the way.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
I honestly love their dynamic <3

Arlette wagged her tail, but it paused when the other frowned. She wasn't sure if she had done something wrong. A few seconds later she realized it didn't seem the case. Her red eyes took the male in, and it seemed that he was a little... choked up? She offered him a soft smile not sure what that was "Artok it is," she hummed. " 'Arrie and Arrie' on their way to cause havoc," she chuckled, which was just a joke really.

She beamed a smile back at him. "You didn't tell me yet the effect of the warm water had over these last weeks," she reminded him fondly as she started to walk to the river. She knew just a spot that would be perfect for him to practice. "I am really curious about the difference," she admitted to him. She would only know in a few weeks.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Me too

She answered him with his nickname and a pain blossomed along his chest. He hadn't even told Miss. Scarlett that name. Had kept it to himself. It had been the one thing he had left of a family that hadn't wanted him, though at the time he had dearly wanted them too. Her next words pulled a snort from him.

Miss Arlette, that was notoriously bad.

He guffawed anyway, because it was so very bad at least to him and then with a small smile. He shifted to give her room to come nearer.

He frowned in thought. Working back through the last couple of weeks. It keeps it less tight. It will never be fully loose again. Somethings, all busted up in there. Maybe if you had been around then you could have saved it, but well. These things happen. And I wouldn't trade your presence now for then.

What do you think the cold water will do? Cold makes things numb.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette blushed a little but then just chuckled. She didn't mind a bad joke every once a while. She accepted the invite and walked closer to him as they made they way to the river. She knew that the hot water would never get all the tightness away from his leg. It had been such an old injury. But if it helped a little she was happy. I don't expect for you to fully heal ever. But if we can help only a little with pain relief I am happy.

Exactly, make things numb. So I can understand it gives discomfort and it might numb that pain. She didn't know if that was truly the case or if it would be like that.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The joke was bad to Artok, but someone else may have found it humorous. For a moment he regretted teasing, until she laughed. Then he was alright with it. He hadn't wanted to cause her unrest.

I will not heal. Even this much is more than I ever expected.

They traveled to teh river and Artok snuck a glance to her. Your child is back? He could smell a new scent on the wind, and he had gathered some information. Not much, but enough.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had to agree with him on that. It wouldn't heal. She knew that as much, but she would still try to make him comfortable. I know, but I just want to help and see if the discomfort becomes less.

The female then smiled. Yes! He returned. Fury found him. I am so happy. You should meet him. His name is Turmeric. It still meant that the two others were missing but it did give her hope. Perhaps even her mate would return. She missed him.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok dipped his muzzle. He didn't mind the help. Would have liked it years before, but he would take it now. It wasn't her fault for the injury or his attitude about it.

I appreciate it. And so far it has.

Her excitement was contagious and he couldn't keep the smile from his face. He was happy for her. She deserved all the happiness in the world. As far as he was concerned. As did her grandma.

They had made it to the river, and without even flinching. He stepped into the cold, paws, and then chest and then up and over his shoulder. He closed his eyes lazily for a moment as he stood there, the rushing river running across her dead shoulder. It had always been a bit numb, but the numbness had begun to spread.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was glad to hear that. So her efforts hadn't been in vain. The female could hear the river as soon as they were getting close. She was impressed with the other as he walked into the icy river without hesitation. Arlette stepped into the bank where her front paws got wetted and then stepped back. Too cold for her liking.

The male seemed to enjoy the cold. She studied him and made mental notes. Artok seemed far more comfortable in the cold water than in the warm one, probably because he was a man of the north. Do you prefer the cold water over the warm water?, she asked curiously.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok had learned a long time ago. Nothing worth doing was worth doing halfway. So that was how he lived. Whether it was good or bad he had yet to see.

There was no denying he enjoyed the cold. He was not a wolf suited for warmer climates, though it had always been warmer climates he had been in. He had not be raised where his ancestors were from. Truth be told, he wasn't even sure where they were.

Though he realized the numbness had begun to spread everywhere, so with sluggish limbs, he returned to the edge of the river. Curious as to what it had done. It hadn't loosened him, up, but it had numbed the small pain that was constant. He shifted.

It numbed everything. I don't feel any pain. I like the cold yes. But the warm makes it looser, while the cold numbs the pain.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette watched as the male came out of the cold water. She didn't really like how it looked at first. The male seemed to be unsteady with the numbness. But perhaps that was just her own assumption. Maybe to the male, it felt better. He gave her his findings from the cold water.

"What would you prefer?," she asked curiously. He would probably prefer being in the cold water. She also wondered what the cold exposure would do to him in the long run. Perhaps it had some negative effects unless it was quite the opposite. Maybe he would grow a thicker coat. Who knows!
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok didn't have an answer for her. He wasn't quite sure what it had done for him. His shoulder didn't feel as large and bulky as it usually did. He thought perhaps it had taken down any swelling if there was any.

Well I think it depends on what I am looking for. Each does something different. The cold numbs it, takes the swelling down that's inside and the heat loosens it.

He frowned. I think both together will help more than one or the other separate, but i'm not a very good head for healing.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette nodded. That made sense that each of the methods did something else. The female wasn't sure if both would help though. The female thought about it. If he first when into the heat to loosen it, then going in the cold might make it tight again. "I think both might not work," she spoke thoughtfully.

Then again, I don't really know if it will work against each other, so we might try it as well. Just to learn from it. But it might contradict each other, maybe it will always be the one or the other. She disliked the idea but there was nothing she could do about it.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arlette nodded her head, but there was a furrow in her brow as she did so. As if she wasn't quite sure of it all and still puzzling it out. It was awe inspiring ot watch her mind work like that. And Artok held his ears forward to listen to what she might say.

Well let's give it a few minutes here and see what it does. he was willing to wait. It might grow tight again. The cold water maybe for after the pack hunt they'd be going on, or after he did something else vigorous and pulling.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette thought about it. "I'd say try only cold water for a week, just so you know the difference. And then we can do the hotline first, and go for a cooldown here," she suggested. "If that is alright." She knew he was probably willing but she wanted to make sure. This was very helpful for her learning about long term injuries. Which one didn't come across often.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I can do that. Especially as god awful hot as it's been. My long fur isn't made for the heat even if i've never been North too far.

He tilted his head and shifted, pulling gently at the shoulder to see what it would do. It didn't tighten, but the numbness was wearing off and with it, some of teh pain blockage. He wasn't in that much pain as it were anyway, but it was enough. More so as he aged.

That's alright. You know that. Miss. Arlette. I'll do what you need to both help me and become a better healer.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had to smile at that. "I really appreciate it," she spoke. "Perhaps soon we can do that trip we talked about? I've been thinking about it. Maybe my son Turmeric wants to join as well learn more about his family," she commented thoughtfully. Then Adlartok could also see where they had ended up, though it was a place Scarlette had never seen, only where her final resting place was.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok smiled and lifted golden eyes to the area around. He was growing used to it here. Learning to love it. He felt at home here, which was strange for him. Her next words drew him pause and he nodded his head.

Sure thing, he probably will. Every young man should know something of his history at least. It helps to shape them into who they are as they age.

He thought on what he knew. It really amounted to nothing. He had no idea anything of his aunt, his mother, or his uncle. He had no history so to speak, unless you counted Miss. Scarlett.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette nodded. She would go and check with her child if he was interested to join them or if he rather wanted to stay here at the strath. She also wanted to ask permission from Fury, because they would be a way for awhile and she might not want them to travel too far. Arlette felt ready to see Easthollow again, even with the news of her mother and Greyback passing. She wondered if there still was a pack there...

"I will go check with Fury and Turmeric," she spoke with a nod. "Have a good day, Artok. I will let you know what they say."

Current State
Very, very Pregnant