Cedar Sweep Whetstone Nails
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven

Paeon wandered into the Cedar Sweep looking for a place to rest after her vigorous run earlier that day. She strolled deeper into the woods and found that the trees changed from the Golden Glade's sugar maples to the Cedar Sweep's stately cedars. She let her eyes wander up to the trees sweeping limbs as she hummed a tune to herself. A Hero Comes Home

Then as the trees began to thin she came across the riverbank. Picking up her speed from a walk to a trot she made her way to the water's edge and lowered her head for a drink. After taking her fill a stone caught her attention. A smooth sleek stone. Dunking her head into the water she pulled out the stone and carried it to the bank.

After setting it down and shaking the excess water from her head, she began to file her nails along it. Like a warrior sharpening their blades on a whetstone. Focused on her task she began to sing to herself. "Just wait though wide she may roam. Always a hero comes home. She goes where no one has gone.  But always a hero comes home."
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Ooc — Liv
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Master Warrior
Fury tried to be more diplomatic, and so far it had worked...somewhat.
Her heart was still bitter at Nala's disappearance, and as the Warchief reflected on her past, she acknowledged a list of thoughts...
Merrick, was he still alive?
Was Ursus still hunting her?

So far they hadn't succeeded, if so.
This calmed her nerves slightly.
After all, Nala was definitely stupid enough to give away their location if she ended up with an enemy. Then again, she hadn't exactly specified to the dog that it needed to be kept a secret....

Fury growled in irritation to herself, looking up long enough to notice the she-wolf fliling her nails on a stone, singing a song.
Gruffly, the Warqueen spoke up "What's the definition of a hero?" She mused, though her face was deadpan and looking a bit on the cloudy side with her slew of internal thoughts that had been a plague recently.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Fury's question entered Paeon's mind without surprise. She had heard distant shuffling and mumblings as the snow white giant approached. The definition of a hero. Raised in a family of trailblazers hearing story after story around the body of their recent hunt the definition was broad for Paeon and yet she felt certain of her answer.

She continued to file her nails as she spoke "A hero. A wolf who has gone through the trials that life has to offer and emerged on the other side with outstanding achievements and the admiring respect of those around them." she said triumphantly. "I'm actually..." Paeon began to say as she looked in the direction of her visitor.

"Holy shit. Look at you." Paeon when she finally saw the physique of that she was speaking with. A large white female both in size and build covered in battle markings. Paeon stood up quickly and began walking towards Fury as she continued to speak. "Your're HUGE... In the best way possible of course. Where did you get those rad markings? A bear? You don't need my silly definition. You're obviously a hero already." Paeon gushed like a star-struck fan or hype man despite not knowing things of Fury herself.
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1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
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Master Warrior
Fury stared at Paeon as she defined a hero.
Continued to file her laws as she spoke, as well.
The Warchief hmmed softly in response, just before the girl looked up and seemed to gawk if ever slightly, at the monolithic woman.
Swiftly, the girl was on her feet and oming towards the Warqueen gushing like a pup.

You're obviously a hero already!

Fury looked surprised for a brief beat as she weighed her options...
Act the part? Play the good guy? Potentially gain a recruit?
Speak the truth? 

The towering woman chuckled softly in the end, a noise of humility if anything.
"I am no hero. I have killed wolves before, more times than I've done anything worthy of admiration." She sighed.
"My scars, most of them are from when I killed a cougar to save the life of another pack's pup. Others are from fights with other wolves." She answered, flicking her torn ears as if to gesture at said others.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The white warrior was less inclined to call herself a hero and went on to say that she could not be a hero due to her past actions of killing other wolves and gaining her scars from a fight with a cougar and other run-ins. Despite the woman's words, it did little to sway Paeon and her initial beliefs about this wolf. "I don't know. Fighting off a vicious cougar to save the life of a defenseless pup sound pretty heroic to meee." she said with excited lingering. "And fighting. You've gotta fight or spar with a few challengers to get prepared for the big battles, like the one you had with the cougar."

"As far as killing other wolves... it's unfortunate but... sometimes there's no other way. Some bad wolves don't give you a choice" Paeon said in a more serious tone. It was likely a level of naivety that Paeon's first instinct was to believe the other wolves Fury had killed had been ones threatening her life or others she cared about. She didn't consider the alternative that this wolf in front of her which she knew nothing about could also be one of these 'bad wolves'.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
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Master Warrior
Fury heavily considered pressing the issue, but the devious part of her desired to give the girl a hard lesson.
To see what all this young wolf would do, could do, in her naivety, before the truth inevitably was uncovered. Or, until the poor child got herself killed in Fury's name. Whichever came first...

So, she let out a sigh and gave a soft, dry but yielding huff.
"I suppose you're right..." Fury rumbled with a smile that told of some form of relief.
"What's your name, girl?" She asked, swishing her tail softly a time or two.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
When the white warrior agreed with her and gave her a smile Paeon's tail wagged with pleasing energy. If a hero like this one agreed with her ideology surely she must be on the right track to becoming one herself down the line.

"My name is Paeonia. But most others call me Paeon... or Peony. Not as many call me Peony. So yeah, Paeon. And what about you? Who do I have the honor of standing before?" she asked.
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Ooc — Liv
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Not the most unusual of names, she'd definitely heard others far more striking.
But the Warqueen didn't say anything, let alone give her thoughts away by means of body language.

The Warchief offered a kind smile.
"Fury Brunhilde, Warchief and Queen of The Saints." She responded in turn. 
The girl before her was too new, obviously, to know the talk infesting the Teekon about her pack and its history.

Best to keep that as under wraps as possible.
Behind the facade she wore, Fury held hope that the girl might show interest in joining.
A recruit was a recruit, after all.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
'Fury Brunhilde, Warchief and Queen of The Saints' It rang in Paeon's ears and affirmed her thoughts further. With a name and title like that there was no doubt in Paeon's mind that she was an accomplished hero. It also meant that she was the leader of a pack. Some adventurers were lone wolves offering their services as they went, others were needed in a central location and group, but to be a leader of a group like that meant extra pristine. "Great to meet you, your majesty!"

Paeon thought for a moment how honored she might be to service under Fury's command, but a larger part of her felt she was unqualified and that it might be an insult for her to ask. She had a lot to learn about this new area and a lot of challenges to overcome before being ready for something like that.

"Is there any bits of wisdom you might be willing to provide me about this new region? Or... any moves you might show me?" Paeon asked, eyes and ears open like sponges ready to soak up any awesomeness Fury might be willing to share with her.

Open to a roll spar if you would like. Depending on how Fury would like to proceed.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
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Master Warrior
Fury's smile was warmer as Paeon spoke.
She was also keen on the hesitance of the girl to ask to join...
She might extend the offer anyway.

"You wish to spar?" She asked, impassive in her reaction other than the question and the warm smile; The illusion of relaxation under pale fur.
Fury would entertain the girl's wish, if Paeon confirmed the question.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The smile on Fury's face was encouraging as the Warrior Queen's approval was high on Paeon's mind. "Yes. I think it would be a great opportunity!... There's probably no shot I win against you but... I might have some hidden moves within me." she stated.

Fury's question of if Paeon would like to spar wasn't the same as her agreeing to it Paeon thought so she didn't outright lung at the Queen for the first move. She readied herself and put herself in an active stance, preparing for Fury to take the first move, or make the first move herself upon Fury's approval.

Should we follow these guidelines? Or is there another system you prefer? I'm open to either.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Fury normally has a +5 buff currently due to her masteries and specialty, but for this spar I don't mind using only a +3 if that works better <3

Fury's smile remained warm as she listened to the words of the youth.
Paeon seemed uncertain and yet optimistic.
It was heart-warming even to the likes of the villainess.
"You may have the first move." She said in response.

The smile lessened into a more focused line upon her muzzle, the molten-amber gaze became slightly less benevolent, as the Warqueen took her stance opposite Paeon and giving a small yet encouraging nod to the youth.

Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
It appears as though the traditional guidelines allow for 1 bonus so +3 sounds good to me. Roll here. Roll 9: 7 Points of Damage.

Paeon's tail wagged a bit as she heard her opponent agree to a spar and allowed her the first move. She took a moment to look down at the ground and take a deep breath, calming herself and her tail.

She looked up quickly and ran towards Fury. As she did she approached Fury's left side. However, just as she got close enough to land her first attack she pivoted and lunged up to the right grabbing hold of the right side of Fury's neck. Being far smaller than Fury, Paeon attacked from below. She wasn't dangling in the air, but her front paws were off the ground as she dug her teeth deep into Fury's mane and attempted to pull her down.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Roll: 8, 5 pts of damage (i think lol)

Fury was patient as Paeon readied herself.
She braced as the youth rushed her, but didn't fall for the feigned move as Paeon might've been hoping for.
Instead, as the youth latched to her neck, Fury was equally swift, snapping her teeth for the lower end/shoulder of Paeon as the giant woman also moved forward, aiming also to wrap a thick foreleg around the girl and pin her under the pale beast's mass.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Yep. Although I think you have more health than you think. Mentioned here.
Roll 2: 9 = 7 Points of Damage.

Paeon landed a clean initial bite but Fury used this to her advantage as she took hold of Paeon's shoulder. As Paeon attempted to bring Fury down, Fury moved forward and attempted to wrap her forepaw around Paeon. 

Still holding strong onto Fury's neck Paeon thrust her body to the side into Fury. With Fury's paw off the ground attempting to grab her, Paeon hoped her thrust would cause the giant to fall and take the brunt of her fall into her side. They would then be both on the ground. Holding onto each other facing one another.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
I'm so bad at mathematics lmao

The girl was good, she'd give her that. 
But as Paeon moved to thrust into her, Fury didn't topple as planned, instead splaying her paws and leaning into Paeon's weight to keep herself more balanced.

Her move in turn was to twist inward towards Paeon, jaws gaped for the youth's face or cheek, in hopes that the incoming teeth might scare Paeon into letting go before she got bit.

A low rumble emitted from her jaws, though it was closer to a playful kind of sound than it was to her usually malicious growling. 
It had been a while since her last warm-hearted sparring session.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
It's getting close!!! Bad math. Bad knowing how to roll. Seems pretty even. Haha.
Roll 3: 3 Points of Damage

The giant planted her paws into the ground to prevent herself from toppling over. Paeon remained un-grabbed but her opponent stood strong. Fury released Paeon's shoulder and began reaching for her face. The sound of Fury's clamping jaws in Paeon's ear motivated her to shift.

With her paws Paeon pushed herself away from the snow queen. The push itself likely had little effect on her opponent other than to give them space. She stood watching for Fury's next move.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Rolled an 11 for damage!

Fury was successful in getting Paeon to release.
The Warqueen felt herself growing tired, but she wouldn't relent just yet. 

As Paeon just barely stopped moving, Fury rushed her, aiming to catch the youth by the neck and take her to the ground. 
Same intent, but somewhat different tactic.

Her blow would certainly startle at least given she was able to be so quick despite her size.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
10 Points but a knock out none the less. Haha.

Just as Paeon landed on her feet she was rushed by the queen. With a well placed grab onto her neck and the force of the giants body weighing on her, Paeon was brought to the ground.

She had put up a good fight early on but Fury was unsurprisingly more experienced then Paeon and won the spar over all. On the ground Paeon spoke “I yield” tapping out.

She stayed there a moment and gathered her breath. “I did alright for myself in the beginning there. Don’t you think?” Paeon asked, seeking validation but also any insight she could get and use towards the future.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
The youth tapped out quickly when her body hit the ground.
Fury was appeased and would release her hold on the girl, backing up a pace or two as Paeon regrouped from their spar.

The Warqueen perked her ears slightly as Paeon asked her question.
It seemed like she was looking for positive reinforcement or something...
The Warchief huffed softly, an amused chuckle of a noise before her gaze landed on Paeon and she nodded once. 

"Yes, you did very well throughout. I would not mind another spar in the future." She commented.
It was the truth, Fury wouldn't mind at all.
But the villain thst was so deeply part of her nature muttered at the potential of just simply killing her...
Fury outwardly kept the warm, open appearance as her mind thought of the uses she might have for the wannabe hero girl.
'Perhaps, another time.

Now was only a time to plant the seeds, not to reap the harvest.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
With Fury now backed off Paeon stood up and began to stretch as she swiveled her leg and shoulder sore from Fury's attack. 

Her tail wagged as Fury stated she had performed well throughout the fight, not merely at the beginning. The giant even suggested that they might spar again in the future. "Of course, I would love that. Anytime that you are free to give me a call and I won't hesitate to come... If I'm around that is" she said joyfully and then at the end trying to not sound too eager. While she didn't want to sound too eager it was also true that the young girl planned to explore the Wilds some more and couldn't ensure that she would be close enough to hear the queen's call.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
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Ooc — Liv
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Master Warrior
We can archive here if that's alright? <3

Fury only gave a couple nods in agreement as the girl said she'd love to spar again if she was around the area.
The Queen offered a gentle smile to Paeon, as it seemed it was time to go their seperate ways.
"Farewell for now then, young Paeon. Take care." Fury said warmly, dipping her muzzle slightly before she began to prowl back into the trees.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls