Redtail Rise a pillar of salt
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
All Welcome 
training thread if that's okay? :D

He felt he had been laxed. More so than he should be.

A fault of his own.

But @Lilia still seemed to be growing well. Regaining strength, fitting in amongst the children of the Rise. His worries for her survival fall down. Now he knows he must train her so she can stand among the others.

Come, He orders the girl warmly. Prepared to guide her to an open area alongside the river.
833 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Summoned, Lilia got up to her feet and pranced alongside Prophet. Though he wasn't a man of many words, that didn't stop Lilia from making him the target of many words. 

"I weawwy hope thith whinter th-tuff doethn't lath-t too long. It'th pwetty, but I'm tho over it being thith cold by now. I juth-t want it to be warm, thunny, full of flowers an' biwdthong...How long'th that gonna take, Poffit?" She asked as they walked along.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
He did not mind.

Yet it humored him deeply. He supposed she could not be blamed, it would be her first winter.

A few months, perhaps. Winter has not even fully begun. He informed her warmly as they came upon the clearing. You've been learning with the other children, haven't you? He motioned for her to stop with a soft flick of his head.
833 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She rolled her eyes and groaned. Months?! She'd be old by then, and that was horrifying. She'd opened her mouth to complain, but caught the gesture in the corner of her eye and pulled up short, lifting her head to see what was the matter. 

She had an answer for him. "Yuhuh," She said. "I been pwactithin'," She said, lowering herself into a crouch and snaking her tail from side to side. "I altho been thcoutin'," She announced. It wasn't a task she'd been assigned, but she felt she was good at it. "I leawned thome info'mation about that pack to the weth-t," She said, "Thapphique. You wanna know? I'll tell you, but you have to pwomith if you tell Avicuth that I'm the one that got the intel on them." She said, sitting up and puffing her chest out.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
She had been scouting.

It was not an awful thing. Especially if she seemed to be a rouge, weaseling information out. It would be ideal in a way. Even if it was against their allies.

Do you want to make a bet with your information?

He squares off his stance, as if he might strike, and the glint in his eye is lively. He wished to see her act above all else.
833 Posts
Ooc — Jess
When his posture shifted, she too moved, squaring up her feet so as to balance herself should he lunge toward her. She'd learned by now to have herself ready, and that by getting her feet spread and lowering her center of gravity, she could be quicker on her feet. She wasn't as big as some of the other pups, so she had to use speed to her advantage. 

She eyed Prophet, lilac eyes glimmering. She tilted her head faintly, still watching for any signs of sudden movement. "What kinda bet?"
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
I win, I tell Avicus. You win, you tell Avicus.

He had no intention of being brutal here. She is still a child, after all, but she must learn. Especially if she is to remain among the Rise long term. And she must, shouldn't she?

It was what he had saved her for.

He offered a lower, deeper rumble now. Tail lashed.

He would give her only a moment.
833 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Surprisingly, she shrugged. "Tell Avicuth if you want, juth-t don't th-teal my cwedit." She said. 

He uttered a low growl, so she began to move, snapping her jaws to get him to begin to circle, rather than keep their conversation in a standoff. "You don't even know to tew huh. I got the detailth. Ya gonna hafta beat me to get 'em," She said. 

She bounded forward- nothing but a bluff charge, but something at least to get the motion going, before she bounded back, hoping he might lunge and miss.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
did we want to roll the winner for this? i can't remember if we already did or not haha

She had learned to be quick footed, he took great pride in this. Especially when she had hardly been able to walk when she had come to them.


He lunged for her, intending to let his shoulder meet her side with no intent to hold back on that blow. She would need to be prepared for when she grew old enough to stand regularly among the adults.
833 Posts
Ooc — Jess
I don't remember, so I did a roll in the Discord tabletop. I said 1-3 favours Lilia, 4-10 favours Prophet and rolled a 3 so she might baaaaaarely sneak a win for this one. 

I rolled a 1d5 to see how much damage she takes for this hit, and it was a 1. She got good rolls for once but I don't expect that to stick haha

She let out a hollow bark when Prophet barged into her, sending his shoulder into her ribcage. Being as light as she was, it didn't take much to knock Lilia head over heels, and she was sent rolling from the impact. It would make her a tricky target for another strike, bowling with her limbs flailing- but she caught the ground quickly enough with her raking paws. She heaved, and shook her head to rid herself of the dizziness. 

Prophet wasn't just going to go easy on her, and he was much stronger. She glared at him and bared her teeth, angry that he was being so rough with her. She bounded toward him again, and at the last moment, she feigned left before she hooked right- zipping past him, snapping her jaws together in the air with a loud clack. More of a statement than an attack. She then whirled on her haunches, and lunged toward him again- this time in earnest, snaking her head low and snapping at his feet to get him to shift his weight, upset his balance and move away from her.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
She was quick!

And he, well, he was proud. Blazed alive by seeing her thrive in this way of war. That she might one day grow to be his Clawan, as well as his daughter.

A daughter! She could be no other thing.

Even as she snipped at his toes and he danced backwards. Bulk moved off the center of gravity. He snapped his teeth at her, not even sure if they would hit, but she must learn that things would bite back.
833 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The clacking of his teeth did not discourage her, not even when they nicked one of her ears. Perhaps she felt too secure, and trusted that he wouldn't maim her for being so bold, but now that she had him on the move, and his weight on his hindquarters, she intended to use his weight against him. 

She tucked her head and lunged forward with her shoulder, hoping to slam it into his chest and knock him backwards. It might have been a better plan for a much, much bigger wolf- simply 'making up for it in ferocity' wouldn't give her the pounds she needed to do any damage, and all that she'd done was put herself within his reach.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
finish 'im, killer >:]

Perhaps her size was of no real brunt, but she had already had him on an unbalanced defense. He was not a man built with grace in mind. Only a punch worth a damn.

Yet she was nimble and whether she knew it or not, she caught him in a bad place.

He went down, but he grappled to bring her with. Even if she'd still be in an advantageous position over him.
833 Posts
Ooc — Jess
lol I totally forgot that she rolled a win for this, and was setting her up for a lose XD

He fell backwards and away from her- but she felt his dewclaw digging into her ribs as he pulled her with him. She was light, and caught by surprise so she panicked she she found herself hauled off her own feet. She splayed her legs, and when they hit the ground, she ended up with one paw on either side of Prophet's neck. 

The greedy little girl seized her opportunity and lunged to try and catch him by the throat and give him a gentle squeeze with her fangs. Not enough to pose a threat- just enough to boast.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
hehe i love that she rolled a win so much!
also we can fade here or you can in a reply? and something new pls since im a bit more active now? <3

Teeth on his throat!

Winner! He bellowed with a lighter tone now. Full of pride in the warrior she was growing to be. Now he only wished to grapple her in a brief hug before he freed her.

Avicus will be expecting that report.
833 Posts
Ooc — Jess
For sure <3!

She toppled off him, allowing him to get up, a proud and toothy grin on her face. She growled, and momentarily struggled against him when he pulled her in for a hug, only to cackle and plant a kiss at his cheek. When he relased her, she pranced, ready to bolt off and share the information she'd gleaned from the naive wolves of Sapphique with her leader. 

"Yeah, an' I'm gonna tell her I kicked your butt in a thpar!" She hollered, before she whizzed off to go and report to her leader.