Redtail Rise repetition
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
semi-recycling this post now that they're actually home! with some added edits

The air was cold, this day particularly biting, but there was something within it that caused New Snow to feel warm. Now it was not so foreign a feeling, and she knew when she caught fire the cure. As it was, she was not then feeling so out of sorts; merely... frisky, and full of an abundance of energy.

This day it frustrated her, some. Her shoulder ached (but was healing well), and she was slower for it. While in the weeks past she could understand it (and still did), and the necessity of keeping things this way as she healed, she felt an abundance of energy. She wanted to run.

In her dreams she did! Her legs visibly twitched in reality, as in her dreams she ran with @Augur; the full-bodied sprint was liberating. In this same dream he nipped at her, and she barked at him; it translated in quiet noises that caused her jowls to balloon with air and sound. Her mate sped ahead, and she bid he wait up!

New Snow slept deeply. They were home again, had established their claim, and all was well where she felt she need not sleep with one eye open as she had during their traveling. She was heedless if her twitching might rouse her son or mate, unaware that it was a dream at all in the throes of it.
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
they had come home.

they healed.

augur watched with broad crossed paws as his mate twitched and whuffed and whined in her sleep. he had woken to the first sounds and now only observed her.

his tongue lolled.

he set his muzzle close, wondering if she might wake or only see him more strongly in her dreams.

the man's tail thudded gently against the floor of their den in delight.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
In her dreams, he had run further away—

But she smelled him nearer than he was! Her tail beat against the earth happily as her nose quivered, the scent of her favorite thing something that caused her legs to twitch to catch him in them. 

New Snow loosed some rooroorooos, through her wounded mouth—she wriggled in her sleep a measure a little closer to the target of her dreams. She would catch him! 

Her nose continued to flare all the while. Huffing little snuffling breaths of a woman who had caught the scent of her quarry. 

This post is 100% inspired by my pup when I try to wake him up by putting his favorite treat right in front of his nose!
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
it is so cute! <333

augur could not stop the delighted slide-back of his ears as she made her small sounds.

the hunt-leader kissed the corner of her mouth, then rolled away.

his yellow eyes were bright! would she continue her sleeping pursuit?
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
There was something that separated dream from reality. Something tangible! And it was both the scent of her favorite thing, and the feel of it; New Snow's eyes opened wide, brows furrowed due to the earth.

Mountain Boulder!

New Snow forgot her dream. This life with him, and their family, was bliss. 

And immediately she too rolled over and crawled toward him with happy tail wags and high whines. Good morning!

New Snow began to speak in happy grumbles about her dream. The chase. She did not know he had seen her running. But then the muscles within her hindquarters bunched together, and she sought to snare him in her arms as she gently sprung toward him to bridge the rest of the gap. He might have bested her in he dream, but here she would catch him!
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she awoke!

augur let her bowl him over gladly; his ears went back and he licked almost feverishly at all parts of her face reachable.

she had caught him! little whines emitted from his throat; with his woman augur was quite unlike how he was among the others.

his heart raced. his blood ran hot.

good morning!
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
She was happy. New Snow looked down upon him with him a wolfish smile.

And also shared in the giving of billions, trillions of kisses! There was not a place upon his face that she missed, and it was the same for her—covered by him.

New Snow looked around them, and noted their son was not among them. But she was not made anxious by this; though they might never again know Thursdays Dawn, Bobcat was growing strong and had integrated well with the Rise. He was gaining his independence, and New Snow was proud.

Nipping at his ear, New Snow flopped onto her side and pawed at him. They had been traveling, fighting, traveling again—and so for now she was content to rest and be lazy for a moment, with him. Again she pawed at him, happy little grumbles coming forth from her throat.
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
augur lay down and pillowed new snow's head upon his strong forelegs, sliding them beneath her and the snow.

thus he sought to tease her, to tickle her throat, matching her with low playful growling.

his tail struck the ground behind him! how good it was to be near new snow, to belong to her.

augur kept up his delighted onslaught.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snow rolled on her back, supported by his forelegs, her own pawing playfully at his chin. She was careful, though, and gentle, not wishing to disturb new wounds. She huffed laughter, nipping away at him and wiggling against the earth as though this would keep her safe from his attack that truly tickled her! She felt warm and pleasant and happy all at once.

Her own tail created divets in the earth. She made a snow wolf with her man, unwittingly; New Snow rolled upward to nip at his ear when she beheld the shape of herself!

New Snow had never observed such a thing. Her eye was not so sharp, and these things were easily missed by her. But perhaps due to the spare time on her hands from the injury, this moment lit up her brain pleasantly! She coaxed her man upward with a gentle huff, tail wagging behind her.
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
new snow was made of joy.

had augur the conception of poetic thought, he might have compared his huntress to sunlight: consistent, beautiful, desired, necessary.

he looked at the mark of her body in the snow, angling his ears curiously. how odd! it resembled her!

augur looked at new snow with tongue lolling, studying her and then glancing back to the snow-shape.