Blacktail Deer Plateau insert dad joke thread title here
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Ooc — mercury
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come play with your future brother-in-law @Easy @Lavender @Dauntless

ever since he had returned from the scouting trip, aditya was eager to finally meet grayday's second litter. with his attachment to the first one--well, one of them, anyway--he wanted to get to know morningside's youngest members, as well.

if grayday had any objections to aditya's meeting his children, he would surely voice them. and adi would keep a respectful distance, regardless. he was a new face, after all, and he didn't want to overwhelm the babes on the first go.

so here he sat by the dens, a bone polished clean and white by his left paw, a fresh-killed rabbit by his right. if anything, he could win them over with toys and food, right?
you've still got a little lightning in you
571 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy knew all about the scouting trip. Daddy hadn't stopped talking about where Dawn, Pema, and a wolf he called Adi had gone ever since they left. He'd been very edgy and worried, but Easy couldn't really understand why. They'd just come back when they were done, right?

Well, Dawn was back, now, and so were Pema and 'Adi'. Dawn had met him briefly when she'd met Burr, but they hadn't really spoken. Yet.

But when Easy spotted him that day with a bone and a rabbit, she knew they were about to become fast friends. She was hungry, and accustomed to other members of the pack bringing her food. That must be what Adi was doing. Just to be polite, though, she chirped a question along with her greeting. "Hey! Can I have that?" She padded up to him with a wagging tail and a lowered body, naturally deffering to the older wolf.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
it wasn't long before a black and silver shape made its way toward him, materializing into the form of easy, grayday's daughter. he had seen her before, when she had taken burr back to the dens, but they had not been properly introduced. seeing how sisters gossiped, he hoped he would make a good first impression.

"of course," he responded amicably, smiling. "where are your brother and sister?"

his shaggy tail wagged as he added, "i'm aditya--'adi.' you've seen me around, before. but i'm back from that trip and here to stay, so i figured i should come meet you all."
you've still got a little lightning in you
571 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The girl gave a taciturn shrug at Aditya's question; she was busy "killing" the rabbit by biting down over and over again and shaking it back and forth. But when it was "dead" enough, she set it down and licked the blood off her chops, grinning up at the tawny male.

"What was your trip like?" she asked. "I came here on a trip when I was real little. We used to live in a big meadow." She couldn't remember much about that trip, except that her mother had become lost on the way. Well - had left them on the way. Easy was glad that no one had gotten lost on Aditya's trip.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he watched the small dark girl as she shook the rabbit, a neutral smile playing over his face. no doubt this young lady would grow into a fine warrior--it was in her genes, after all. but for now, she was a child, and his heart melted for the innocence in her eyes.

aditya knew that dawn had not yet fully developed, was not ready to bear pups. the first feeling that arose every time that fact came to his mind was disappointment. not with dawn, not at all. just bad timing. but he knew that time flew, and their love was true. she would grow with the moons, and their children would be born soon enough--god willing.

he was so lost in thoughts of dawn that he missed easy's question, twitching back into reality with a muffled, "eh?" a split second later, he was able to comprehend what she had said, and responded, "oh, it was fine. we met a lot of interesting wolves. saw some cool stuff."

intrigued, he continued, "did you really? do you like it here?"
you've still got a little lightning in you
571 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy gave Aditya a look she'd learned from her father, unimpressed with his inattention and lackluster response. She wanted to hear about adventures, but it seemed as though she'd have to turn to Dawn or Pema for that. Why had Dawn chosen such a dumb dude?

"Stuff?" Easy repeated, clearly calling his intellect into question. But she'd been raised too well to say anything directly, and besides, his own question needed answering. It would be rude not to. "I do like it here. I don't remember much about where we were born, but I know that this place has more trees, and a cool pond. It's also up high. It feels special."
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
aditya resisted laughing out loud as easy gave him a look that was patently grayday--a bland look bordering on condescension but not quite there. the corners of his mouth twitching, he responded, "it is special here. i like it a lot. a lot different from where i grew up.

"i like the pond best,"
he mused, thinking of that catfish-filled wonder. "down south there's this giant lake--it reminds me a lot of the ocean. . .which is where i grew up. oh, and there's a pack that lives on top of a dead volcano, so that's pretty cool."

he smiled, for lack of anything good to say. one drawback to having no family--and being an only child--was that he had absolutely no idea how to speak to children. he didn't know what made them tick: toys and treats were his best guess. but as far as conversation went? clueless.
you've still got a little lightning in you
571 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Her opinion of him was marginally improved when he agreed that the Plateau was amazing, and then even more when he began to explain himself. Although Easy loved adventures and hunting, she craved knowledge from her elders more than anything else. One day, she wanted to be able to teach people things, just like the ones she most admired taught her.

"What's the ocean like?" asked Easy, who had already quizzed her father's mate about this very thing. The @Spiritwalker's tales had been breathtaking and wonderful, but she wanted to hear what Aditya had to say about it as well. Everyone seemed to have different ways of seeing things, and Easy wanted to know and understand them all. And, on that note - "And what's a volcano? It's big enough that a dead one can fit a whole pack?"

Easy imagined a giant deer with a pack of wolves huddled in its ribcage.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
"the ocean? it's massive," adi explained with a grin. "it goes on, all this water, for as long as the eye can see. and there are lots of fish, and sometimes you can see whales--those are like giant fish, they like to jump from the water into the air--and seabirds, and it smells of salt and sea and life. . ." he trailed off with a sigh of nostalgia. oh, how he missed the sea, sometimes.

a sudden idea struck him, though. "catori is from the sea, too. perhaps we could take you to see it, sometime soon." she would love it, he thought, this girl with boundless energy and a sense of adventure within her. she took after dawn, in that regard. 

"as for a volcano, it's like a mountain. . . but with--" he paused, looking for the right word. "like, fire, inside it? and it explodes sometimes, blowing off the top and spewing fire everywhere. some volcanos stay alive, and keep hot, but others die, and you can live on top of them safely." he gave a shrug, hoping he had explained the concept well enough. 

"it's something else we'll have to take you to see." he had no doubt she'd be up for that.
you've still got a little lightning in you
571 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
I'm so sorry for the wait on this! Wanna close up?
"I wanna go see the ocean when it stops snowing," Easy said with feeling, thinking back on all the stories that Catori had told her about it. Mostly, she wanted to see the whales that she'd heard about. There wasn't really a fish bigger than a deer, was there? Easy had only seen the catfish from the pond, and while those were certainly big enough, she couldn't imagine them being that big. How did they even hunt them?

"I'm going to go play, now," she said to her brother-in-law, snatching the remains of the rabbit and darting off to share with her siblings. Aditya had provided some useful information, but she wasn't sure how she felt about him just yet. At least the food was good.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger

he nodded, smiling at her enthused statement. aditya knew the girl must be close to catori, and he wondered if she would permit his coming along on their small journey to the sea. it wasn't too far off, after all. . .but he would respect her wishes if she wanted it to be a mother-daughter trip.

"have fun," adi told her, though he spoke to her back, as she had already retreated. despite her intelligent eyes and speech, the girl was still a child. she should have as much fun as she could, while this childhood lasted.