Stone Circle the air is dense as my back sticks to the leather
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a solicitous frown as valette led them through her past, heart aching with pained understanding at enduring such a terrible thing. it was disorientating to try and imagine valette as a pup, in some ways the woman appeared as eternal as the standing stones she venerated so wholly, but she too had wept and given in to that double edged sword of hissing bitterness. however it was oddly comforting, to know that valette had managed to endure something so great and yet still grow to be the influential, eloquent woman that stood before them today. lips do tilt back up into a clement smile when the cordial matriarch pushed forth to speak of steady, she did remember that one! "the father stoneshe'd breathe softly, gaze flicking over to where the sentries stood in their brazen glory; the one she spoke of easy to pinpoint due to its magnificent size. 

awe touched eyes wander back to the speaker, tail wagging a little as she found herself as victim as ever to the thrill at imagining getting to be the one that had located the home for your pack. and such a wonderful one at that! and she'd done all that at such a young age, it made polaris hungry; desperate to make something of herself so that she too would have a tale to gift with pride to listening ears. "that's so amazingshe'd exhale at the story's conclusion, rocking back and forth on small paws with pent up excitement from the images her mind had drawn up of the young earthen woman. had it not been for stirring pride, she would surely have gushed some cheesy exclamations of the woman being some sort of a role model to her but she kept ahold of her tongue, although the gossamer gleam adorning the look she cast upon the matriarch really spoke for itself. but she did let herself announce with a beam "i think you've done an amazing job valette! i still can't believe it was you that found this place, that is so cool.

and much better than living in the mountains in her opinion, she'd enjoyed visiting them with west for sure. their rugged, brazen beauty like nothing else and indeed there was a euphoric thrill to dancing up there with the sky itself but...they just didn't scream 'home' to her, she could not imagine being able to ignore the charge of such whimsical air and feel content and 'homely'. but then she'd never tried living up there, maybe finding your own little crook within the clutch of those rugged claws made it all the better. "i'm sorry about your family thoughshe'd quickly blurt, eyes still cast towards the distant peaks "that must've been really hard"

ears would twist then at west's spiel, jaw dropping in mock indignation as she puffed her chest and haughtily declared "excuse me i choose not to hunt birds thank you very much! and believe me, i think you'll find fishing to be quite different from hunting deer mistera wicked grin as she went on to trill "but go ahead and doubt me cocky boy, it'll make it all the more fun seeing your shock when i leave you in the dustnot a chance was she letting him beat her now, she hoped her paws were ready to endure a lot of being wet beause hell she'd practice night and day rather than prove him right. she'd shrug then, looking back to valette; in her opinion it looked easier than normal hunting but she could be far off with that. "huh, that's coolshe'd muse, she hadn't really noticed that water distorted your vision like that. she'd obviously noticed it wasn't the same, that things appeared murkier but she'd never realised quite how much of an affect its rippling surface had. the chase, polaris seemed to lack that enjoyment built into most wolves; perhaps due to conflicted morals whispering their overpowering clamour whenever she tried to partake. it didn't bother her much though, the only issue being the lack of independence it gave her but if she mastered fishing then that'd be sorted! "i am determinedshe decided "if the kaistleoki wolves can do it then so will i"
"common" | "french"
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RE: the air is dense as my back sticks to the leather - by RIP Polaris - July 08, 2020, 05:56 AM