Wheeling Gull Isle waning gibbous
26 Posts
Ooc —
~midnight, 5/12

night had fallen. the moon was rising. initiated into this strange new place, tyche searched for answers. her journey took her to the coast, where she watched the moon as she looked down on the rest of the world. in tandem, the ocean breathed against the sand, pushing and pulling as it had done since before the dawn of the nereides.

tyche did not bathe in mother ocean's waters tonight, but she did listen as she came upon the shore, listening for what her mother might say to her. her soft pink paw pads felt the sand between her toes, and the siren licked her lips. the waning moon was time to disassemble old lives and prepare for new ones. the bits fell into place, and tyche thanked her goddesses for their wisdom and guidance.
nereidespedia  #33D7FF  #C28AF4 adoptables
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Figured it be interesting these two talking religion, only to find out they have the same one. XD

Soon, he would be a father. Two days, it would happen and a son would be presented to him. As this little silvered nymph did, Aiolos made way from the forestry of their island out onto the beach to seek council from his Goddesses. He knew, especially as a man, they would not speak. Not directly so, but often he felt the comfort of Moon Mother and the strength of Sea Mother, even if words not spoken. 

His ginger ears perk to the rolling of the ocean waves, Sea reaching out to him, to cleanse him. Moon shown bright, ever guiding his path. He breaks from the woodland onto the shifting sands and towards the waters, pausing only as he takes note of the silvery coated little female. He had not yet seen her here before. I always find it hard to decide which is more beautiful, He quips delicately, a start to conversation. His eyes shift from the open ocean to the moon high in the sky above. ...I dont think I ever will decide. He turns then to the lady, How about you?
moonglow daddy
26 Posts
Ooc —
her eyes sought him out long before he spoke, and the siren braced herself for an altercation. men were often a cause for it. so many did not understand their place in this world. only a small portion of the male population was worth trying to teach, to break. Αναρωτιέμαι ποιος θα είναι, tyche muttered quietly to herself, though even if he hears her over the crashing of the saltwater, he is unlikely to know her tongue. since leaving driftwood cove, she had met none who did.

not know what speak of, came her reply, soft and smooth. she did not offer her name or any further pleasantries. she turned her head back toward the ocean and watched the water ebb and flow.
nereidespedia  #33D7FF  #C28AF4 adoptables
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Her accent was obvious, though it was not odd. Not like in the manner which he had found exotic like the Yuelong women which he lived among. No, the accent sounded....familiar. Had it been so long that he had not noticed right away? Or had he been so horribly willing to place it into the back of his mind forever? 

He had not heard the Greek roll off her tongue so remained pleasantly unaware of what type of blood ran through her veins. At least, for the moment. The Sea or the Moon. He spoke of them with fondness, a smile upon his lips. Though he did not spill on about religious ideals just yet.
moonglow daddy
26 Posts
Ooc —
he mentioned the sea and moon, and tyche gave him a furtive look. both of those things were holy to her, and he asked only which was more beautiful. they were so much more to her than simply beauty. they were divine. they could not be so to him, for he was of the lesser sex. he might worship them, but they would never see him. they would never do the work for him that they would do for her and her sisters.

sea and moon not for you, she sternly reminded him, forgetting for now that he did not grow up in the same culture as she had. only for sisters.
nereidespedia  #33D7FF  #C28AF4 adoptables
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Sea and Moon not for you. She speaks sternly and adds that they were only for sisters - for women, not for him. His jaws tightens, he holds his tongue as he had been taught to, though a defiance lay in his fiery amber eyes - a defiance which he could not shake which time and time again had gotten him into trouble. He often turned away, so that they would not see such a look and this time, too, despite his rank very much so above her, turned away like he had always before.  

Maybe... He mumbles, his eyes remaining away from her though she did not look to him anyhow. They looked out over the water, wanting, longing... The divide do not speak to me, but they do not curse me, either. If they had, he would have died long ago. The waters could have claimed him at any moment whilst crossing to and from this island. But here he was, with leading position over his trade group, with children on the way. Children he did not have to admire from the sidelines, but raise, be known as 'father' and, be it unknown to the both of them, a son not to be cast out to sea. 

Though life would always have just ad many downs as ups, no Goddess hating of all men would have ever aloud such feats which Aiolos had accomplished.
moonglow daddy