Otter Creek the cold will not take me
27 Posts
Ooc — Seren
Tagging @Takiyok - Here we go!

It wasn't often Corvo took the time to reflect on the scenes surrounding him, but the serenity of the stream begged his undivided attention. If only his mind was as peaceful. He lounged with his head on his paws beneath a towering alder tree, the limbs having longsince shed their leaves with the arrival of the bitter winter. Without the foliage to block the rays, the sun shown down when the clouds parted, warming Corvo's black pelt if only a little. He was glad for the warmth in this chilly air, and glad for the fresh water to wet his tongue. 

Despite the cold, the otters that called this network of creeks home weren't bothered. They swam and played, sometimes coming within leaping distance of Corvo, as if taunting the brute. He paid no mind, finding their antics only slightly amusing because he had no taste for them. The fish on the other hand suited him. He had yet to try his luck at catching one of the mouthwatering trout, though he'd seen plenty swimming just out of paw's grasp. The chill of the water warded him off. For now. 

Lifting his head, Corvo glanced into the trees beyond the creek, their spindly branches just within view of where he laid. It was far off, possibly housing some smaller game. He planned to go there if his time here at the stream proved unsuccessful. But for now... He laid his head down again.
948 Posts
Ooc — Hela
The cold water was not only a non-issue for Taki, it was a nice escape from reality to swim within its chilly depths. The waters here were never as cold as where she had grown up, but this was close enough. She had spent most of the morning wading slowly through the creek, trying to let the feel of the icy liquid soaking through her fur to chill her skin distract her from how worried she was that Taikon hadn't returned yet. She didn't like leaving Taktuq, but she was close enough to the woods to return quickly if needed.

Hours had passed before she finally decided to emerge from the creek. She stood on the edge of the water, her snowy coat dripping as she tried to shake out the excess water. Her fur was so thick, though, that it would take the rest of the day to dry if she stayed out of the water. 

She followed the creek towards the mountain with no real purpose other than a continued distraction; she stopped only when the stranger's scent came by on the breeze. It was then that she saw him reclined near the water. She followed his gaze to the otters then back to the water in front of him. There was a time when she would have harassed him for being too close to where she currently called home, but she didn't have the energy, nor did she want to get into a fight right now with her niece and Taikon depending on her.

She did move forward, eventually, stopping a respectful distance away as she released a soft chuff to get his attention.

27 Posts
Ooc — Seren
The otters gave away the newcomers presence and soon to follow was her huff of breath to alert him. Corvo raised his head first, and then the rest of his body, climbing to all fours in cautious movement. She was as white as the snow that surrounded them, her eyes a color that was similar to his own. He was unsure whether to see this female as a threat or if she was simply seeking company in her own kind. Corvo was not, but he wasn't looking for a fight either. So he waited, hesitating to make the first move, until finally he raised his head and spoke. 

"Do you hold claim to this place?" he asked, wondering if the smell of wet otter fur had somehow masked any strong scent of his own kind. He doubted it, but perhaps this was in some outer reach of territory the female called home. If she was part of a pack, Corvo would not risk the fight. His belly growled, reminding him that fresh fish swam mere feet from him, a potential meal. But if this creek belonged to the female or her group he doubted she would be generous enough to allow him to eat from the stream. 

Considering this, Corvo glanced at the water and back to the stark white female.
948 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Not here, Taki answered. Then she lifted her head in the direction of home. My pack claims the woods just west of here. He was close, but not enough for her to be an asshole about it. Besides, she was far more interested in a distraction than a fight.

She followed his gaze to the water then met it when he looked back to her. She looked to the otters—annoying creatures in her opinion—then her gaze was on his face again. Her curiosity remained veiled behind her black mask for now; she wasn't in the habit of making her emotions readily available to those she didn't know or trust. 

What are you doing? she finally asked. Maybe it was something interesting.

27 Posts
Ooc — Seren
Corvo nodded. At least he hadn't crossed onto any pack's territory. He was as careful as he could be, often heading miles out of his intended direction just to keep away from land that was claimed. He didn't want any trouble, and he didn't need any disputes holding him up from his one true goal. 

From the otters to the white female and back again, Corvo's eyes moved, finally settling when hers did the same. He couldn't distinguish how she truly felt about his presence though, her expression was as blank as his. It seemed Corvo had met someone who kept similar habits. 

"Resting," he answered, seeing no need to hide the fact. "I've been traveling a long while, and I'll be traveling a while longer. And you? What are you doing away from you pack?"