Dawnlark Plains i find a glimpse of us,
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
All Welcome 
There was a niggling itch that presented itself to Sunday Morning that was as good an answer to any question as to what prompted her leaving as any. She experienced, but days ago, the beginnings of great discomfort. Today she was on the tail end of it, her final day of proestrus, and as she ranged through the Plains she was keenly aware of it. Normally amicable and friendly, Sunday Morning found she wanted nothing to do with anybody. Fortunately she had not run into any problems with this. Though there were signs of life within the territories she canvassed, it seemed most (like she herself) were passing through.

Sunday paused near a hillock, thinking herself secluded enough to try and relieve some pain. Settling onto her haunches, Sunday lifted a leg to begin to attend to the part of her that looked angriest. It was bloody, but not bleeding; grooming herself helped, some. The snow here became stained with red, but she hoped it would melt as she gathered herself to all fours once again and began to press ahead. Now with a sense of interesting purpose.

She was looking for something. What, she did not know. Sunday Morning suspected that when she saw it, she would know it.
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
staying kinda vague, gonna assume augur has been staying close to @Diesel (if she stayed around) and the bison kill

the clawan awoke. he groaned.

the fight with the great beasts had left him greatly bruised and sore. he crept away from the flattened grass of his nest. the man stretched. he licked his jaws and looked around for buffalo hunter.

there was a scent on the breeze, and one he knew well. the man howled out despite his hurting body.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
Sunday Morning heard the howl. She paused, one paw hovering over the earth. The tone and timber told her things, and suddenly, Sunday was curious. Downwind, she had not detected hints of him, his kill, or his company. The pale wolf turned on her heel in the direction she had heard him call, tail swaying behind her. Despite not wanting company, her curiosity was piqued. She took several steps in his direction, not yet seeing him. Sniffing the wind, Sunday licked her chops.

And against her better judgment, she lifted her head and called back. There was a deeper desire within her that she did not understand. Here I am, the call sang—for she thought she had detected a question of such, and now he would know of the distance between them. Her ears pricked, awaiting some sort of answer as she shifted her weight before darting several more steps forward.
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she was striking, a figure of pure white and brilliance.

new snow.

she came lightly. his body ached from his fight with the bison but he rumbled all the same. his neck extended to her. the gret wolf did not approach. he waited to be invited.

the gentle stirring of his tail beckoned her. augur chuffed gently.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
There he was.

He was an impressive specimen to behold. He looked as though he must be a great hunter; instinctively, Sunday was drawn to him. Her eyes took measure of all that could be seen, while her nose worked to take stock of the rest.

He blended as well as she did with the snowdust that covered the place, accounting, too, for the dirt and the earth. He was not pure white, dusted in another hue that caught her eye all the more. Upon seeing him, Sunday instantly froze. He, too, was still. For that she was glad; there was a great conflict within her. She both wanted him nearer, and wanted him to keep his distance. An ear twitched as he rumbled, and she loosed a whistling note of greeting in turn, more eager in its sound than distressed. He reached out to her, and Sunday did not yet move... not until she saw the inviting wave of her tail.

Two more steps forward from her, though there was tension present upon her features. A rumble of uncertainty came from her, but she reached toward him in turn to sniff at his whiskers to start.
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
muscles had torn when the man was tossed.

it was the sharpmetal, fools-gold scent she wore that kept him happily blinded to the pain of his body.

new snow. he held still as she extended her muzzle toward him. he was silent as she investigated him to her liking. he wagged his tail. his tongue killed.

if diesel was a possessive woman, he would discover it when he gleefully returned to his same duty at her side.

for now, augur exchanged breath with the she-wolf and did not seek more.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
He did nothing to cause her to suddenly bolt away, and her nerves began to settle. The tension in her body seemed to ease as she drifted to sniff at his shoulder. Sunday could smell several upon him, and knew he ran with others. A packwolf. This did not deter her, but intrigued her. She had met no other pack wolves outside of their territories in her travels; Sunday wondered if he was similar to herself. Searching for that next chapter, whatever it was. Even she was not sure, not yet.

But Sunday was determined to find out.

Another quiet whine, bringing herself closer only just so that their furs mingled. She moved to circle him, and arrive at his side—seeking to mouth, then, at his muzzle in the beginnings of an invitation to courtship. Something wild within her stirred, but it was not yet within full bloom. Sunday was careful, considerate, her eyes holding him.
Redtail Rise
707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
there was a soft sound again. new snow pressed against him. she accepted his croon. augur turned to sniff her muzzle, tail still moving gently.

he lowered himself into a careful playbow. he hit the ground with his great paws.

they would play first. he wanted to lure her further from the rise. red woman was with her children, but she would not approve of new snow's scent so close.

he mouthed snow. his tongue lolled beneath bright eyes.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
Sunday's tail swayed as he moved into a position that was familiar to her. A comfort, too, with all the newness. Playfully, she sprang away before mimicking him with a delighted gleam in her gaze. She looked up at him, rising in a feint to chase him with a tail that swayed.

She would show him how fleet of foot she was; she would see his endurance. Why, suddenly, there was a need to both prove and know these things Sunday had not the mind to ponder. He seemed strong, and capable; so too was she, as she had been raised.

Her eyes were upon him, one ear swiveling backward to keep in mind the world surrounding them. But none of that mattered so much as this, then. And once he made to run, she would be on his heels.

We can close up this thread & she would follow him to the next territory, if you want to start that one?! Thank you for joining!