Wapun Meadow Already wrote several letters to you
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Set for June 9th, before any of the major threads. @Arlette

There was a dull, stinging sensation working its way up the side of his face as he walked through the meadow—a reminder of his defeat.


The word alone left a sour taste in his mouth, even without being spoken. His face contorted to reflect his disdain, the scowl beginning to turn into a permanent component of his primary expression (but wasn’t it always?). That he lost to a creature as tiny as her was embarrassing, truly; he remembered a time when he could say he was undefeated but, like before, another had come and taken that title away from him. As he relived the memory, he snarled. What right did anyone have to take things away from him? Why did they take? With a forceful shake of his head, Alexander tried his best to ignore the thoughts, the realisations—he wanted to ignore everything, honestly.

As he attempted to ignore the world around him, he also happened across the creek. Without an ounce of hesitation, he shoved his face down into the water and simultaneously pawed at his wound, causing the sting to intensify and pull all of his thoughts towards the wound itself, rather than the events that led up to it. He kept his face in there for what felt like ages before his lungs demanded that he pull his head back out and up, letting the water drip from his fur along with the now-fresh blood.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was looking for Nuna. Usually, when the female was outside of Easthollow's territory it had something to do with her visiting her friend. Nuna was not in one place so that made it tough at times to find her. The female moved through the meadow trying to see if she could catch anyone's scent.

She didn't catch anything, however, she did spot a white wolf in the distance. She decided it was worth checking out! She trotted forward eagerly. The wind was blowing in the other's direction so she felt confident that her presence was announced soon enough. When she approached she noticed that the male had his face underwater. What kind of strange behavior was this?

The girl looked at him with curious red eyes. They widened when she saw the blood dripping from his cheek, and his eyes, his eyes were sort of like hers! Only he had more blue in them. "Are you alright?," she asked as she stood on the other side of the creek.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
As the male lifted his head from the water, eyes closed as he drew in a deep breath, the scent hit him—and, moments later, so did a voice. In a matter of seconds, his eyes were open and staring at the female, hackles raising immediately whilst his body stiffened. Her question went in one ear and right out the other, immediately after which his hackles started to smooth out and his glare shifted to a wide-eyed gaze; the emotions that swam in the depths of his eyes were unreadable, the number of individual feelings overwhelming and creating a mess of a combination.

“You—” What do you say to a ghost? “—You’re supposed to be dead.” Had Desna lied? No, she wouldn’t have done that… would she? Again, his hackles raised and he took a step towards her, eyes narrowing back into a glare. It’d been so long since he’d last visited his sister’s home that he didn’t even recognise his own niece. To him, at the moment, she was merely a ghost standing before him, an apparition capable of disappearing at any given moment—just as she’d appeared and disappeared before, when he was a child, and then again when he was beaten down and begging for help. How long until she disappeared again?
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette did not expect the other to raise his hackles at her. No one ever did that to her. She stepped back in warning. Not wanting to be attacked. She lowered herself submissively as well to let the other know that she wasn't a threat. His hackles seemed to smoothen which was a good thing in her eyes, only what he said then was what surprised her.

The female's ears flattened in confusion and then frowned. Her body was still low to the ground. "M-Me?," she asked. "But I've never done anything to deserve death," she whined, confused. He had to be thinking she was someone else and then she realized... "I think you are mistaken... I look like my grandmother. She died years ago. I'm Arlette!," she introduced, carefully.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro

Alexander was never wrong, he couldn’t be, but this... perhaps, just this once, he was. As the girl cowered, he saw his mother, but her speech made him doubtful; the tone, the pitch, the words—nothing matched. He took a step back but his eyes never left hers, ensnared by the face he thought he’d never see again. But there it was, now worn by someone else.

“Your grandmother...?” he repeated back carefully. “Desna’s daughter? No, Valette’s.” The correction was quick, albeit absentminded, his thoughts redirected elsewhere. Of course Desna would have a child that looked like their mother—all of his sisters would likely birth a replica of her, he was certain. More faces to haunt him, more troubles to add onto that which he was already dealing with.

“You shouldn’t be out here,” he said shortly thereafter. “Go home.” Home. Shouldn’t he be making his way home, too? To the valley, where he was always meant to be. Or maybe that wasn’t home anymore—he certainly couldn’t say for sure.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette seemed relieved that the male was not intent on killing her after all. Once again she was mistaken by her grandmother and it made her even more curious about her. "Desna?," she questioned with a frown. Who was Desna, but then he corrected it to Valette. What things didn't she know about her mother?

"Why not? I am not too far from my pack and I am an adult," she stated, trying to stand up for herself a bit. She was over one year and even though she never really left Easthollow except for playing with Nuna-- Her eyes widened. "You know my mom, and grandmother, and... look like me...! Does that mean you are Nuna's father? My uncle?," she questioned.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
An adult.

Before the word could even fully leave her mouth, he snorted. An adult? She was not even aware of who Desna—who her mother—was. Although, perhaps that was not so much her fault as it was her mother’s; he honestly wasn’t surprised that she didn’t know Valette’s original name, given that she’d shed it so long ago. But that didn’t matter, not really.

“Do you think being an adult has anything to do with why you shouldn’t be out here?” he asked, snorting again. “What would you have done if I’d attacked you? Would you have been able to protect yourself?” He doubted it. She was small, at least smaller than him, and too trusting—just like her grandmother, who the thought of felt like a knife being twisted into his side. Even though he knew she was dead, even though she had never come back to save him, he almost wished that it was her standing there and not his niece.

But it wasn’t Scarlett and it never would be, because the dead could not rise again.

Who he was to her seemed to register in her head then, which he knew was going to happen sooner or later. What he didn’t expect, however, was his daughter’s name to part from her lips. Or, well, a version of it. Nunataq,” he corrected. “How do you know my daughter?” Did that mean that she knew where she was, too? Whether or not she did, he wasn’t so sure what he’d do with that information; to search for her now, he wondered if she would even remember him. But that wasn’t supposed to be the point of this, he was supposed to focus on the other albino before him. “Actually, it doesn’t matter. Just go home.” She belonged to a part of their family that he wasn’t made for, not anymore.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette's ears flopped back as she got such a harsh critique back towards her. No one ever really talked to her this way. They were always sweet, perhaps a bit condescending because of her age but she didn't mind that. His voice rung with the truth. She was not able to protect herself or fight him. "You didn't attack me," she pointed out to him perhaps a bit stubbornly.

But two could play that game. "Just like you didn't seem ready to protect yourself when thinking of seeing Scarlett," she pointed out to him. 'What did she do to spark such a reaction from an adult wolf, like yourself," she boldly returned. She was curious about her grandmother and she hoped to learn more. She felt quite empowered by speaking so boldly. "What would you want to say to her if she was here?"

"She is my best friend. She is special," she pointed out to him. 'To me she is Nuna. She never complained about that." Then again, she couldn't really talk back. She didn't listen when he told her to go home. She felt very rebellious but she wanted to know more about this man. "Why are you not living in Easthollow? Even grandpa is living with us now," she pointed out to him. It was a big thing she realized since her mother had a hard time forgiving him at first.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
In situations like this one, Alexander was no good. He could not handle children that were not his own, and especially not those that belonged to his sister; he knew that should he actually do anything to her, whatever ties he might still have to family would be severed. But as the girl further challenged him, he wondered if keeping those ties intact might really be worth it.

“It’s not about what I did or didn’t do,” he shot back, maw twitching; had she been anyone else, anyone unrelated, he might have met her with teeth already. “It’s about what I could have done—about what anyone outside of your home could do to you if they come across you.” Was the environment she’d been born into too soft? Too welcoming? He could think of no other reasoning behind her lack of self-preservation, her inability to perceive danger and respond to it accordingly—danger that he was more than happy to put her in if she continued to push.

“That”—there came a snap of his jaws, backed by a low and growing snarl—“is none of your business.” Don’t hurt her, he had to remind himself. Desna wouldn’t forgive you. Speaking of which: “What the fuck is your mom teaching you? That it’s okay to just mouth off to strangers?” She was going to end up getting herself killed, or worse. “Or are you just stupid? Do you know how many other wolves would have attacked you the second you tried to act like that towards them?” Obviously not, but whatever; it wasn’t his problem, it was for her mother to deal with.

A part of him wanted to take her on anyways, show her that not everyone in life was meant to be her friend, but he held back. She is his sister’s daughter, his niece, and an apparent friend to one of his own daughters—he wasn’t about to ruin any standing relationships he may have just to teach some kid a life lesson. “Of course she’s never complained because Nunataq doesn’t talk,” was his retort. In that way, she had always been more like her mother than she had been him. But the name was one that he had given, and one that he would make sure always remained.

For as troubling as she was, she at least had something he didn’t know already to share: that his father was living with her. Which meant that he had found his way out of the woods and back to the north—he was happy for him, knowing better than anyone just how awful of a place that forest was. “Good he made it there,” was all he said on the topic, however. No one aside from him needed to know about what really went on in Kove’s former home. “Not everyone needs to live at Easthollow,” he answered next. “I don’t belong there, it isn’t my home.” Although, at this point, he wasn’t so sure he had any place to call home.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette wasn't often the one that would mouth off to strangers. Not really. She was usually very submissive but there was something about this male and the way he talked that she wanted to stand up to herself. This male was clearly having a very different view of the world compared to her. He almost stated that everyone outside of Easthollow was out to hurt her, and she knew that wasn't true.

The female did step back when he voiced a low snarl. Clearly, she had touched a sensitive trigger the male didn't want to talk about. "My mother taught me to treat strangers like they treat you," she returned to him. If they were polite she would be polite, if they were rude she could be rude. Not that being rude would be something she liked doing. Normally such wolves she would just give way for and make sure not to get between their teeth. Still, with this male, since he was family she felt bolder.

Arlette squinted her eyes. "Nuna does talk in her own way. She can tell me a lot. And especially she would let you know if she disliked something," she pointed out. This male clearly didn't know a lot about his daughter it seemed. Her red eyes moved over the male. Perhaps it was good that he wasn't in Easthollow. "Maybe it is good that you aren't," she voiced her thoughts to him. "I don't know who hurt you or who made you so cold and bitter but I hope that you grow past it one day," she spoke to him, sounding genuine. She didn't recognize this male as one that would have grown up in her family. Even Kove was nicer than him.

Arlette then stepped another step back. "I'm sorry that you have to be related to us," she added then. "Guess I will go since you clearly don't want anyone around," she stated. She knew when she wasn't welcome and she didn't really feel that this male would change anytime soon about his views on the world and other wolves.