Redtail Rise adorn my silver crown
Bearclaw Valley
521 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
aw but maybe @Mulherin? <3

now that lilia and he had a concrete plan for the future, ancelin ironically felt himself more settled than he had been for some time. he patrolled, hunted daily catches, and enforced his mate's markings.
but each moment brought its own challenges, and today ancelin caught the step of a lone wolf, far too close to their borders. his hackles lifted as he explored the scent of the footprints just over the border, growling lowly.
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
<3 !!

Patrolling once more. The young Toweard has made it a habit; a duty. Often times he goes solo, but today would make itself an exception.

The scent has caught his attention too. 

He changes course and pursues it—however it seems someone else has noticed it too.

Catching sight of his older cousin, he approaches with a low woof.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Bearclaw Valley
521 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"hey," ancelin greeted, waving his tail once. his guard hairs had not yet laid themselves down. he cleared his throat. "uh, come and see this," he invited. "see how close they are? this is someone who wants to steal from caches," the bjern explained.
"we should follow them and make sure they left," he went on, muscles already tense for it, for the conflict.
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
Flicking an ear, he draws forth and sniffs intently at a spot on the ground. The scent was foreign, fresh enough that if they hurried, they may be able to catch the trespasser.

Yeah. I hhee. We needa find ‘em. He replies, nose still held to the ground. Impatient paws carry him a few steps away as he begins to track the trail.

Then, he pauses, waiting for the Bjern to join him. D’you recognihhe ‘em?
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Bearclaw Valley
521 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin paced easily at mulherin's side. "not at all." a deep breath. "it's a guy, though. he's probably looking for his own mate before spring arrives."
that reminded the young warrior of his future plans with lilia; warm and gooey sensations puddled inside his heart, and he didn't hide his foolish smirk.
but then he recovered himself.
"guys like that push boundaries. mark too close, steal food. and eventually they might try to fight you. find them, beat em first, they won't come back."
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
Yeah, don' wanh anyone hhtealin' your girl. He teases, knowing full well who the Bjern was thinking about. Scoffing lightly, he lopes a few paces ahead.

Lehh make hhure he doehhn’ come back.

As he continues, the stranger’s scent grows stronger. A growl rises from his throat upon finding a marking they’d made, just as Ancelin had predicted; this was an insult to the Rise. 
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Bearclaw Valley
521 Posts
Ooc — ebony
whoa; ancelin tripped over his next step and turned to look incredulously at mulherin. damn. he got you. "wait till you got a woman of your own, little cuzzo," ancelin smirked. "then other dudes just kinda stress you out."
but now he fell to business, and it was evident in the way his gait strengthened to find the spoor. he put on a burst of speed designed to keep mulherin close rather than outpace him, and along the foggy meadowline, he saw the slinking shadow of a thin wolf.
"we're going to chase him until your legs get tired," ancelin told mulherin, waiting only a moment before he put his legs into a trot, tail flung high and aggressively.
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
He can't help but let out a chuckle, amused by Ancelin's older brother-esque wisdom.

However, he is quick to regain his stoic composure. The wolf could be lurking anywhere. A moment's distraction could be life or death.

Pausing, mulch and other bits of vegetation go flying as he gives his dark fur a quick shake. He shadows his cousin closely, picking up the pace and mimicking his posture. 

Soon, they both spot the figure in the distance. The boy readies himself, belly brimming with anticipation. They would give chase. He looks to Ancelin for guidance.

I can keep up. He assures, one step behind the Bjern.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Bearclaw Valley
521 Posts
Ooc — ebony
with that grunted, ancelin tore off, expecting mulherin to do what he said. his muscles felt great at this speed, the wind filling his lungs with vital air.
almost too late, the stranger turned, skinny legs churning in fright and horror even before his face seemed to register the redtail hunters. ancelin kept his tail flung high, trained against mulherin.
now their chase would begin. he snapped at the air, at the straining heels, snarling hotly all the while.
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
His heart hammers in his chest. He'd never gotten in a fight with a stranger before. Luckily, the stranger turns tail as soon as he spots them. That made things much easier.

The boy is quick to the charge alongside Ancelin. Indeed, they chase and snap, driving the man away from the Rise.

Emboldened by Ancelin's backup—and perhaps a bit of bloodlust—he shoots his shot and with a burst of speed, awkwardly seizes the trespasser's hindquarter in his jaws. The trespasser, flinching, trips, and is sent sprawling. His body slams into Mulherin, and the two of them go tumbling into the ground.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
Bearclaw Valley
521 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the sight of the skinny rogue tangled with mulherin, crying and snapping; it triggered rage and protectiveness in the boy's older cousin. lunging for the stranger's nape, ancelin hauled him bodily away from the younger wolf, sawing his head to and fro as that same bloodlust took him.
consumed him;
the indigo eyes darkened and ancelin's snarling drowned out the yelps of the hapless trespasser, for a moment even blinded to the presence of mulherin at all.
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
The boy is quick to get back on his feet. As for the other wolf—he's not fast enough. Ancelin is upon him in a second, seizing him viciously and dragging him off. Mulherin dives in to help with a heart thundering from adrenaline.

The stranger's agonized pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears. Ancelin is relentless, thrashing and snapping as if he were possessed. Mulherin is in the mix, of course, but the brunt of the damage comes from Ancelin himself. The wolf is overpowered and incapacitated.

The scuffle continues like this, and goes on for some time, until,

somehow, the wolf gathers the last of its strength and breaks free. The borders of the Rise are far behind them now. Their duty served.

The wounds the pair inflicted are practically fatal. All they had to do was wait. For now, they would return home and replenish their strength.

Perhaps they'll find his body in a few days.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]