Moonspear Hello It's Me
19 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Kinusi stole away from her dad. Though he wasn't far behind her. A laugh as she raced away from him. There was so much to see and do. And Alaric was not far, nor was her mama. There was delight in the way she danced along the rock faces. 

Giggles and earthworms. She stopped to stare cross eyed as the pink thing peeked out of the dirt.
486 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He was surprised on a patrol to find a little one rushing toward him, only to see the girl stop short, looking at something in the ground.

Hey. . . Killdeer said quietly. His nostrils flared; her parents weren't far gone. Still, he came closer and shielded her from going farther down the path, instead feigning interest in the creature she'd found in the dirt.

That's a worm, he said, smiling. They're long and pink, and they come up when it rains. Birds like to eat them. They're not bad eating, honestly.

He held himself back from slurping up the arthropod; he figured that would traumatize the girl. Better to let her figure it out for herself.
19 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Kinusi wrinkled her nose and stared at it. Then looked back at the man of many colors. He looked like a few of the pups she had seen, but hadn't played with yet. 

Uck. Dey be in daddy's gerden.

She touched the strange creature with the corner of a paw. Patted it gently. We not eat dis one. MMkk.
486 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He chuckled, adding, Yeah, they love the dirt and mud. Killdeer watched her paw and proclamation and nodded solemnly, leaving the wriggling pink creature at bay. We will not eat this one, he promised.

He cocked his head. Where's your mom and dad? he asked. More like who's your mom and dad—but one step at a time, he supposed. It was better to take baby steps with the youth rather than subject them to too many questions at once.

I'm Killdeer, he introduced himself, laying down on his belly and giving her a broad smile.
19 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Okay good. Kinusi gave it another cursory sniff and then turned her attention back to the wolf in front of her. Eyes wide in her head. As she listened and smiled. 

Dad is right there. She pointed with a paw to Alaric standing further down the road, watching with a kindness. But letting her explore. Mama is in den. Elentari and Alaric! She giggled at the names of her parents delight curling around her.

I am Kinusi.
612 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Throwing him in here to save him from the checker. Cameo!

Kinusi traveled on her own now. Alaric stayed further back and simply watched. His musical daughter was big enough to do her own thing. And he didn't wish to crowd her. He didn't know this male, but Sialuk had allowed him entry and so Alaric trusted her judgement.
486 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Oh, shit, Killdeer replied, and regretted it immediately as he followed her gesture toward the shadow lingering in the backdrop. Yep, her father was just there. His ears swiveled backward in apology, lips pulling taut and awkward. I mean, shoot. Uh, sorry, Dad.

Fuck, he had to get his swearing under control in front of these kiddos.

Let's look for other bugs, he offered, trying to shift the subject in favor of exploration. He all but smashed his snout into the ground, snuffling like a pig after truffles. Lots more where that worm came from.

At least he was entertaining—right?
19 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Kinusi's small eyes grew round. You swear like daddy do sometimes. Dat be very bad. Wouldn't your mommy be upset.

Sge shook her little paw up at him, but smiled. 

She wiggled. Buggies! and also smashed her face into the ground. Copying even if it wasn't the best or most graceful way. But it was fun.
486 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Would Fennec be upset? he thought, then shook his head to himself. No. More likely proud.

Luckily, the girl was absorbed enough in the activity he'd encouraged that she probably didn't notice the gesture, and he joined her in scrounging and giggling, scrounging and giggling. . .

And then all but sucked a worm up his nose.

Fuckin'—I mean, ah, God— 

Killdeer reeled back, the business end—whatever that meant in this case—of one of the disgusting things plugging one of his nostrils, the other end dangling free.

He exhaled, hard, and it came rocketing toward the ground between their paws.
19 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Kinusi heard her father chuckling behind them. And spared him a lovelorn glance and then returned to their current objective. 

She stared at him wide eyed and then giggle at the spray of the worm and snot all over the ground. She placed a paw to her muzzle and tittered again, staring up at him with wide mirthful eyes.
486 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He looked up and met Alaric's eyes with amusement. Gotta keep the troops entertained, he remarked wryly, then glanced back down to Kinusi. Oh, you think that's funny, huh?

Killdeer smiled and laid back down again. To his absolute shock, his snot-rocket began to move again, the worm having survived the traumatic experience. Slowly, it writhed away from both sets of wolf feet.

There's a lesson there, he told her. No matter what happens, you can always pick yourself up and keep on going.

He set his muzzle on his outstretched forepaws, watching her. It was a treat to see children interacting with the world, discovering things for the first time. It brought him both the memories of his own childhood and the satisfaction knowing he had the opportunity to guide others.