Wheeling Gull Isle naval
156 Posts
Ooc — siv
All Welcome 
the morning was cold from a sea breeze, but full of sunshine.

he had found the highest point of the island to welcome the morning light. he had not stayed to the shadows, he had not hid himself away among island caverns or overgrowth.

at this great height he was overlooking all the places that @Blue had shown to him.

eyes swept out for something, someone. he did not know what it might be today. only that he was ready to greet the day with a previously unknown energy.

Messenger of God
117 Posts
Ooc — Vami

Intruders. Made to make the land of Sweetharbor as their own. One had been born here. Alas, so had Malakai. 

He strode the Greenhills, tracing the scent of the pair. He no longer had Nakano at his side. No longer had his brothers at his beckon. He was alone in this, as he had time and time before. He didn't care. 

Malakai Redhawk trot into the dark wolf's direction, a scowl on his face and a narrowed gaze of silver and gold. Who are you?
[Image: knight-helmet.gif]
156 Posts
Ooc — xynien
The strange scent of another was what drove her to seek her companion. Blue materialized in her typical ghostly manner, drawing up to Cobalt's side with an unperturbed look leveled toward the young man. He seemed disturbed by their presence.

But she would not leave. Not again. The boy was outnumbered — and if he meant to test his luck, Blue would not hesitate to remind him of his disadvantage here.
156 Posts
Ooc — siv
he did not know what to make of the boy who appeared.

nor did he know how to explain that he could give no answer. only maybe there was no answer to give. cobalt was everything and nothing all at once. he was the furthest waves, he was the wind sweeping through fields.

he was blue.

blue was him.

here he would be her second half in all ways. however this turned out, he would follow her. whether through peace or not.

his look at the boy now seemed to only return the question that had been asked.

Messenger of God
117 Posts
Ooc — Vami
A pale woman crests the other side of the Greenhills. She is a wraith at the shadow's side. None answer. Neither speak words, yet their body language speaks of challenge. At least, Malakai felt it so. 

Malakai's own body holds the same - the same high and mighty confidence which it always held, if not bolstered over time. The boy had suffered a great deal in so little time in life and was left with the hardened wolf he was now... or, perhaps in truth, just a boy struggling to survive his own. 

This is a house of God. His words clip, filled with that same righteousness. The sanctum that is Sweetharbor. His sun and moon eyes sweeping between them. Only those who seek to walk in his good light may stay.
[Image: knight-helmet.gif]
156 Posts
Ooc — xynien

Blue's chin lifted imperiously. And where is Heda? Caracal? Not here — and your claim means nothing, her eyes said. A step took her closer.

She would not drive him off. For the sake of Heda, who she had once loved, she would not. But neither would she bow to his authority — or anyone's save her own.
156 Posts
Ooc — siv
who are these names? these places?

cobalt is confused, but he hides this behind a casual look. intently listening to both this boy and the woman who had reshaped him.

there is something connecting them that he cannot understand.

he is stiff but not outright aggressive.

Messenger of God
117 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Dead. The Redhawk said flatly, then, jutting his muzzle outward. Buried in the lavender that way. Though it was only his father buried there, Kai did not elaborate. To him, his mother was good as dead, if not even more so then his father in his eyes. 

She thought to not drive him off. Malakai would very much like to, yet could not. He was young, arrogant, yet not a fool. It seemed they were at an impasse.
[Image: knight-helmet.gif]
156 Posts
Ooc — xynien

Her gaze lingered on the boy for a few long moments. Dead. Gone, like so many others who had tried to claim the island before her. They hadn't been born here; they didn't belong to this place the way Blue always had.

Stay, or go. It doesn't matter.

This island is mine.

Blue turned away from the boy, eyes sweeping over Cobalt though she didn't bother to beckon him. He would follow her — or perhaps he would go his own way for now, but either way, they would merge into one again before the sun fell. No matter what distance separated them, she knew this would always be true.
156 Posts
Ooc — siv
his ears sweep.

he is uncertain whether to stay — to make sure this boy does not act rashly — or to sweep after his oceanic ghost. she is safe, with or without him, he knows. yet he wants to be near.

fueled by her, enchanted by her.

cobalt only spares one more long look at young man. neither here nor there.

he turned away now and stalked after the figure of blue.

Messenger of God
117 Posts
Ooc — Vami
They can keep walking and it end here, or can run him off/fight. Whichever!

Teeth grit. This island belongs to God! He retorted with a snarl, even as she turned away from him with dismissal. Even when her silent companion followed.

Your time is temporary. His is eternal! He doubt she would understand, if she had grown up without the glory of God spoken to her. A pegan wretch, perhaps. Yet one day she would die. Then she would know, though her judgement be already made.
[Image: knight-helmet.gif]