Redhawk Caldera Strange things
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
720 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Amalia found herself adrift and headed towards the lake that made up the edge of the pack lands. There was a stillness to the she wolf that hadn't been present in sometime, and a happy carefree smile on her face.

Though she hadn't meant many in her travels among the pack lands, she was okay with it. She found she liked the solace and the silence of being alone. Perhaps, her years of a loner had done more for her than anything else. She felt a bit like one, a loner in a pack of others.

It was moments like these that despite her peace she missed Sahkmet, and Kigipigak and Kivaluk. Lestan. But she shook her head and continued on. She wished them well and hoped that whatever gods they believed in would heal their hurts, and their hearts. Because that familiy was not good emotionally. Which then spilled over into the physical.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It was hard for Maia not to get caught in the worry spiral that came with having children. Ani was okay, thankfully, but she wasn’t the same. She hadn’t recovered fully yet and Bridget had left her and Eljay to managing things. Maia had full confidence in her husband’s abilities as a caretaker, but she hated that all of this was necessary. Luckily Teya seemed to be checking in on the medic. Maia wouldn’t risk it (and had been told not to, at least, which helped the guilt some).

And aside from Ani, she worried about the other ones out there in the world. Was Sylvie eating enough? Was Hymnal finding friends and getting the fulfillment she needed? Had Ceridwen found a pack to shelter and feed her, or was she having grand adventures on her own? It was hard for Maia to imagine that. She’d always had her sister with her.

She just hoped that, wherever they were, none of them were cold or afraid or lonely.

Maia closed her eyes, then opened them just in time to see Amalia come into view. She smiled, relieved to find a welcome distraction, and picked up her pace a bit to meet the other woman. Amalia! Good morning!
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
720 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia wasn't certain about worrying about children. But she had certainly worried about her friends and found family. There had been a stirring in the pack lands, but she was not privy to it. So she had no real clue what it all meant.

A smile grew in happiness and she tilted her head. Oh! Hello Maia!

She moved closer to the other female and wagged her tail, happiness on her face.

What brings you out and around? It is really beautiful here.

She thought of the places she had seen thus far and the peacefulness that oozed from every aspect of the caldera.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Just looking to take a break from things. Walks always help to clear my head. Maia answered, her tail waving with pleasure and welcome. She was glad to accept the company if Amalia had time to stick around.

It really is! But I definitely can’t wait until spring. This cold weather always makes it harder to leave the den. Ever since becoming Auspex she’d tried to be more present around the territory, but some mornings it would really be nice to just sleep in. She knew it wouldn’t take much for it to become a habit, though.

As soon as summer comes, though, I’ll be dreaming of snow! So I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts!
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
720 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia smiled. Would you like company? I prefer running myself, but walks are a great stress reliever as well.

A grin lit up her face. I love spring. All the trees and the woods. Are you planning on more children in the spring? Or is that to bold to ask about?

Amalia's ears went to her skull, suddenly. She didn't want to overstep with her friend.

Summer was warmer than Amalia liked too, but she dealt with it. Her biggest issue was the when the sun hit her black fur.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
ohmygosh I let these go so long, so sorry for that!

It’s definitely not too bold!! At least, not to ask me. Maia laughed and joined her happily. I’d love the company. She wasn’t much of a runner herself. Amelia looked like she was probably quick, slim and graceful and pretty much the opposite of Maia. A younger Maia would have been jealous, but at this point, she was too happily married and settled to worry anymore about her looks. At least, the way she used to worry.

I’m hoping so! Eljay and I talked about it, and I think he’d like some too. She fell thoughtfully quiet for a moment, then her smile faded a bit. I worry about him. But I know he’d tell me, if it was going to be too much. I wouldn’t mind. Their family was already beautiful and far more than she’d ever expected to have. It was more than enough.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
720 Posts
Ooc — Danni
No worries you've had a lot going on lately <3

Amalia giggled and sighed softly. Good because let me tell you i think I scared about two seasons off my life after i realized what I asked and had just blurt it out. This is a problem for me. I speak much to boldly too often.

Amalia hadn't ever paid attention to her looks, if she was honest. She had never even entertained the thought of long term relationships. She had crushes and pondered for moments what it might mean, but she always pushed it aside, because how dare she foist that crush on anyone.

Well if he hasn't told you then I'm sure he wants some too. I will do my best to help where I can.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I appreciate that. Last year was.. harder than usual. I love having so many, but I think this year I’d like less, if only so it goes a little smoother. Maia laughed a little self-consciously, sheepishly tilting her ears back. Not that we get to choose! I guess.

She’d take whatever she could get, even if that meant this year they had none. She’d been so blessed already. Who could ever ask for more?

Maia hesitated a moment, then decided to ask anyway. After all, maybe it would make her feel better about the question herself! You don’t have to answer either, of course, but… is that something you want? Someday? Amalia didn’t seem to have a mate or anyone she had her eye on, but that didn’t mean she didn’t want a family of her own. Some wolves just knew. Maia hadn’t been one of them, of course, but once she met Eljay…. well. Things had become so clear so quickly.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
720 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia listened closely her head tilted, eyes soft. Ears perked gently towards her friend. Well I will hope you have what you wish for. She smiled then her tail giving a little wiggle as she shifted and gave a soft laugh.

Amalia was surprised and then furrowed her brow in thought. Honestly. I'm not certain. I've not met anyone that took my fancy yet. I mean i've seen wolves that were handsome or cute, but it was fleeting and they moved on pretty quickly. Perhaps I am just not staying material.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia shook her head immediately and somewhat urgently at Amalia’s comment. You are definitely the staying kind! Then she realized she might have been a little too emphatic and laughed a bit. Sorry. Just… you’re so nice. And supportive, and just, a guy would have to be crazy not to want to. You just have to find one who isn’t I guess, if that’s something you want. Crazy or taken.

She definitely remembered feeling hopeless in it, before Eljay. It wasn’t always easy to find someone, and Brecheliant didn’t really have many prospects. Maia looked at her and smiled, letting out a soft breath. Even if that means you find someone and have to go somewhere else, that’s okay. I want you to be happy too. And she would help any way she could.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
720 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia smiled at her friend. Or i could just raise a brood all by myself. I probably wouldn't, but well it's something I suppose if I ever want to go down that road. Amalia wasn't entirely sure what she wanted. Though she did nudge her friend. Thank you by the way. You're so sweet. I'm so glad i'm here and that you're my friend.

Amalia chuckled. If they are want me, then they have to want my found family too and that means Brecheliant.

Amalia had no plans to leave. She liked it here, liked the wolves here. It was nice and quiet and familial and she was able to explore and rove to her hearts content.