Bearclaw Valley Am I being too greedy by even asking this question
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Starting this round a wee bit late. Next to begin on the 8th.

An onslaught of lunges and teeth were directed at the moose, which he returned with kicks and the tossing of his mighty head. Several of his pack mates were hit, the scent of blood in the air—but it was not solely wolf. Between the tearing of flesh and the attacks made towards its face and neck, the moose took off after ridding himself of the attached wolf; it started at a flat run, but it could not go as fast as it might have liked. For blood spilled from its neck and various other wounds, Reigi’s attack having seemingly hit just right to puncture a vital source of life.

Alexander did not take notice of the decreasing speed of the behemoth, he only saw their prey attempting to get away. With several sharp barks towards his pack, he took off after it, nipping at the moose’s hocks and sides, seeking to tear flesh from whatever he could get a grip on.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
337 Posts
Ooc — Tweet
The shitty ache in her chest and face weren't had in vain; the moose was almost theirs. Blondine looked to the rest of her party with a few gathering barks to make sure that they were all on the same track before quickly setting off to the tail the prey. Xan was nearby making an attack of his own so she tried to stay out of his way, though she didn't hesitate in participating. 

It was the rear left leg that had clipped her, so that was exactly what she went for. Maybe it was a stupid idea, but it was what she needed to do to feel satisfied, so as soon as she drew in close enough, Blondine lunged for the tender flesh encasing the joint of the moose's knee. After all, if his legs didn't work, then how could he run?
i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
indra had only diverted the moose for a moment before packmates swarmed in. sensing her purpose done she faltered and allowed the party to pass her by in a flurry of snarls and churned snow. she saw some unknown wolf foolishly challenge its luck by placing itself directly in front of the moose and miraculously, it had not died in the process -- indra did not even spare the packmate a glance as she loped by.

she fell behind blondine and weighed her options. all the flank attacks in the world would not bring the moose down; what mattered now were its hocks, its legs -- careful of any cowkick the girl lunged towards the moose's flat hock and sank her fangs right below the tarsals, aiming to sever the collateral ligament (though she hardly knew the name -- she simply knew the purpose) with sharp tugs of her body as she was dragged behind the moose in the snow.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
i'll be damned if i end up playing Job with god's loving hand on my throat
184 Posts
Ooc — e

Adrenaline offers distraction from the pain in her side, keeping her attention on the task at hand. She breathes heavily, pulling back just slightly as the moose tosses one of her yet-unmet packmates. It is not the first wolf to be sent flying but unlike Blondine the girl does not immediately jump back to her feet. There is enough movement following the moose that Poet does not hesitate to rush to the girl's side (she is not particularly eager to meet with those razer-edged hooves again herself), her breaths coming in short and hard as she moves. Hopefully it is just shock that has left the creamy-coated woman on the ground and not something more serious, but she wants to make sure for herself, her attention split between the limp body and the failing movements of their prey in case her pack needs her more than she suspects in the moment.
112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
Her weight, of course, wasno match for the strength of the beast, yet as she got slung through the air, she hoped it had given another an opportunity to wound the creature. She hit ground with a hollow thump, and the pain that followed left her breathless, her eyes closing against the throb of rattling her skull against the ground. Tensing her muscles to move, she groaned once and lay there for what seemed like forever, yet was only a minute. She opened her eyes and blinked, seeing a blur over her. I'm alright. She tried to give her a smile as she wobbled to her feet, head swimming. Stumbling, she managed to get to her feet and stay there. She saw her bleeding and with a concerned look, she gestured forward. Her first few steps were as wobbly as a newborns, but she forced herself to walk in a straight line. You ok?
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.
447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Dakarai hadn't reached the moose yet when a creamy shape went flying from his peripheral and grabbed his attention. He turned his head and saw Onyx, faltering in his approach and staring at her with concern. He wanted to go to her and make sure she was alright but he couldn't afford to do so. If he was to prove anything right now it would be to continue the hunt even though both him and his...friend? Lover? Mate? Was injured. After all...she had wanted to prove she was capable and this was the consequence of that. 

With a sharp exhale through his nostrils he ran at the moose, pushing through the pain in his shoulder. He spotted several packmates at it's hocks and so he swerved toward it's forelimbs. He aimed for the stretch of tight muscle along the back of the limb and lunged,fangs sinking in and tearing. The moose's steps faltered and it bellowed, swinging it's head down toward Dakarai who jumped back and quickly circled around to the opposite side, waiting for the chance to do the same thing.
249 Posts
Ooc — Miryam
Blood. Mayhem. Confusion.

Wolves were tossed about like prey, and the great bull was soon to meet his death. Phocion himself had suffered some superficial wounds, but nothing too serious; his speed and small stature proved him an agile match for the questing antlers. He gave a troubled look toward his fallen packmates, but said nothing, instead leaping into the fray again and again.

Claws against flesh, his teeth raking against the tender skin of the moose's belly. A hoof came toward his head, and he ducked, only for it to come right back and clip him in the shoulder. With a yelp of pain, he somersaulted away from the beast, wound bleeding and throbbing. Grunting with effort, he rose to his feet once more, legs wobbly, and charged after their prey.

How many more would fall before the beast was dead? Bearclaw needed to eat, but so badly that they would risk the lives of all of their wolves?

this is gonna be my last post here, just PP him doing whatever
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
tbh, I just need to put alerts on my phone because wowza do I mix dates up 24/7. Next round: 18th. Feel free to have characters try and challenge him—and each other, eventually—for eating rights.

Even as its life drained from the beast, it ran from the assault of the wolves; unbeknownst to it, the faster it ran, the slower it became. It stumbled several times, legs targeted and gripped onto, before it could press onward no longer. The moose slowed but continued to put up a fight, kicking its legs out with little to no aim, until the blood loss became too great and it started to crumble in on itself. It was slow, the fall of their prey, but that made it no less exciting—and as the moose laid there on the ground, weak and with blood still flowing freely from its neck, Alexander crept forward so that he could latch his jaws around its throat and tear.

Moments slipped by and, with them, there went the life of the moose.

Triumphant, the young leader released the flesh and tilted his muzzle upwards—a long, melodic howl flew from his lips and echoed off the valley’s walls, inviting those that were not present for the hunt, and those that had fallen behind, to behold their kill. And as the howl faded away, he drove his muzzle towards the now-exposed underside of their prey and began tearing into the flesh, instincts pushing him towards the richest organs.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
phone. Will format later.

the pack was triumphant.  although the snow was stained with blood and gore both from the wolves and their kill, reigi felt on top of the world as they brought the thing down.

she raised her voice in song alongside her friend and, not understanding that it wasn't her turn, began to feast.
i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
indra had hung back enough she could see the moose falter - yet uninjured, she surged forward and grappled with it until its energy was bled from it and the beast fell, thundering -- whilst snow and blood loosed out from under him in a cloud of powder about them.

indra stood by the moose's throat, having lunged for it when the bull first started to stumble. his struggles might have ceased but it appeared her own were far from over -- xan had feasted first, as was his station -- but her subordinate had already fallen to the meat and indra witnessed such disrespect with a sting of surprise and anger.

without laurel present, indra was the next highest ranked wolf in the hunt. she was the next to eat after xan - not reigi, not anyone -- and she would fight for her right tooth and nail to eat second, if it came to it.

the redleaf released her hold on the thick folds of the moose's throat, and stalked towards reigi with her body language authoritative and confident. 

adrenaline still pulsed through her, as did a sense of flushed victory - perhaps it had a hand in the silent confidence in which indra descended upon reigi's form. wordlessly, indra lunged for the back of the woman's neck with teeth bared, attempting to rip her out from the bull's insides and hopefully, fling her into the snow  away from the kill. should the woman retaliate indra would rise to meet her with fangs ready. should reigi fall to her station and wait her turn, indra would discipline her no futher and would instead gorge on the bull's intestines with snarls uttered between each snap of her hungry jaws.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
337 Posts
Ooc — Tweet
It wasn’t Reigi’s fault that she’d been so clueless; unlike Indra who had chosen to react with aggression, Blondine decided to respond with compassion, figuring this was as good a time as any to teach a lesson. Initially, there was a faint snarl on her lips and a low, quiet growl that quickly faded once she’d made her way over to the two of them. 

Hey, now, Blondine cooed, replacing her growls with whines and light licks to Indra’s cheek, hoping to calm her down. To Reigi, Blondine prodded at her shoulder to try and get her to move with as little backlash as possible.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
i'm pulling reigi from this thread. :)  it's too far back in her timeline for me to be able to accurately respond to anymore and i don't want to hold things up for everyone else.  if indra wants to continue challenging her, please open a new all welcome thread and tag me.

reigi had been a lone wolf for too long to not be aware of her surroundings when eating.  she was confused nothing about what indra was doing came naturally to wolves from where she came.  perhaps it was food aggression; indra's jutting bones and extreme mannerisms were enough for her to come to that conclusion.

she waited until indra launched at her and swiftly ducked out of the way, a quick snap of her teeth punctuating the air between them.  

a third entered the fray, and reigi tensed for a moment before realizing it was blondine.  she came in with sweet demeanor and calming words, and it worked.  reigi did not cow before indra, but she did stand.  

something something, i'm pretty sure xan is going to reprimand her too and i can edit this, and then with a cast back at blondine reigi stalked from the group, confused about why she was not allowed to eat.

i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
as indra descended upon reigi to discipline her, the subordinate became aware of her approach and flew back, retreating from the moose's side with a flurry of snapping teeth. indra's ears remained assertively pressed forward, and her posture remained dominant -- but the subordinate had backed from the kill under indra's pressure which was all the redleaf girl had commanded. she pressed no further, content her right to feast second along xan remained uncontested.

her gaze fell to blondine briefly in acknowledgement, but she said nothing -- the cold plains of her features read well of the girl's impressions.  without any further posturing she fell to the moose's stifle, far enough from xan that her presence would not seem threatening -- and greedily tore thick intestine from membrane walls with coarse, powerful tugs of her hungry jaws.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
i'll be damned if i end up playing Job with god's loving hand on my throat
184 Posts
Ooc — e

Thankfully the girl rouses with her touch on wobbling legs. Poet stays by her side, attentive, lest she fall again, although she takes the verbal reassurances as a good sign. She asks about her own injuries, and surprised, she looks down at herself to see the blood seeping from her side. Without the crush of adrenaline from the hunt the ache sets in. Her steps turn more delicate even as she answers, "I'm alright."

Ahead of them the moose takes its final beleaguered steps, the life draining from it. A wave of relief washes through her, carrying a measure of triumph, but mostly exhaustion. The ex-priestess watches the quiet dramas unfold before her, Venninne and Indra's short alteraction, Blondine's interventions. She does not involve herself, but waits by the side until it is her turn to share the meal.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
This will be the last round, since this is pretty old. I’ll be archiving this thread on the 25th.

When Reigi approached to eat, he had but a few moments to reprimand her—he bared his teeth as his body went rigid and then cuffed her muzzle—before Indra jumped in. At her, the male directed a growl—a warning—though her settling a decent distance from his spot allowed him to ease up. He tore at the insides of the moose until his stomach was filled, then retreated, allowing the rest of the pack to feast. For a moment, he glanced in the direction his friend had gone, but made no move to follow her—not this time, not when much of the pack was there to see him. Later, he’d pluck what he could from the carcass and take it to her but, for now, he plopped down a fair distance from the moose and observed his pack mates.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
tag for reference, last post for indra!

she fell upon the moose with a voracious appetite. when xan growled at her she paused and shifted back, putting more space between them before resuming. the waif was quick to eat her fill; with one last tug at the fascia along the moose's hip she secured a tattered strip of flesh and ripped it from bone, a small token for @Laurel. she had no intentions of lingering; not when so many wolves were present -- she settled a good distance away and licked the blood from her hide, and once clean, would bring the small offering to her sister.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.