Redtail Rise rise with the sun
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
open! hunter trade!

The tension was a palpable thing, but New Snow was not unnerved. This was the way of things, and when the matter was resolved all would return to as it should be. The only thing that perturbed her was the absence of her mate; she understood, now, the way of her mother when he was absent for the hunt and she needed to remain when there were not enough adults to look after the young. 

But New Snow had also inherited her mothers nature. She understood, even if she wished to be by his side. New Snow would continue to provide for the Rise that had granted her so much in the meantime. 

Each morning, she sang a song for him. They could be together this way, even when they were apart. And then she set to work, Mountain Boulders well-being ever on her mind. He would need food to return to; New Snow tracked fresh imprints left behind by a herd that she had been following through the Rise for days. Near enough now to know she would see them soon New Snows gait turned into a quiet, prowling lope. An ear flicked as snow fell from a tree bough, the other cupped forward.
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Ooc — Jess
With the boulder man off hunting on the trail, the rest of the pack didn't hunker down and wait; they were w hornet's nest that had just been bothered, and they prepared now to swarm the one who had caused all this tension. Lilia roved, picking fights with anyone who was willing to spar, and had fixed her thirst for violence upon prey which she hunted down incessantly, wanting to make sure she had plenty of energy and as much muscle as she could possibly put on before the call came. 

She sniffed around, and spotted a pale feature in the distance- it wasn't one of the quiet children, but their mother. Her scent still smelled of Augur's, which was both bittersweet and reassuring. She hoped the man was safely able to perform his mission, and return without a scratch. She liked him; he was brave, but also caring. 

The woman's gait had shifted, so Lilia sped up to follow along the trail she'd left behind- which mingled with the tracks left behind by cloven hooves. Lilia flicked her tongue over her nose to wet it, and surged forward so she might hover along as New Snow's shadow, a quiet chuff announcing her arrival and willingness to cooperate.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snows head turned when she could hear the sound of another closing in. New Snow then saw the young girl Wolverine approach and greeted her with a low rumble, her own eyes bright. New Snow was pleased to hear the girls interest, and accepted her company with a quiet huff of approval. 

With a twitch of her tail, New Snow pressed ahead. She was given pause as she saw recently left droppings. New Snow lingered above one in particular, ear twitching as she stepped aside for Wolverine to investigate as well, and learn what she had. It smelt off, which meant one among the herd was certainly ill.
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Ooc — Jess
She was welcomed. The family Augur had found here all seemed to be quiet, but kind. Dutiful, as well. So she didn't fault them for not necessarily being quite as verbal as she was about her ambitions. Having wolves who would peacefully co-exist within the pack without upsetting the balance were essential. 

She sniffed along following the tracks, but when she saw that New Snow had paused, she approached to smell the deer droppings herself. They were fresh, but their odour was stronger, more offensive. They might stand a good chance of finding a deer and bringing it down especially if something was wrong with it.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
As Wolverine inspects the dung New Snow patiently (and alertly) waits alongside her. Only once she finishes does New Snow even think to move ahead, but not before marking the area for her fellow hunters to note. Perhaps Wolverine could assist her in this take down, though New Snow calls for either @Avicus or @Prophet to join them. With all that was going on, it would be good to ensure that their bellies were full. Mountain Boulder would need sustenance upon his return as well. New Snow was a motivated caretaker.

She and Wolverine could likely separate the sick one from its herd. The hunt itself, though? Wolverine smells about the age to join them on it; New Snow would teach her. First to get it in their line of sight. New Snow looks toward Wolverine with a wave of her tail before pushing their pace.
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Ooc — Jess
A ripple of excitement slid down Lilia's spine, knowing that whether it is Avicus who will join them or Prophet, she will be seen as one of the first hunters tracking this herd. She will be looked upon with favour. She smiles, pleased with this plan. It will give them a better success rate, and then she would maybe be given room to eat alongside the others in the first round, rather than waiting for leftovers like the other youths. 

Lilia followed New Snow, moving at her flank, ready for a cue or indication that she would be called upon to accelerate or freeze. She accepted New Snow as the hunting leader readily.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
They could begin the hunt without either leader, and so New Snow pressed ahead. If nothing else, they could injure it moreso before a pack hunt was held; New Snow did not suspect she could take it down with a new hunter, but neither did she discount the thought entirely.

The beasts were in their line of sight now. New Snow's gait shifted once more into a slower, quiet prowl. She looked to Wolverine as she herself moved lower to the earth to get a gander at them from where they stood before beginning the work. She looked back to the herd, nose working to find the source of the sickly scent. Pungent as it was, New Snow could smell it from where they stood.
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Ooc — Jess
She could feel her heartbeat leap as they came closer and closer to the source of the smell. New Snow had the same sort of calm assurance that Augur had; she found them both very likeable. Quiet wolves questioned her validity less; it was comfortable being around them. 

The scent if the deer was mingled with the scent of one who was fading. Given that Lilia did not blend with the snow, she kept her silhouette broken up by sticking closer to the dark tree trunks and groups of bushes when they came within view of the herd. Like her hunting partner, she studied the herd, looking to try and pick out the one whose scent made them the best choice. They grazed quietly, unaware for the time being that they were being watched. Still- they were prey animals, and knew not to give away the position of their weakest member lightly.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
wanted to give some time for the tagged parties to potentially join! you both are still welcome! inspired by

Wolverine was wise. She kept to the things she blended best with. Prophet, who New Snow also considered to be the girls father, and the pack that had taught her had done well. As Wolverine observed, the group kept close to one another; New Snow and Wolverine would need to harass them.

New Snow rose and gestured to her side before moving ahead to begin to press the herd. One of the members looked in their direction and sounded off; it inspired its fellows movements. New Snow was quick to assess, moving toward where the largest cluster bounded to. Hunting was a long game, and she again remembered  they might not fell any this day. But it would be another good lesson for Wolverine, and New Snow was responsible for teaching her too.
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
With a blast of air, the beasts sent up a warning signal. Now discovered, the wolves could no longer creep forward in secret, but bounded forward through the snow as the herd dashed away. Those who were healthy and youthful bounded above the snow, kicking their heels up, sharp hooves shining, slick with snow. They parted, some following instinct or another that they relied on- and in order to better their chances, Lilia moved with New Snow to bound after the larger group. 

Surely, amongst them, there would be one that would be weaker, slower. One who could not leap as high, who could not outrun them in the long chase that would surely follow. Time and perseverance would tell.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
#11 rolled that they were evaded this round! so they still don't know which one the sick one is, exactly.

New Snow knew it could take miles and miles to find the sickly member. The herd banded together, sticking tight. Lilia was at her flank; New Snow would teach her what to do. She surged forward to harry the herd members within the rear, who divided for a beat. New Snow matched their stride for a time, snapping at its side and retreating before it could retaliate with its own hooves. Before too terribly long, it was determined that the separated member was in good health. They did not flag.

A huff as she looked to Lilia, slowing only a measure, but her eyes were smiling as the doe returned to the herd. This failure was a natural part of the hunt, but they would persist. They might fail a hundred more times; sometimes, at the end of the day, that was the way of things. But perhaps they might succeed!
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess

With the deer shifting and changing position as they moved away from the prowling predators, it was almost impossible to tell one from the next. Shifting hooves, tossing heads, flared nostrils- they were identical apart from some slight differences in size, and they all smelled of fear. 

New Snow shifted forward and with decisive movements, she caused the herd to bulge, and slipped in between the herd and an individual. Lilia moved with her, learning what it was she planned, and how to go about it. They pushed the deer away from the others with snaps and snarls, but with each bound it proved that it would not be subdued so easily. If the pair had gathered more members of the pack, it might have been easily enough made into a meal...Lilia was disappointed to see it return to the herd, but she understood the task at hand. 

She took the reins, and dove toward the herd. Her approach was clumsier, and the deer moved in a rotating circle, shunning her attempts to sever one from the group. She moved still, with the group, sending them in a clockwise motion that shifted even faster whenever she lunged toward them. By chance, one deer stumbled- and gave her the opportunity to slip between it and the rest. 

She snapped at its heels and while it kicked out with a hoof that would narrowly graze her cheek, it stumbled again. It veered desperately to return to the herd- but the herd understood, too, that its weakest member had been sought out and separated- they moved away. Lilia uttered a defiant cry and lunged toward the beast again, her confidence buoyed by her luck.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
yay! also, rolled: Strike success!
New Snow cajoled the young hunter with one proud, baying bark; more could not be spared during the hunt, but she was eager to see the young one succeed. New Snow drew closer with her, moving toward the other heel. This was the scent they sought; if it could be felled between the two of them, New Snow would be more than pleased. It might not be quick, but it could be done with patience. Lilia was wise in her movements, herding it away.

She nipped at its heels. For now it was the running game; exhaust it! And bleed it, too, if possible—but not at the expense of slowing themselves down, as there were only two of them and none to pick up where the other left off. A hunters game of leap frog.

The blows would not be significant then. But enough of them would cause the sick creature to falter further. New Snow lunged to rake her fangs against the creature, but not yet to bear down fully upon it. Even sick, the young doe had its adrenaline—they would chase it out of their prey. So New Snow did not hold on, but having tasted blood she hoped for more.
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Ooc — Jess

Now, it was time for the predators to follow in pursuit, and take turns striking out so that they could outlast the deer, who was now in survival mode. Lilia hung back, still keeping herself to the side so the deer might not veer around them and return to the herd while New Snow attacked it, lunging and raking her fangs through its flesh. The whites of the doe's eyes were visible- it knew that death shadowed it. 

Lilia moved in turn to strike, snapping at the doe's legs to make her lift them higher, waiting for when she would inevitably stumble in an attempt to avoid her snapping jaws. When she did, it brought Lilia within reach of her hamstring, which she grabbed and pulled at, whipping her head from side to side before she let it go and side-stepped to avoid a kick. 

She wanted to make sure that the doe could not go far, and that it would be in pain all the while, and pain would make it stupid.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
#15 Another good roll, it's their lucky day
Wolverine was a good hunter! New Snow barked aloud her pride. Luck and skill combined made this hunt what it was, but more than that it was another lesson for the cub. New Snow bit and harassed and bothered the doe, retreating when she saw its leg coil to strike. But it stumbled, sinking down into soft snow, and fell!

New Snow barked at its legs in a warning for Wolverine to keep away from them. They still struck outward in a way that would cause damage if something  landed. New Snow gestures to the does throat while making her own way to the muzzle, thinking they might effectively bring it down together before it could rise.
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
#16 Not quite a killing blow but better than getting kicked XD I like trading back and forth like this :)

The doe stumbled and plunged down into the snow. Lilia opened her jaws and made to grab at the doe's exposed underbelly, but was warned off by New Snow, whose counsel she took immediately. The animal struck out with its legs, both trying to protect itself and get its legs underneath itself so it could run again- but it could do neither effectively. 

New Snow went to grab at the doe's face, and Lilia lunged for its throat. She aimed too high, and caught the doe near its jaw. Not a bite that would restrict its breathing, or pull its life fluid forth, more than any puncture wounds would. But the doe was down, and had two wolves holding it in place. She couldn't let go of it without worrying that it might get back up-

She glanced to New Snow out of the corner of her eye, over the doe's cheekbone.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
Tried to watch some wolf hunting videos for extra fun options! The doe gets back up! Me too! Definitely makes it like there's more to work with which is fun! New Snow went for the throat and goes for the kill!

New Snow knew there would be plenty of teaching moments here. While weak, the doe would prove to both wolves that it was not dead, not yet. New Snow and Wolverine were in similar enough locations where the doe was able to regain it's footing; New Snow warned the girl with one low noise to be wary of those forelegs.

It moving might present them better odds, but New Snow elected to show Wolverine an alternative tactic given its tired and sickly state. Its eyes were wild, and New Snow knew the thing was exhausted as it sought to step away; she went for its throat then, lunging to take hold, and gripped the larynx tight. It could still get her off with the last bit of strength it possessed.

For now, she did not release. Exerting every bit of pressure she could, soon the beast would be down again. Wolverine had room to take out a leg while it was woozy, and New Snow prepared to adjust should she need to.
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
#18 LOL well Lilia ran out of luck XD

Ferocity did not make up for her lack of size. And once the doe had its forehooves beneath itself once more, it lunged to its feet, hoisting Lilia up into the air with it, her fangs catching into the bone of its jaw. She hung there, suspended for a moment, but felt an aching in her teeth and let go, and dropped to the ground. She missed New Snow's warning- and got clocked on the back of her skull by the doe's hoof. 

She fell to the ground, as if rendered boneless, and remained where she collapsed for a moment before she shakily lifted her head. She felt dizzy, and a bit bewildered, but she realized quickly enough that New Snow was clinging to the doe by her windpipe, and the animal's strength had begun to flag. She stumbled forward to make a grab at one of the doe's forelegs, which she'd planted wide apart, to try and keep herself steady. She pulled just enough to break the doe's stance, and stumbled backwards as the doe tipped sideways.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???

New Snow used the whole of her weight to bring the beast down, and every bit of strength in her jaws to asphyxiate. It seemed to have enough strength itself for one last hurrah, but New Snow was nowhere near the prey animal and she shook the throat brutally. It was Wolverine who was on the receiving end of the animals attack; she saw, in her peripheral, the girl rise.

And attack again! Their quarry was on the earth next, and at last it was done as New Snow released. She moved over to Wolverine, sniffing loudly at the girls fur to inspect and ensure no real damage had been done!
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
When the deer became still, she was finally able to let herself relax a bit, and slumped to a seated position. She panted, realizing now how out of breath she was after the chase. New Snow came to her, and was greeted with a soft, affectionate growl. She stood, and was lightly surprised when her hunting partner began to check her over, concerned about injuries. No woman had come this close to her. She couldn't remember her own mother, so it was new to her but still- it tugged at some small memories of having been loved, at some point. 

She brushed her muzzle through the soft fur at New Snow's shoulder. When the woman's questioning glance came to the back of her head, she would feel the small lump of swelling that had started there. No blood seeped from her scalp, but she would likely have a headache for a few days. "Thtupid doe," She said. "Clocked me good on my noggin. Ain't laughin now, though," She said with a sneer. She gave her packmate an appreciative, respectful nudge to the edge of her jaw. "You should thummon the pack. You led thith hunt." She said. 

This kill was theirs, but it would feed the pack; and there were others ranked higher than her, even though she was still technically a youth. Her puppy privilege was beginning to wear out- but she was becoming an adult, one who yearned to prove herself. Until they arrived, she would enjoy the moment she stole with New Snow, all to herself, content in the wake of their successful hunt to cuddle up against her like a happy housecat.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snow had lost a daughter. And while none could replace what was lost, Wolverine reminded her plenty of what her daughter might have been. And New Snow felt proud, and relief, to be able to teach the young girl. Felt a new sort of purpose in keeping her safe how she could. New Snow, if allowed, would linger where the girls fur felt warm and lick at the spot in an effort to relieve any pains there. There was no blood, though, and Wolverine was functional. She could speak clearly (at least, as far as someone with no linguistic ability could tell) and walk well.

She rumbled with pride. Her eyes were bright, enjoying the things she saw play across the expressive wolfs face. It was in this way that New Snow could understand Wolverine perfectly. New Snow huffed in amusement, and nosed the girl back.

The Clawan called to the pack, the noise made to encourage Wolverine to join in it with her, and then when the song died she nosed the youth toward their quarry. New Snow would protect her place as she would Bobcats, and would eat herself when the rest joined. Their number was such that all would be able to feast this day, thanks to herself and the girl cub.
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
we can probably fade this here since it's set a while ago :3 thank you so much for this thread!!

It had felt right to allow New Snow to begin the call, but a moment later Lilia joined in, proud to lend her voice to the cry that declared a victorious hunt. It would seem all the more impressive to the others, she thought, when they realized that just the two of them had worked together to not only chase down but kill the doe- and she, still just a teenager! She could only hope that with a bit more guidance, she would really make New Snow proud. 

While she wanted to rip and tear into the meal they'd caught, she would wait until the others arrived. Partially because she knew the pecking order, and that the leadership would have first dibs, but also because she wanted them to see it in its entirety, before she joined in with the feast.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
perfect! always happy to thread! last from me.

New Snow would wait some time before the others joined, and then begin to partake when it was her own turn. When sated, New Snow would take portions of the meal to stow away, all too happy to help in this way too. And after that work was done, New Snow would nap for several hours to rest and recover from the long hunt, glad for their success.