Ouroboros Spine lii. something has gotten a hold of me lately
"Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats."
449 Posts
Ooc —
for @Aiolos (also @Kukutux for reference, set after this thread and this thread but no rush at all on replying or anything. Just getting caught up with IC events and establishing a correct timeline for Lote. pping @Samani a lil bit.) :)

her tongue felt heavy and twisted in her maw. kukutux would surely have spoken to aiolos by now. every moment, she found her thoughts drawn to the proposal the snow duck had suggested -- wondering fretfully when he might seek her out to discuss it.

it would not be a dreadful thing, she tried to affirm to herself. he was a brother of sorts through kukutux and she had seen how his amber stone eyes lit up only for her. they could be happy, the three of them, even if theirs was only a familial love. she and the ostrega would be sisters through marriage, they would raise their children as siblings. 

the islander's sea girl wrestled playfully with the dove's own son and daughter as she groomed inkalorë's gilded pelt. kausiut lingered with kukutux somewhere in the village and wilwarin merely observed from her spot against the herd-stalker's flank. the mother hummed softly as she worked, the words of the moonwoman's song not entirely remembered though she could recall the sentiment and tune.

[Image: tumblr_inline_p7g2ubEPPb1ufb8ej_400.gifv]
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
That prior night Aiolos had stayed to his wife's side, thoughts of her words heavy in his mind. In many ways their little family had already swollen much larger but now it would be made official before the eyes of all. Lote would be his wife, her pups his own pups and she the second mother of the twins which his snow had bore.

For some time Lote was thinner then she once was and Aiolos knew this not to be by the loss of baby fat, but the darkness which she had endured much of in the past few moons. Even her paws had faded from their staining mix of colors, showing more of the fawn fur under. She seemed to not have had much will in her arts as of late, either...

When he looked upon her now, her spirits looked to be raised. The time of raising their pups together had helped her but she was not yet past the trials which he first pregnancy had put her through.

Aiolos woofs to her, nosing at the pups all around. Kukutux and Sialuk was not here now, likely to collect herbs or do their rounds as Aiolos had returned from. He supposed it was as good a time as any to speak with her formally now that he and his first wife's decision had been made. Good morning Lote.. I hope all is well?
moonglow daddy
"Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats."
449 Posts
Ooc —

as if summoned, there he was. it seemed the moment had come at last.

”good morning,” she chirped in return, though her eyes quickly darted back down to her children and the words were subdued. she did not wish for things to become strained but she could not deny that she felt awkward. the botanist tried to force it aside as she smiled at him reassuringly. ”things are good. better a bit, i think.” it was no use denying that the iceman had broken her heart. but it was also of no use to fall into despair. 

”kukutux has spoken with you, i imagine…” she trailed off indecisively, though it wasn’t quite a question. best not to beat around the bush, she figured. ”i would not agree to this if it made you unhappy, aiolos. you have made kukutux smile again and for that, i will always love you as a brother. i do not want to burden you — or her, much as she might deny that i would.” a smile tugged at her dusk rose lips, to think of the warmth her friend offered so freely. lótë only wanted to be sure; if she could hold all of the pain the spirit-man had caused her within her own chest, then she would, if it meant sparing her sister’s family his corruption. 
[Image: tumblr_inline_p7g2ubEPPb1ufb8ej_400.gifv]
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
A soft smile offered back to her getting, as her eyes then dart down and false distraction. He hoped things to be better, wished wholeheartedly for things to get better for the little fawn colored wolf.

You've never been a burden to me. You know that. Surely she did? For all his efforts to keep her well cared for, to accompany her so that she need not be alone during her first motherhood. Aiolos and all of the pack had worked together with this, with such a strong bond between them that Aiolos could not remember feeling like the whole pack was united in such a way before. Even Hua had been angered by Ruo and Aiolos, their son being sidelined in the ranks for quite a time.

Aiolos looks to the children then, to watch them play. He wondered then if the pups would ever come to know if their true father, if they would ever come to suspect himself as otherwise or if Lote would offer them truth. After all, it was he which had been there since their birth and Adrastus which had only been with them but moments...

You already know I feel very highly of you... He had shown her as such by his guarding of her nest, the good conversations, the happiness he held for her four healthy pups. She had known it so, gifting him with salted fish he still licked his mug to the thought of.

You are a good and talented wolf. A strong and loving parent. Loyal to your pack.  Even in her young age, she proved a well mother to her pups and healthy enough to bore equally healthy pups. And you deserve a man who could be all those things for you too. To be strong, loving and loyal... And I will be that man for you. His mouth forms in a tight, grim line. But... A sigh. My heart belongs to another. The three-way had come to an agreement, they all knew but nothing would come between or replace his love for Kukutux. Not even what appeared to be a younger, similar version of the moonwoman.
moonglow daddy
"Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats."
449 Posts
Ooc —

lótë stilled in wait of his words, breath bated until they had died out. she could not say she was surprised, though the relief she felt was astonishing enough. 

”i only wanted to be certain, to hear your thoughts before agreeing. i would understand if you had said no. as i told kukutux, six children is many more than two.” her words might have seemed harsh if not for the humor twinkling in her verdant gaze, tugging at her lips. 

”as for your heart…i would not take that from kukutux.”  she did not think she would ever be able to see more than a brother in his eyes. and despite what the moondrop hoped, she doubted whether there would be any children at second wife’s hearth in the spring. ”moonwoman has said that if the time should come when i love another man, i would have her blessing to make a hearth with him.”

”thank you — for your kind words and for what you are doing for me,” she stood then, and brushed her cheek against the ruddy peak of his shoulder in an embrace, familial rather than romantic. ”i accept. i will be an honorable wife to you, i promise. in time, i will tell my cubs the truth but while they are young…i think it best that we not confuse them by trying to explain. you are the only real father they have known.” this was all said in hushed tones between them, lest the little ones overhear.

it was not of consequence that their love for each other was not the same as what he shared with his first wife, it was still love. it was for that that she would follow him, and kukutux.
[Image: tumblr_inline_p7g2ubEPPb1ufb8ej_400.gifv]
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Seems like a good ending place for this one!

The left corner of his mouth turns up in a half smirk as Lote mentions the number of children which would now look to him for answers amongst their mothers and eldest sister. He would have his paws full, this was certain. Though the pack was blessed with more then enough strong and dedicated members to help with the burden of raising these pups. It was unlike Yuelong, which had dwindled to only three adults to safely protect the pups, territory and hunt for themselves.

His head bows as she mentions the love he held for Kukutux. How that should she find a man worthy of her, she may lay with him that Spring and Aiolos nods slowly with agreement. As a wife of the leader, her current pups would not only hold standing but any future pups she may birth. It would be her right as well, to have children each coming season. Whether she would find another to give her what she so deserved or if it would be Aiolos himself to, was still to be determined...

She comes to him then, to brush her cheek to the russet of his shoulder and he places his creamy chin to her own slim blade. That I have no doubt. He whispers on behalf of her promising her honorably.

And he rests his crown over her, a silent smile and nod given as he embraces her. All the while watching the children tussle together happily.
moonglow daddy