Shimmering Sands With a physco chart, playing dice go start
47 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
All Welcome 
The brute wandered from the woods, the call of the sea invited him to draw closer. He would turn back soon, to his forest, but for now, he would investigate the salted plains. He silently crossed through, his huge paws cracking the thin, salted surface. He head swung side to side, not bothering to restain his movement.
He was still the whole part of a formidable predator, and in the summer he would leave the forest to seek what was beyond but would return every winter.

He lifted his head, looking to the grey gulls circling the grey sky, cawing like vultures. His eyes lowered again and landed on an ungulate carcass. Moving forward quicker now, his maw salivated so large globs dripped from his tan mouth. He reached the carcass and, without a second thought, ripped into the decaying flesh.

"Common." "Ursine."

How Much Trouble
Can One Bear Be?
1,325 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
oh no what is you doing baby

the beach just west of the grove was a treasure as well. a bright expanse of sand on which to roam--he would have settled here if he wasn't worried about the winter winds. he liked the shelter of the grove. but this was a fine place to have next door; he waltzed through in a daydream, admiring the pretty seashells he found along the way.

but the great, dark hulking mountain of a beast that entered his vision was not so fine.

govinda swallowed thickly, coming to a standstill in the near distance. no, this wouldn't do. a bear was not an ideal neighbor. how long had it been here? he hadn't seen it going to and from the oyster pools. wasn't it meant to be in hibernation? how long would it remain?

he knew that running just triggered the attack further, so he stood firmly, head lifted in quiet defiance. hopefully, the bear would grow bored of the barren landscape soon and return to whatever place it called home.
47 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He felt eyes upon him before he saw the unwanted attention. His head lifted, maw drooling with bloodied saliva. His tan face painted red. His jade eyes glared back at the wolf, feeling their stare as one of dislike, possibly fear, but the lupine wanted him to move?

 This assumption was enough to provoke the beast, for the longer he delayed his hibernation, the more his temper sharpened. He would not leave for this wolf, seemingly alone at this point, nor would he leave his food. 
The shadow rose up on the back of the ungulate, the bones cracking beneath his weight, and he bellowed at the lupine, 
"This is mine."

Of course, he wouldn't understand exactly, but he was sure to get the message. But, for extra measure, Kovertol clambered over the broken body and emitted a guttural sound, his cavernous maw widening in emphasis.
"Common." "Ursine."

How Much Trouble
Can One Bear Be?
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
i hope you don't mind if I crash!

Maia had split from Wraen quite a few times, but while her sister seemed blessed with a rather social trip, Maia herself had been decidedly less so.  It wasn't that she didn't want to talk to anyone... just more that she didn't really... know how.  She was awesome yeah, but wow sometimes meeting other wolves was super awkward and just not her fave thing.

But Wraen had come back with so many interesting stories that today Maia was determined to come back with one too.  So when she split to walk the coast and hunt, she knew that anyone she came across she was definitely going to pump for cool information and become besties with.

Things she wasn't expecting? A bear.

In all fairness, she saw the wolf first.  Her cheerful call of Heya!! echoed across the sand as she trotted forward, completely oblivious to the bear until she was close enough to catch it in her peripherals.  Oh! There's.... uh.. the 'two of you' died off as she noticed what exactly the other 'wolf' was and her voice kicked up an octave.  Why is that there?  as if for some reason he knew why the bear was there, and wasn't in just as much trouble as she was.
1,325 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
of course not :)

he flinched slightly as the bear hollered at him, climbing atop his prey. he had no quarrel with the creature in that regard; he certainly wasn't going to go steal food from something quite larger. govinda was considering the merits of backing up, step by step, when the joyous call made his ears shoot forward.

the man shot her a censorious look, eyes narrowing and then widening, as if to say, what the fuck? finally, she caught onto the predicament, and asked him a question to which he had no answer. i don't know, govinda said out of the corner of his mouth, trying not to make any faces that could set off the bear further. i've not seen it here before.

govinda looked at her for a long moment, recognition slowly blooming in his mind. we've met, he said slowly, brows drawing slightly together. the. . .maplewood? right? so much had happened since then; it all tended to blur together, these days, for him.
47 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Kovertol was not happy that another wolf joined the first. His lips curled back before he started into a slow lope towards the wolves. He supposed they didn’t want to loose too much fat before winter either, so it was meant to be a warning; should a pack start forming against him. 

He gave another, thunderous bellow of nonsense as he stopped mere yards from where the wolves were and rose up onto hind legs. He certainly wasn’t in the mood to have anything stolen from him before he lay to rest; of which would surely be in the next few days.
With Cry’s return or not.
"Common." "Ursine."

How Much Trouble
Can One Bear Be?
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
sry imma try and prioritize this real hard

There was a moment where his revelation that they had met before threw her enough to make her forget the danger, because she honestly didn't remember him.  Maia wasn't much of one for faces unless they made an impression - hugely positive or hugely negative.  Um.. sure? Maplewood. Where was that again?

Then the bear let out another roar, and she tensed when she whirled to find he'd moved forward and was towering over them from only yards away.  Oh boy this was now a place she did not want to be.  Uh, should we, like... run away now?  Her ears were flat as she backed up, genuine fear flooding her.  She'd never faced down a bear before and honestly didn't know what you were supposed to do when you met one.  Had her parents said? Probably.
1,325 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
okay, she didn't remember. maybe he was going crazy. whatever-- you can't turn your back on a bear, govinda said firmly, gaze flashing back and forth from the girl to the tall, burly creature. we'll have to back away, still looking strong. if we turn around, we're done for. follow my lead.

he took one ginger step back, then another, all the while peering at the bear to see his next move. as long as they stayed away from his kill, they would be fine. . .right? govinda was in no mood to tussle with a bear today (not any day, really).
47 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He watched the pair start to back away with his small, beady eyes finding the fear held in their gaze. He snorted, lips curling in a silent snarl. He could hurt them, maim them, make them cry in They would call and fight. Not today. He could not show them who was king of these lands today. 

He dropped to his forepaws in a show that proved he could indeed dash the brains from the lesser creatures. 
Keep them scared. 
He huffed again, blowing a cloud of air  in their direction like a great dragon guarding his hoard of riches. He did not turn until they were at a suitable distance, and he turned to start his feast again. 
Fading here, thanks for the thread ^.^
"Common." "Ursine."

How Much Trouble
Can One Bear Be?
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, great.  She was glad she asked, because she was definitely about to bolt personally.  Instead she held herself firm, watching from the corner of her eye as he backed up slowly and trying a rough, awkward imitation of it.  She didn't walk backwards often.

It didn't follow.  Her breath whoooshed out as it turned, and she turned her head, grinning.  It worked! Whatever kind of bear expert he was, she was glad she had run into him too!
1,325 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
thank god, he muttered, letting out the breath he had been holding for what felt like ages. he turned to her, a watery smile coming over his face again. thanks for listening and not taking off. i didn't wake up today wanting to deal with an an angry bear.

he turned and began padding the other way, once the bear was safely beyond the horizon, and glanced over at the girl, wondering if she'd follow. yes, you and your sister came to the maplewood on a scouting trip, i think, he said slowly, trying to puzzle it out as he sorted through the many scenes in his head, like a hoarder through their living room. it's been some time.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
No duh, me either.  Does anyone? she asked, but her grin was clearly teasing.  She appreciated his help a bunch and was heckin glad he hadn't just bailed and left her for bear food.  She didn't want to be any kind of food.

Oh, hey, wait.... that was you!!! In that one place.  Yeah.  she didn't remember where exactly they had been; she was terrible with directions.  But she remembered they'd been searching out options, and apparently he'd been living there? Because he hadn't seemed too keen on them coming or sticking around.  Who's guarding your trees if you're here? She asked, the giddiness of having escaped certain death making her a little looser with the sass.
1,325 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
his stomach sank as she questioned him, now, his smile fading slightly. he made as graceful of a recovery as he could, but the damage had been done, the blow dealt. they're in good paws, govinda managed, blinking slowly at her, then turned slightly away, beginning his trek back to the coconut grove.

he supposed that wasn't fair. she couldn't have known. the man glanced over his shoulder at her, a sly grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. want to see my new trees? he asked, brows raised. they're even more magnificent than the maples.

i'm gonna fade out here -- thanks <3
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
no prob, thank you!

She watched as he left, a little flustered that apparently her joke had made him leave without much of a goodbye.  But then he turned and followed it up, and she bit her lip, glancing back.  

What the heck.  She'd never have adventures to tell Wraen if she didn't go with strangers and look at trees, right?  Why not? I like trees. Smooth Maia, smooth.  She followed hastily, and would go with him a time before begging off to get back to her rendezvous with Wraen.