Neverwinter Forest endless
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
All Welcome 
The rains were wild, endless. 

Aiolos had never minded the rain before. Enjoyed it for the most part, though the sheer power with no end in sight is what kept the red man worried, unsettled. His placement within these forests shielded and sheltered him in manners which his island home could do all the same, though perhaps not so dense. The rocky hillside of the island would allow the island wolves to ward off the rising waters, protect them. 

But Aiolos was no fool to the rage of Mother Sea. He knew whilst his pack mates could find shelter within the high elevations, they would be trapped, surrounded. No sandbar would allow them to cross into the mainland and with the storms swimming would be suicidal. His packmates may not have drowned atop their perch, but they could have starved, suffered...

So they moved. And now Aiolos found himself here, settled under a rocky overhang of a little cave. More or less a cut out of rock then any real cavern, but enough to allow himself to stare out over the dense green forest without getting soaked to the bone.
moonglow daddy
It was...strange, the new press of bodies and scents that filled the territory that he had now called home. Though the reasons for doing so were noble, and something that he would have done himself, had he been in charge. No, he accepted the pack, this...Yuèlóng (was he saying it right?), but he always had to remind himself of the identity of the strange new scents that he came across as he traipsed through the woods, sodden.

He had to get out of the rain soon. Some rain, especially in the heat of summer, was good, but a lot, as they were facing now, was annoying at best. Yao trotted through the forest, wracking his brain for spots that he could hide from the rain in. Then, he saw it, a cave, more overhang, really. It was already occupied, and though Yao didn't recognize the wolf crouched there, he figured it was one of their guests. Mambo! Hello! he grinned at the wolf hidden under the rocky overhang. May I come in? he inched into the cave, hoping that the other wouldn't mind sharing their space.
Current Location  — Neverwinter Forest
Fighting/Sparring Methods
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Mambo? Aiolos did not know what that meant, but accepted his welcoming with a dip of his red muzzle. Not at all. He spoke, brightly ambered eyes looking over the large, dark coated wolf who now placed himself next to him to ward off the down pour. I dont recall seeing you last I was here, he spoke, thinking back to when he had been here a few weeks before, training Simmik in fighting at well as freshening up on Lenny's (and his own) skills. I'm Aiolos. He spoke and then, just as suddenly realized he left out his position. Of course he was Yuelong, though he was also Leader of Yuelong now. It was not like him to boast before a woman but men he often shown his higher placement amongst them. He knew, however, he was a guest here and thus, wanted to know this man's true colors his new company before revealing himself fully... that is, if it was needed at all.
moonglow daddy
Ah, I haven't been around for very long, he says. He shakes himself before moving in closer to the guest huddling under the rock. Haoniyao, he offers back. Somewhat drier, he allows himself to get a better look at his companion. He was brighter than Yao in hue, sporting warm ambers and golds. They were similar in size and weight, though the other, Aiolos, looked a bit older. But not by much. How is your pack settling?
Current Location  — Neverwinter Forest
Fighting/Sparring Methods
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He spoke his name, an odd one which Aiolos tempted to repeat in his head. Then again, his own name could be considered odd in these parts as well, given the fact that it was Greek. A name of the God of the Winds meaning quick and nimble. Though whatever culture or family history Aiolos did hold, he did not speak of it often. It wasnt like he had ever taken care to his family anyhow. 

Well enough it seems. Some I think are enjoying the new scenery, getting closer to their allies. It's good for them. He spoke, nodding as though to confirm himself. Though Aiolos worried what was going on at the island he knew now for certain it had been for the best. Not to mention, brought a stronger bond to their alliance. Others...well, some I know are just eager to get home. Ruo, he knew, for certain. He too, honestly, even though it had been for the better.
moonglow daddy