Noctisardor Bypass Yeah, and I'm still giving 'em hell
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
For @Arbiter maybeeeee.  This can be slow since I can make some assumptions on the news she's gonna get <3

Maia had searched around.  The hollow was empty, no trace of Terance nearby, but when she found Arbiter's scent on the Bypass boundary she paused there and called.  It had been near on a year, she thought, since she had last checked in on her brother and his family.  She had news for him that Ibis was maybe joining them and that their new home was the Fen.  She also just really missed him.

She waited patiently for anyone to respond while she peered across the landscape.  This place was different but interesting. The stone formations drew her eye, and she wondered what was hidden in them.  Likely she wouldn't be sticking around long enough to find out, but if he offered her a tour, she would not say no.

WC: 130
nomen est omen
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Master Guardian
Insert vibrating eyes emoji here.

To a certain point, Arbiter had given up on finding Terance's other family. She'd looked for Ibis and been unable to find her. Other siblings were farther abroad, and as Arbiter wasn't the most well-traveled, nor was the pack large enough that she could send someone off to search far and wide. Legion had not moved far. If they wanted to know, they could find her. Maybe she shouldn't be surprised they'd flaked out the way they had. But then again, Arbiter wasn't exactly happy with the way things had gone lately. It had just gotten worse and worse.

The call that did ring out was kind of familiar but she couldn't place it until she got to the borders and spotted the figure there. It had been ages since she'd last seen Maia. And as she approached it took a moment to piece together who it was. Well. Probably best she didn't open with "btw ur bro is dead" so she opted for a bob of her head and a more ordinary greeting. Look, Arbiter could definitely be defined as cold and at time calloused, but that was mostly just fun to do versus people she hated, doing so to Terance's sister was pointless. Maia. Been a while. Anything in particular bringing you out this way? Terance, probably. But just in case...
Arbiter is often not a nice person and will think mean things without acting on them.
If you aren't sure whether her snarky thoughts might be readable, just ask!  IC≠OOC
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia smiled at Arbiter, tail waving as she approached.  The fact that she didn't scent Terance anywhere was a bit of a bummer, and it meant something had likely happened.  She had no reason to expect that the news was seriously bad, though.  Maybe he was traveling?

Hey!  Yeah, I was actually wondering if Terance or Sarah were around?  I had some news for them.  She cocked her head and waited. She was less sure about Sarah, who had seemed pretty unhappy last time they talked.  She hadn't known how to help, and she wondered if maybe her big sister had gone elsewhere.  As a family they liked to scatter, but that was fine.  This thought was likely why she didn't even think to wonder if Arbiter or Terance might be bothered by her extremely spread out visits.

WC: 138
nomen est omen
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Master Guardian
This would have all been so much easier if it was fresh news. Or would it have been? Arbiter didn't know, but she knew whatever news Maia had, here she was to destroy it. She shook her head. Even one so even-keeled as Arbiter couldn't entirely mask the downcast tone, Neither of them are here. But how did she even say it? Probably best to go with the easy one first, Sarah disappeared when the winter was at its worst. Before we even moved here. I hope she found somewhere not effected from the earthquakes.

So. The hard part. Which may or may not be obvious because Arbiter did closely guard her feelings -- if names in her family were adjectives instead of nouns perhaps she would have been Stoic -- but normally she was not a wolf that had any trouble with words. Maybe it made all those more normal sorts think she was a monster, but no, with these things she was just quiet. A pause while she for a moment gathered her will to continue, she said simply, Terance is dead. There. Out with it. He and one of our sons left to track the herds. Pike only returned months later -- they'd been attacked by mountain lions. But he-- another slight pause. Did she really need to know about his potential suffering? Her own regrets? No. Simplify, that's easier, But Terance didn't make it back. And she had her regrets, but they were hers alone. And maybe that was why the wound was still raw.

She drew in a breath, clearing her mind before adding, I don't know where Ibis is either. I looked for her pack soon after he went missing but it was gone. Nor did I know how far it was to find any of you. Plans of trips to visit had vanished with the prey after the earthquakes -- destinations died with Terance. Hell, she wasn't Ibis' biggest fan at all and Arbiter had looked for her. Terance's whole family had turned to ghosts, essentially -- aside from her remaining children. Maybe that was part of what bugged her in the end -- hadn't Terance and his siblings been close once? Now how long had it been? Arbiter had been out here alone -- without her mate -- for what, a year? Okay, not quite that yet, but it felt like longer. I'm sorry. Maybe it felt added on. But it felt like it should be there. Even though Arbiter hadn't herd it much from others towards herself.
Arbiter is often not a nice person and will think mean things without acting on them.
If you aren't sure whether her snarky thoughts might be readable, just ask!  IC≠OOC
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Sarah disappearing was about what she expected.  Her older sister had less to hold her here and honestly seemed, last time, like she needed some time away.  Hopefully she'd found what she was looking for!  Maybe she'd even gone back home.  She was still musing on that idly when Arbiter's next blunt statement hit her like a freight train.

It was probably visible that it took a second to sink in and register.  The details she provided after were a buzz in the aftermath, and the only parts Maia really caught were 'mountain lions' and 'didn't make it back'.  Maia stared at Arbiter, shell-shocked, until she brought up Ibis.  She did spare a thought to wonder why, briefly, Arbiter might be looking for them.  It wasn't relevant, but.... they were a family of wanderers.  Their home pack was well outside Teekon and, outside of that, they were nothing like the Redhawks or the Blackthorns.  The only real unit they'd had was Wraen and Maia, and even that split frequently.

To deliver the news.  That can't be right.  He can't be.  Maia couldn't respond for a minute, and when she found her voice, it was hitched.  Ibis is with us.  We've been staying by Redhawk Caldera.  I... was coming to tell you all that.  Coming to tell Terance that.  Sorry.  Just...  she trailed off, not sure what else to say.  Are you sure was a tempting one, but she bit it off because of course.  This was his family, they'd know, even better than she would. Terance.  Her eyes welled up, but she tried to shove it down.  Not here.
nomen est omen
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Master Guardian
She said more quietly, Please tell her for me. Ibis and Arbiter hadn't exactly gotten along, and if they were that far apart (she had a vague idea of where the pack was, maybe??) then she wasn't going to travel that far either. She had a pack to run, even if things hadn't gone the way Arbiter had wished.

Maia had trailed off, and Arbiter wasn't sure what to say either. It wasn't like this was something she was good at talking about. Her ears tipped back a little. I know it isn't news any of us wanted to hear. That was about all she could think of to say. It had been long enough that it wasn't like she had much familiarity with Maia any more. That was a lifetime ago.

She wasn't good at any of this sort of thing. As her own inner demons might point out.
Arbiter is often not a nice person and will think mean things without acting on them.
If you aren't sure whether her snarky thoughts might be readable, just ask!  IC≠OOC
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia was still biting her tongue a bit when Arbiter made her request, so it took her a moment to answer.  When she did, it was shaky, just the one word.  Okay.  She would, but she dreaded it.  Just as she dreaded telling Wraen.  Each time she repeated it it would only sink in more... just like the news about her parents.  Just like every bad message she'd ever needed to carry.  That didn't change the fact that they needed to know.

She didn't know what to say in general, much less to Arbiter.  Even while she was upset, she wanted to offer something.  As little as she might know about her, Arbiter was her sister too, and she...

I'm sorry.  This came out a little better.  I...  she paused, and for some reason, Eljay came to mind.  It had always been a little hard to relate to those with families... but now that she knew what that felt like, she couldn't imagine losing it.  I'm glad he had you.  It was a weird statement maybe, but it just kind of... came out.  She second guessed it almost immediately, hoping it wasn't insensitive, but she didn't take it back.  She caught herself instead, and her ears tipped back in a mirror of Arbiter's.  

She should probably ask about his children, see her nieces and nephews... but she couldn't, not like this.  Not right now.
nomen est omen
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Master Guardian
In a way it was good that now the rest of his family knew. It was a sense of finality in a way -- that those who should know now knew. It wasn't like Arbiter had tried to hide it or anything, but she hadn't known where to find them. It had been months, after all. Would she ever see any of them again after this? She wasn't sure. Either way, what Maia said wasn't offensive -- at least to Arbiter. I wish it had been longer. Which was true. The children she had this year were supposed to be his -- as were next year's. 

There was a moment more of silence before she spoke again, Was there more news besides where you've settled now? I'm not sure Redhawk Caldera is a place I've ever been. She really hadn't wandered that far into Great Bear Wilderness, not that she really had a map onhand. What she knew was it wasn't anywhere around here. Either way, Arbiter had done a pretty good job interrupting Maia's plans, so she wanted to make sure that there wasn't anything missed.
Arbiter is often not a nice person and will think mean things without acting on them.
If you aren't sure whether her snarky thoughts might be readable, just ask!  IC≠OOC
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
No, just... if you, or any of the kids, find your way there... you'd be welcome.  In the glen, at least.  Maia answered, after a heartbeat of silence.  She should have come sooner.  She should have come forever ago... and now.

Now she needed to leave.  She was about to lose it and she was sure even Arbiter didn't want that.  Sorry, I just... I'm really sorry.  In the sudden overwhelming tide of emotion, she panicked, forgetting everything she probably should have said.  'Goodbye'.  'Tell the kids I said hi'.  Any of it.  She'd agonize over that later, along with everything else, but for now she turned and began to trot, quickly, away.  As soon as she made a reasonable distance, the trot became a job... then a run.... then a full out sprint as the sobs she'd been holding back finally broke free.
nomen est omen
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Master Guardian
She nodded, I'll keep it in mind. She wasn't sure when she'd be out there though. Or where exactly it was... She'd find out eventually find out.

Anyway, Maia's departure was abrupt. Though calling out to her also seemed wrong. Maia needed to get away, apparently, and Arbiter wasn't going to make her think she needed to stay. So once she had moved far enough away, she did say, [q]Safe travels,/q] before turning and heading back into her territory. Well. One weight off her shoulder. More still lingered, though.
Arbiter is often not a nice person and will think mean things without acting on them.
If you aren't sure whether her snarky thoughts might be readable, just ask!  IC≠OOC