Broken Antler Fen murder now the path of "must we"
16 Posts
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joining, but I'll tag @Ibis @Arielle  @Lilitu, just in case!

The atmosphere was clear and sunny, but cold. Still, Livia could feel Springtime inching closer, each day becoming less frigid and easier for her slim body to handle. She had lost weight in her travels. It had been difficult enough to find food when Calum was by her side, but now that they had lost one another, her health had plummeted. Her pale fur hung like rags over her skeleton, her hipbones jutting in a manner nearing the grotesque. Her reality was foggy, her mind warped by an absurd combination of hunger and grief. 

She had picked up their scent in the days leading up to this one. Now it brought her to the borders of a pack, and naturally the wraith knew better than to cross further into the territory. Hopefully, this was indeed the scent of family, rather than a mirage created by her distorted mind. She did not know how much further she could go before her body deteriorated completely. 

Livia lifted her snout skyward and sang of her presence. Then, she all but collapsed onto her belly, her long front legs stretched out before her and her hind end canted to one side, for the sake of comfort. She rested her head upon the grass, but her olive eyes remained open, searching and waiting.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Those olive eyes were the first thing Lilitu noticed—well, that and the beautiful pale wolf that they were attached to. She reminded the girl of her mother, somewhat, and she was drawn instantly to the woman with a smile. She hadn't been far from the borders when the summons rang out, and though she knew it called for leadership and not some kid, she came anyway.

Hi! she chirped, reclining onto her haunches. The stranger looked quite tired, and Lilitu employed a kindly expression as she surveyed her, head cocked slightly. Are you looking for anyone here?

That was pretty much all she had. Lilitu hadn't sat in on enough entrance exams to know what exactly to say to someone at their doorstep, whether joining or otherwise. She supposed she might be forgiven on account of her age.
16 Posts
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she had not long to wait before the stillness was broken by the she-wolf's approach. livia lifted her head, ears upright. the girl was young, perhaps a few months her junior, with bright and pleasant yellow eyes. she came with a smile, rather than the suspicion and seriousness that livia had expected. she pulled herself up to her feet, unable to help the small grin forming on her own lips.

"hello," livia bowed her head a bit. "I- yes, I'm looking for olive. my aunt," her voice had lowered, and she swallowed the lump in her throat. it did not seem right to disclose the news of her father's death to this stranger; not this soon, anyway. "i understand that she lives in Elysium, but I did not find anyone there. hushed willows had been all but empty when she had searched it in the preceding days.

"my name is livia."
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
They had not been home long when a call rose near the fen's limits, and as tired as Ibis was, she could not ignore her duty. She had been sworn-in as the Auspex after all; a duty she had neglected while in pursuit of something unfathomable. The mountain's demise was behind her. Home, now, and there was work to be done.

When she arrived to the source of the call, Ibis heard her daughter's greeting and picked up her pace. She was less concerned for Lilitu after seeing her in action; now, finding her at the behest of a stranger, there was a certain level of interest Ibis held but not so much worry, not anymore.

Then the stranger mentioned someone Ibis hadn't seen in what felt like a lifetime - Olive. Had she told her daughter much about her? She couldn't remember. Ibis drew up close, smiling to Lilitu, then to the stranger who looked so oddly familiar; but it wasn't someone she knew.

Olive was my mother, Ibis explained before mentioning herself in detail. But... It has been a while since I have seen her. Welcome. I am Ibis - and this is my daughter, Lilitu.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Olive? She didn't know any Olive. She was shaking her head by the time Ibis pulled up, and was miraculously spared explaining a situation she had no knowledge of.

Wait. . .Olive was her mama's mother? Her. . .grandmama? This was a revelation. She had heard about Terance because of his connection to Wraen and the rest, but Olive was a new name.

At least, so she (and her forgetful writer) remembered. 

Lilitu wanted to chime in, but Elysium was chiming tiny bells in her mind. It sounded oh so familiar, as if she'd heard it before. And the thought of it brought her great comfort and warmth. 

Confusion suffused her features as she settled in quietly, allowing the conversation to continue without her.
16 Posts
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Another flurry of movement came just as Livia had finished speaking. The gray-furred females were joined by a third, this one a bit older, with brilliant blue eyes. Her coat held the scent that she had been following, and her suspicion that this woman was who she was looking for revealed itself to be true when she spoke. 

Livia smiled, her tail beginning a slow wave. Her eyes, til now dull and solemn, seemed to come to life again. This was her cousin. "I'm happy to meet you both." She spared a glance toward the younger wolf, Lilitu, and then looked back at her mother. "Sorry, about Olive. I hope she's alright," her voice quieted. "My brother, Calum, and I, came to bring her news of our father's death. His... his name was Cortez. In Olive's absence, I suppose all I can do is tell you two." Speaking of her father put a damper on the joy she felt about having found family again. It hurt to wonder if these two women had known him; if they would even care. Was there anyone left, who would care at all?
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
We had a very hard winter a few seasons ago, Ibis remembered aloud, watching Livia. As she said, It was before I was a mother, when my brother and I were travelling a lot, she glanced to Lilitu with a fondness unhindered; then retrained her attention to the newcomer. We grew up in Elysium. It made sense that we would visit but when we did the place was empty. I believe Olive and Seabreeze, and everyone else, must have migrated somewhere for the season. I haven't been able to find them since.

She liked to think they were somewhere warm and happy now, wherever they were, and together. The fact that they were dead and buried did not register in Ibis' mind; if someone had ever told her of the unfortunate end to her family she had forgotten, or at the very least pushed the truth away intensely enough to forget.

Livia spoke of death. She spoke of a man Ibis could not recall meeting, but if she did she might have seen him in Elysium as a child. It seemed so long ago. I am sorry for the loss, it is always hard to lose those you love. But she did not confirm or deny knowing him; easier to sympathize and move on swiftly.

If you would like... You could stay with us. I would love to hear stories of our shared family. Lilitu, what do you think? Ibis looked to her girl again, smiling softly, deciding to include her in the discussion too.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Her eyes lowered as the stranger spoke about a death. Another name she'd never heard—Cortez. If Olive was her grandmama, and Cortez was this woman's father, then that made him her. . .uncle? And this woman her. . . Ah, shucks. It was way too much to keep track of. Whatever Livia was, she was family.

Yes, definitely, Lilitu said fervently, nodding. Come stay with us, please. Is your brother nearby? 

Thinking of the two siblings together just made her think of Arielle, and the excitement faded slightly. Where was she? It was impossible to keep away the thought that her sister and father might well be dead, just like those wolves on the mountain. Just like Cortez. 

And if she knew the last time she saw her sister was the last last time, she would have been much nicer. More appreciative. 

Heck, she would have never let Arielle out of her sight again.