Redhawk Caldera And I've been working there myself
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Ooc — Starrlight
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One of the best aspects of their move to the Caldera was that the ghost of grief that had been lurking around every corner of the fen hadn't seemed to follow her here. When she'd lived here the first time, it had only been her and Eljay... she didn't turn and expect to see Ibis or Wraen among the trees. The impulse had faded over the months, but who knew if it would have ever disappeared completely.

Maia put herself to work, when she wasn't spending time with the kids, establishing their claim alongside the other members. Normally patrols weren't her strong suit (at all) but she took the opportunity to see all of the places that she hadn't managed to explore when she'd been here last time. Occasionally she'd hijack @Eljay and make him show her some spot from his childhood, hoping to wring some stories out of him in the process.

She had promised @Hymnal that after they got a good foundation laid here, Maia would take her on a trip. It was a little early, but if she waited too long, her season would be on the horizon. She needed to avoid being caught out on the trip during that time. She had no idea where they'd go... someplace that wasn't so far as to be a longer trip than a few days, but somewhere much farther than her father would be willing (or able) to take her. He had responsibilities here that she did not.

Maia considered her options as she walked, occasionally squatting or rubbing her fur to mark out a defined border. She'd told her daughter to think about it too, the types of place she'd like to see. Together she was sure they could plan something interesting.
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Ooc — mercury
Roswell had run off, and she supposed she couldn't stop him. Besides, the smell of hare was heavy in the air, and if he felt the need to chase after game then more power to him. Smiling, she moved along, chin lifted, scouting for something—or someone—of interest.

She found said someone in the form of Maia, and she made her way down to the woman, grinning ear-to-ear.

Hey, there, she greeted, and began to leave subtle traces of herself along the border as Maia did, catching onto the drill quickly. Sure is something here. A lot steeper than the fen, for sure.

There was a note in her voice she couldn't quite bite back; whether it was nostalgia for the valley or homesickness for the fen, she didn't know.

This was home, now. That was all she really knew.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia greeted Lilitu with a matching smile and made room for her, glad for the company! Conversation made patrols feel more like walks, and while it could defeat part of the purpose, she took advantage of the distraction whenever she could.

It really is. Maia glanced at the wall, then chuckled once when she remembered her first night here. It had been a horrible night, absolutely, but there was one aspect she could look back and laugh about. It had taken a while for her to remember it. The first time I came here, I ran up the slope thinking it was a mountain. Imagine my surprise when the other side was hollow! She'd fallen head over heels. (Down the hill, and then for Eljay. Sort of in that order?)

It's going to take some getting used to, isn't it? She added, a little more seriously. Maia had detected a note of something in her voice, but she knew Lilitu wouldn't outright say it. It struck Maia at certain times how similar she was to her mother. There was enough of Terance in both of them to make her misty over it - he'd also had a habit of keeping his feelings (and worries) close.
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Ooc — mercury
Lilitu laughed along with Maia, casting a glance up the slope. I'll remember that, next time I make a mad dash to the top, she said, her giggles eventually fading. She sighed, then, and nodded. Yeah, it is. But—everything's a lot, really. This isn't more than stuff I've handled before. You, neither, I'd imagine.

She gestured with her muzzle back toward their old home. It's only a short walk away, if anyone'd ever wanna visit, she reasoned.

They walked on for a little while in silence, Lilitu trying to memorize each and every facet of the caldera. Though much of it was blanketed in snow, little bits of brush or grass popped up from the white, like seedlings in spring. The thought of seedlings reminded her—

All the kids are so grown up, she said to Maia, smiling. Then, tentatively: Are you gonna have any more?
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The silence that fell between them was a comfortable one. Maia continued to think about it, her mind also drifting to the kids and how they were handling it. They were so sweet, so understanding of both she and their father's reasons. But Maia worried sometimes that it meant they didn't talk about the things they needed to.

Lilitu was following that same thought train but in a different direction. Maia smiled and felt her cheeks go warm despite herself. That reaction would never leave, no matter how many she had. We haven't talked about it. I can't imagine Eljay wouldn't want to, though. Despite her nerves, Maia was looking forward to it.

For a long time I thought I wouldn't have any. It's amazing how things change! She hoped Lilitu would be here to help, but the mention made Maia consider something. Have you thought much about it? Whether you might, someday? They were a small pack, cut off from a lot of other places. There weren't many prospects for her here. If Arcturus were still around, or Penn... but neither seemed to be. Maia hadn't thought of her sister's old friend in a long time and silently hoped he was doing well. She'd really enjoyed his company.
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Ooc — mercury
A very clear bounce entered her step at the thought of another Maia-Eljay litter. Pups! She could always get excited about pups.

And as for the question of her own. . .

Well, of course, Lilitu replied, smiling demurely. Need a guy for that, though. Haven't quite found one, yet. The men on the road were flighty; she'd flirted, and they'd reciprocated, but none of them seemed inclined to settle down for more than a night or two.

Couldn't she just wish children into existence? It didn't have to take two, right? But, she supposed, it did. There was always a mother and father, at least at the beginning.

She sighed. How did you and Eljay end up falling in love, anyway?
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia could definitely sympathize. Out of all of her crushes, Eljay was her first real love, but it had seemed to take ages. She suddenly remembered a time, years ago, when she'd lamented to Wraen that she might never find someone.

I used to think it wouldn't ever happen. There was actually this guy, before Eljay. She smiled a little conspiratorially. For a while she'd felt guilty, but now it was easier. She knew without a doubt that what she had shared with Illidan had been a crush and what she had with Eljay went so much deeper. He was a prince who lived on the coast. But I only saw him a few times, and I never got to know him that well. Eljay was different.

She tried to think of it when, and it wasn't hard. She could actually remember the exact moment her feelings had changed, but she wondered if her mate would mind her sharing that. Maybe I'll just keep it vague...

We were talking once, when he was helping me after I got hurt. And he just completely opened up to me. I'd never had anyone do that before. She was so used to hiding things, to being happy and making sure everyone else was. He'd helped her to see that sharing your feelings with someone else wasn't so terrible. I think it was really as easy as that. She giggled a little. Wow, her standards weren't much, were they? But Eljay was more than that, and there were so many other factors.
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Ooc — mercury
Her eyes widened a bit at 'prince.' It reminded her of the stories Ibis had told her—namely the one where she'd detailed how Akavir and herself had fallen in love. It was too bad Maia hadn't also found her prince. . .but, actually, she had.

Lilitu smiled at her friend's description of Eljay, but it was tinged with a little sadness. Had anyone opened up to her like that? She considered herself a pretty friendly person, but when it came down to it—who did she truly know?

Even Arielle, so long gone, seemed a stranger.

Easy looking back on it now, she said, teasing. It probably took a lot of courage for him. And who would be courageous for her? I'm so glad you two have each other. Really glad you were able to work everything out, she added, thinking of Maia's consternation long ago, when their future had not been so steady.

She walked on, her smile fading with each step. Sometimes I think it would have been easier in the place where I was born, she remarked. Maybe they would have married me off to one of the princes. There were a few, I think.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia couldn't imagine her life if it had gone any differently. There was no way she'd be this happy with anyone else - at least, not with anyone so far. Eljay was her best friend, her closest confidant, and her partner. And even with that, she had more who cared about her and she felt she could confide in. Lilitu was definitely one of them, and her mind happened to also go to the times she'd come to her niece with problems. She was happy that now she could maybe help with some (like an Aunt should, right?)

Maybe. I used to worry about it a lot. I used to ask Wraen what would happen if no one ever loved me. She always said that I worried too much, and I think she was right. I definitely didn't get it then, though. There was a familiar pang, talking about her. But it was getting easier. I think, if you find the right person, then it's meant to be easy. I don't think I'd be nearly this happy with any prince. They wouldn't be Eljay, and now I know I can't ever settle for less.

Maia glanced at Lilitu then and laughed a bit, self-consciously. Did that sound like a lecture? Gosh, she hoped not. That might just be how I work though. I don't think everyone's the same. If I don't know someone, I have a hard time trusting that they actually like me. Or won't bolt the second I do something wrong, or weird. Maybe those princes would be something worth looking into. Maia had never asked Ibis where she lived before here, she realized, and she hadn't even known Lilitu was born somewhere very far. Where was that? Where you were born?
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Ooc — mercury
She melted into Maia's words. She'd gotten lucky, Lilitu thought. Had found the right guy. It wasn't that simple. She knew that, from all her travels.

But then the subject shifted to Lilitu, and she grinned to hear the question.

A beautiful valley, she explained, looking to the northwest. Large and green, long, flowing streams and so many trees. She paused, thinking back. They called it an Empire. I can't remember the full name. But there was a beautiful Empress, who was friends with Ibis.

A frigid ripple carried down her spine, at the remembered sight of the Empress's cold, still body.

Princes and princesses. . .it was perfect. Except it wasn't. And then we left.

Lilitu gave Maia a warm look. I'll show you, one day, if we're around that area, she promised.
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Ooc — Starrlight
Maia was completely taken in by Lilitu's description of the place, and was so busy with the imagery it evoked that she missed the slight shiver of remembrance. She wasn't the only storyteller here! Lilitu had the mark of one.

No place was perfect, but Maia saw her own home the same way. Now that it was gone, it was easy to look back and to see only the good that had been there. If Lilitu's wasn't then she would absolutely love to see it. She was touched by the offer.

If you ever want to go, I'd love to see it! We don't even need to be in the area. A good trip doesn't need any more reason than that. Maia replied enthusiastically, smiling. It's been ages since I went farther than the mountains. It would be nice to have somewhere new to see, and who knows? Maybe we'd find a prince along the way.
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Ooc — mercury
dear lorrrrd i am sorry i left this so long, wanna close this out?

A road trip sounded just divine. Even given the recent move—like, they had only shifted from one territory to the next, right? Not like they had gone very far. And Lilitu was always up for adventuring, especially with her favorite wolves.

It's a date, she said to Maia, grinning. Now let's get these borders marked before we change our minds about coming here.

It was a joke, but she thought of the fen, nonetheless, and felt wistfulness tighten her chest once more.

Onward, Lilitu, she thought firmly, stiffening her upper lip. There's always that mountain trip and more puppies to look forward to.
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Ooc — Starrlight
Maia nodded, but she'd continue to chat happily with Lilitu as they finished up. She wanted to hear more about her home and her travels and shared a few stories of her own, easy and simple ones around trips she'd taken and nice wolves she had met. Lilitu had never met her grandfather but a few of those stories involved him. Terance had featured a lot in a few of the places she'd lived.

One of these days she really hoped they made good on that promise, and she made a mental note to remember and be sure to ask once the puppies were old enough.