Big Salmon Lake But one thing will never change
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Ooc — Starrlight
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If you like, @Amalia <3! I thought I'd toss a Maia at you

The puppies were growing quickly, and while she never went farther than a short distance, Maia would occasionally take opportunities to grab some time for herself and hunt. She wasn't particularly stellar at it (in fact, the prey she was tracking had just disappeared into the reeds of the lake) but it was more the quiet she needed than anything else.

Maia sighed and watched as the reeds stopped shaking, then glanced behind her. There was no point in going after it now - she wouldn't be fast enough to catch up. She should probably get back home. It was just too bad she was returning empty handed when she'd really wanted to be the one to bring Eljay dinner tonight. He wouldn't mind but... ugh.

Okay, one more pass and then she was done. She set off at a quick walk along the lake's edge, nose to the ground to pick up anything her mate might like. She wasn't optimistic but she couldn't give up without at least trying a bit longer.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gladly thank you.

Amalia had walked for many moons, and then some suns, but that was neither here nor there. She was here now wasn't she, a place she didn't know, with wolves she didn't know. But it smelled good here, and there were plants and trees she could recognize. She had smelled the scent of other wolves on the wind, and she had stayed far from their borders, it was breeding season and whelping season, and she didn't want to get on the wrong end of an angry mother or father, ready to rip her hide up from one side down to the other. She was rather fond of her blue/black coat. 

Amalia was skirting along the sides of a pack, making sure to stay on her side of the borders, when a movement caught her eye. She tucked her tail and stopped motionless and just waited. She didn't wish to startle or alarm. She supposed she could give a small chuff of warning, but what good would that do. No, it was better to wait. So wait she did.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia didn't notice Amalia straight away. She continued to focus on looking for some kind of prey to follow but nothing was leaping out at her - figuratively or literally. Then she noticed the figure in her periphery.

Oh! Ah, hello. Sorry. I didn't see you there! You weren't... I didn't interrupt, did I? She smiled sheepishly. There was a good chance that the other wolf was trying to hunt too and with her careless walking, she might have scared off whatever the other had managed to find. Hopefully not!
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia lifted an ear one way and lay the other back, listening and watching. Amalia studied the femme in front of her, traced the gooses down color, with the sandy accents. What amazing stripes this female had, it gave her a unique look, one that she hadn't ever seen.  She was large as Amalia was.

Amalia chuckled. "Nonsense you didn't interrupt me." Amalia moved a bit closer, but stayed respectfully away. "I'm Amalia." 

Amalia gave a small little dance on her paws, and bowed her head. "The day is too beautiful to stay away, and there is so much to hunt and find."

Amalia silenced herself, before she continued to speak too much.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, good! She was relieved, it would have been just like her to chase off someone else's meal along with her own!

My name is Maia. It really is! I live close by, and was trying to catch something for my husband. He's been doing a lot of the hunting lately, but I'm not really having a lot of luck. It's a beautiful day to try at least.

Maia wondered where this girl came from and if she was alone. She nearly asked but decided not to, unsure if it was sensitive or something that might hit a nerve. Do you live around here? That was probably the better way to go.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia's tail brushed once, twice as she wagged it, her tongue lolling out in a carefree manner, reminiscent of years by gone. It made a small ache blossom in her heart, when she thought of her parents, she had no idea where they were.

"Besides, it's always better to meet someone knew than chase a rabbit. Though I wasn't chasing anything I swear, just well...walking."

Sliver of a smile slid along her black muzzle, her eyes danced with mirth, at the femme's absolute joyful nature. She was sweet and kind, Amalia enjoyed that about her.

"I can help you hunt for your husband if you'd like? I'm fair at it. Though can't promise i'll catch anything, sometimes my paws move to fast for my body to catch up."

Amalia's ears slid back to her skull at the next question, but she pitched them forward again. She didn't wish Maia to feel bad, after all, how was she to know anything about her. "No. I pretty far from here, our pack sort of well just fell apart. So hear I am roaming about until the itch stops and I want to stay somewhere."
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It hadn't even occurred to Maia to ask but the offer was hugely generous. Oh, are you sure? I would love that! But I'd hate to take food that you might need. She would be a thousand times more eager if she thought she'd help much but today wasn't really turning out her way. We could try, though, and see? And if there isn't enough you could take it?

She wasn't sure what to respond with on the pack breaking apart, so she kept her enthusiasm about the hunt and didn't mention it. She didn't seem to want sympathy but maybe she wanted company? And if that was the case Maia was more than happy to deliver!

Roaming's nice. I'm... more of a storyteller than a hunter. But seeing new places is one of my favorite things! New stories could be found everywhere - new audiences too. She wondered if Amalia had any interest, though if she tried getting (or giving) a story while hunting she'd definitely scare any game within earshot.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had learned at an early age to help provide where she could. Even if it was a stranger. Her family had once upon a time, relied on the kindness of strangers to get by. Possibly doing so again. "I must admit I would love it too, it has been too long since I hunted with another. My belly is more than full. I have already eaten today, so let us catch you something fit for the King of your heart."

Amalia was always eager for company, she was a social wolf after all. Her family all large and boisterous, she was too.

Amalia's eyes lit up. "Oh my father's family made their life with storytelling and healing. They would travel to and fro, offering their services in exchange for a meal. I hear tell that my Great Aunt Willow settled around here after she plied her trade for many years."

Amalia grew quiet and thought. "How about that's what we do? I'll help you hunt, and you exchange my help with a story, even if i must come back to collect another day? Does that work for you?
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The king of your heart. That was one of the prettiest turn of phrases Maia had ever heard and she immediately knew that this other woman must be in a whole other league of storyteller. She yearned to kidnap her right then and there and steal her away to Brecheliant, but it felt a little impolite to ask right then. Wraen had always been her go-to mentor and even though she was younger, the way she talked... it reminded Maia of her.

That's amazing! I've earned a few meals with it, but my family has always done it more for fun than as an actual trade. I wanted to maybe make more out of it, but that kind of changed when Eljay came into the picture. Maia smiled fondly. He likes it at home and so do I, now that I have him. If she hadn't had her sister or her mate, it was hard to imagine where she might be now.

My parents came from here too. They used to talk about it, but it's been a long time. That name sounds familiar. She usually had a great mind for recall but four years was a long time to remember a pack that you never belonged to or met. It was a stretch even for her and she wondered if she was mistaken. No, she loved the name - there was definitely a Willow something. Willow Spring? Now it was in her head, ready to bother her until she randomly remembered or finally got too frustrated and dropped it.

Anyway, that sounds perfect. I can't stay out too long, but we can see how long a hunt takes. If she had to come back, that meant a definite forged friendship, and Maia was more than okay with that outcome as well.

if you want to play the hunt out for trade purposes im fine with that! I'm also fine summarizing if we want to<3
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia's mother had often referred to her father, as the King of her heart. Specifically when Amalia would question why such a free spirit as her mother, was with a rigid, cold male. That's not to say her father was cold, no. He was merely very particular about certain things. And he didn't like to tell stories, or roam. No, he preferred to be stationary. 

Your heart wants what it wants. No matter what your plans are. My father often told me that the best laid plans are absolute fodder for prey when it comes to matters of the heart, because it is an organ that thinks on it's own. I don't know how true it is. But it certainly paints a pretty picture.

My parents are not from around here.  Though my Great aunt, and my Great Great grandfather came this way and settled for a time. But i could be wrong too. After all, i am merely going on word of mouth and rumor.

Amalia wagged her tail, happy to have made a new friend. Well, we can try for a couple of rabbits? That way we can simply grab and run. I can flush them towards you and you can spring the trap, unless you would rather I did, whichever you prefer. We need to find some plump ones for your Eljay."

I actually would appreciate that, I think I am going to go for Trapper, so small game. So maybe Amalia can flush one out and back to Maia. Thank you <3
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
sure!! Tag for reference <3 bc I'm sure mom/daughter have been out huntin rabbits a couple times!

That's beautiful. Maia didn't know if the name was actually one she had heard or not, and she couldn't remember her father's and mother's stories of this place quite well enough. It was sad to know that they were probably gone for good then. Anyone who would remember well enough to tell her was gone, at this point... but other wolves had families. And if this woman was someone they'd known, then maybe someone in her family carried stories too. That was the beauty of them and of sharing them - no matter what, some part of you could live on.

She shook off the bittersweet and sad feeling that always seemed to come, remembering family, and focused on following Amalia for the hunt.

I can try! I'm, uhm, not really the fastest. But if you're here to help I'm sure I can catch something, unless you think I'd be better at scaring them. Maia heated a little under her fur again, but tried to sound more confident than she honestly was. Rabbits were ridiculously fast but she needed the practice. Amalia seemed completely relaxed with the idea and Maia got the feeling that she was a much more experienced hunter than Maia was. She was also a lot slimmer and reminded Maia of her sister in that way too. Wraen had always been fast.

There's a space up ahead where there usually is some. Lots of clover, and they like to hide in the brush around there. At least she could provide directions! She indicated where, a spot she'd taken @Hymnal a time or two, trying to help her to learn how to hunt as well. If she'd muddled through those lessons, surely she could do this too!
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had figured early on that she would have no family here unless very distant. She was okay with that. It hurt a little sure, but it was the ache of having loved.

Amalia shot her a brilliant smile. You will do absolutely wonderful. No need to worry. No need to be fast simply determined, which I'm sure you are.

Amalia bent to the task. Soft footfalls on even ground. A deep breath in and then out. Like a shot she slammed into the space Maia had graciously pointed out. She howled in triumph as rabbits scurried all around.

You got this Maia!

She caught one of the stragglers in sharp jaws with a brutal shake, it hung limp. She hoped Maia would catch one. Just because she deserved too.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia had never been able to really catch a rabbit in a flat-out run. She wasn't a sprinter and, usually, if they were able to get to ground they had a pretty easy time doing so before she caught up. Hunting in large groups terrified her, but hunting with Wraen had always been easier than hunting alone. This was a lot like that.

One of the rabbits nearly ran straight into her in it's panic to get away from Amalia. Maia let out a squeak of surprise when it appeared, and almost let it go, but her newfound friend's voice spurred her into lunging.

She caught it by a hind leg. It started to kick to get free immediately, and let out a shrill and horrible sound, but Maia was not going home empty handed!! She thrust out a paw, flattening it and holding it firmly in place while she snatched it by the neck instead. At that point it was over quickly (thankfully). She hated when they screamed.

Oh my gosh. Thank you so much. Maia beamed at Amalia after she let the rabbit fall at her feet. She would have felt horrible, taking whatever Amalia caught, so she was thrilled she'd gotten one of her own!! There was no way she could have done it by herself.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had grown up chasing rabbit, she enjoyed the flat out, no holes barred run it took. And it always ended with a sense of triumph for her if she caught one. As was the case today. She had missed a few sometimes. She preferred hunting with one or two others, but not really a group. Her father was notorious for making group hunts, and she had loathed it. Too many bodies to worry about.

Amalia was pleased to see that one of the rabbits ran right into Maia. She would have felt terrible ahd she not caught one. She lay her ears back at the creatures scream. She hated that too. It was a horrifying sound, one wouldn't expect to come from something so tiny, but it always grated and rose the fur on her nape.

Amalia wagged her tail and let her own rabbit beside Maia's. You are very welcome. I think the king of your heart will be pleased today. Here's mine too. That way I can collect two stories, and have an excuse to visit a new friend twice. Because after two invites, it's okay to just drop in right. The last was made with a teasing quality. She would have come visit maia with or without a story. She liked her.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia flushed when Amalia offered her the rabbit, flustered for a moment. She'd caught her own, there was no need!! Stories, and visits, are always free for friends! She protested, but she was smiling all the while. Maia wasn't at all offended, she just worried that her friend might go hungry. Brecheliant had plenty of food to offer her back home. Maia remembered how much harder things were traveling alone, without a pack to provide for her.

I'll only take it if you are sure you'll have enough. And if I do, I'll make sure the kids know it's from their Auntie Amalia. If that's okay. Maybe it was a little early to adopt her into the family like that, but Maia felt like she knew her. This was a friendship she wanted to keep.

Please do. Drop in anytime, I mean. I really want to trade stories, but I'd hate to have to cut them short. Her pups would be getting hungry without her and a rabbit would be a pretty sorry apology for leaving Eljay alone with their hangry kids for too long.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had eaten before she had stopped today. And she could always catch more, and if she went hungry for a day or so that was okay. Though usually she didn't, she was quite adept at hunting. I will make sure to come back then to visit you.

Amalia dipped her head. I have more than enough thank you. I would love to be an auntie.

Her tail wagged heavily behind her, and a smile lit up her face and eyes.

You must tell me their names and what they like so i can be sure to bring gifts for them from time to time.

Amalia chuckled. I have been around enough pups to know that your little ones are probably hungry. So I will bid you goodbye friend mine. I'll be back some day soon.

Amalia leaned forward and nudged her gently if she would allow. Thrilled and ecstatic to have made such a dear friend.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
wowza haha, wrapping this finally!

I'll introduce you, I promise! If she came she'd show them, then tell her a story and return the favor with a meal they'd provide! Maia hoped she would.

Amalia was right, though, that the children would be getting hungry without her there. She always felt selfish taking time away but this meeting was like a breath of fresh air, revitalizing her. She smiled at her newfound friend. Thanks, so much, again. You're amazing.

Then, with a returned nudge and a final wave, she departed to bring Eljay his gift and return to the little ones who needed her.