Ravensblood Forest arbol
Qeya River
844 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
she's a ways outside the border! <3

she had parted ways with the sandy man after a ribald time and washed herself once more until no scent of any other remained. pleased for now, belen had set off toward the crest of mountains. there was a great forest and here she parted, admiring the look of the slanting shadows. she was hungry now and sniffed delicately. there were at least two wolves here, perhaps more. for a moment belen paused, and then she crooned an inviting, honeyed call. where there were packs there were men.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
A call not unlike ones he'd heard in the past. A female coveting. A stranger of all things. He raced towards the sound, lest his pups be lured to it first. He was sore today. His muscles ached and his shoulder spasmed with the memory of his missing limb. Truth be told they had many wolves coming and going, it seemed Sacrarium was becoming some of an open door. It's members came and went as they pleased and he and Violante had little they could do to stop or prevent it, with themselves too busy keeping their borders secure.

She wait a distance from their borders he decided to take a calming breath before speaking, the protective instincts that pushed his body to get here with such haste had clearly been unnecessary. "Hello stranger, my name is Vagabond, my mate and I lead our pack, Sacrarium, together. Is there something I can help you with?"
190 Posts
Ooc — The System
The Vicera would respond to any and all calls, no matter how tired she was, or how badly her feet ached and she longed for the peace and quiet of her den. Today would be no different. She came upon a woman shortly after her mate had joined, and she caught the tail end of his words.

Stepping forward, Violante called out, "Hail. I am Violante Cruor, Vicera of Sacrarium. What business have you with us?"
Physical Health (100/100)

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Qeya River
844 Posts
Ooc — ebony

they certainly were quite rough-looking, belen thought to herself. she had spent a long while in the palace and then as an acolyte. but neither of these places had ever suggested the potential of such scars. the aspiring courtesan bowed neatly to them both. "hello. i am zaira. i was wondering if you might if there is anyone here who might enjoy company of a certain type." she meant it to be bold, a test for the woman and a temptation for the man. belen held tensely, aware she could be monumentally handled for this.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
The last from me.

Vagabond smirked and strutted as best one could do on three legs to his mate's side. "I believe you may be wasting your time here if that is all you seek." He would be blunt and shut down any misguided thoughts the female may have. He would allow his mate to speak for them both from here on out, unless she have need of his intervention.
190 Posts
Ooc — The System
Violante's lip curled back, and she stepped forward, tail swinging up once more. "No. We are a family unit, and you are unwelcome." If the other pressed further, she would be met with hostility.
Physical Health (100/100)

Mental Health (100/100)

Qeya River
844 Posts
Ooc — ebony
belen out! <3

she had misstepped and gravely. it seemed that she would be given some mercy. with a little gasp belen bowed as low as she dared, and then turned to run. her reckless flight would carry her from eyesight, and just beyond that she would fall, and have to nurse a sore ankle back to the shoreline.