Blacktail Deer Plateau Bra[M]ble Root Woman
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw twined her way through the forest and the trees. She had left behind @Ingram and @Saguinex, that other male at the borders. A burning, itching was still there. Digging it's claws of malice deep within her body. Burning her from the inside out. Though she was moving through, she did have her head enough to know what she was doing, but she also didn't care.

If the men were willing to give her exactly what she wanted and they were also willing for the end. She was more than willing to let them use her as they will. She was a trumpet of Atka and Sos. A avid follower of the gods. This was what it meant to allow her body to be an instrument of Atka.

A low whine fell from her lips and continued as she made her way back to her den. Were someone to stop her on her way all the more fun for it.

These are mostly for reference. You are more than welcome to jump in if you please.
godkiller; bleeding golden ichor
745 Posts
Ooc — delaney
he should not follow.

ingram knows this. thus far, he'd done a well enough job avoiding ash paw despite that every primal fiber of his being attempted to coax him elsewise.

ash paw was not his nightwife and he was so wholly, obsessively enraptured by his nightwife. but his nightwife was recovering from her illness and not currently in her season ...and the voidwraiths craved that he seeded basilica's next generation.

even if it was in part.

but ingram deludes himself into the belief that he seeks ash paw to ensure that she is ok.

ash paw, rumbles the dreadfather upon his approach. you are not harmed?

magick, seeing the dead, threadbone reading & 'godhood' is to be taken purely with a grain of salt and are written to be creations of ingram's imagination and religious faith.
sold my soul for a cigarette
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The calico mage, was not expecting any followers. She was on edge, added more with the burning, and absolute pressing need to have someone quench the fires of her own season. However, she had turned upon whomever followed her with teeth and claws. Only to stop as his voice curled around her ears.

That voice always so full of promises of darkness. The one that sometimes haunted her dreams. Thus attached to the man that drove her crazy with irritation on a good day. Whose blood she had already spilled.

There was a strange relationship between the mage and her leader, but she didn't know what it was. She felt it was too bold to call them friends, but they were more than mere acquaintances. And in her fevered mind of lust and provocation, she could not at the moment separate the two.

She knew he was mated, so she tried very hard not to tempt him. She had tried to walk far away from his den during this time. She hadn't even meant for him to come upon her when the other male had crossed into their borders. And yet he had followed her, he was here, and she was very close to ignoring everything and tempting him.

Blue eyes met his boldly, and she nodded.  Her voice spilling forward breathy, hushed. I am alright. Thank you. I apologize I hadn't realized someone would be bold enough to cross into our territory.

A twitch of her tail, her paws digging at the earth. She tried to avert her gaze, move backwards, and yet she found herself still watching boldly moving a step forward rather than back. What was she doing, even she no longer knew. All she knew was this was her home, and she belonged to it and the wolves that lived here and for that she was alright.
472 Posts
Ooc — anonymous
violence at the border. almalexia had pursued her husband's scent only in idle inquiry at first, but belatedly became aware of the conflict. the sound of it, and then as she came upon the remnants of the scene, the aftermath. the woman's scent. and ingram's, intertwined.

she followed. hers was a silent shadow of a presence, but she made no effort to hide herself. they were alone together, she saw; let them see her, then.

were they tending some wounds they'd received in battle? or did ingram have a different sort of tending to in mind? no way to know, yet disgust coiled in her mismatched eyes. already she was consumed with thoughts of his betrayal. let him see her. let him see what he would lose.

she loved him. had changed for him. but she did not need him.

she would be no man's fool.

i was not sure if this was meant to be all welcome or not, so if this isn't okay i can delete it <33
godkiller; bleeding golden ichor
745 Posts
Ooc — delaney
it should've been enough to keep him away. ingram rumbles in his displeasure. still, fury warms him. he knows the siren call of a woman in her season is hard to resist: but not impossible. he was resisting it now.

easier, when he was focusing on issues at hand.

strongly scented borders should have been more than enough to dissuade any trespassers.

perhaps, given the issues we've had it would be best if we find a place in the heart of the territory for the women to wait out their season unless they intend to travel during it. it is not, admittedly, something he thought about but now with it staring him dead in the face he has no choice but to try to haphazardly cobble something together.

the sound of footfalls draws his attention, and his gaze finds his nightwife. he has remained stationary and it is the small ghosting step forward that ash paw makes towards him that causes him to move back.

no. he tells her firmly. i am a married man. his gaze cuts to his wife, then. i came to check to make sure he hadn't — ingram trails off then, taking another step back to put more distance between him and ash paw.

magick, seeing the dead, threadbone reading & 'godhood' is to be taken purely with a grain of salt and are written to be creations of ingram's imagination and religious faith.
sold my soul for a cigarette
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paws eyes flashed as he lay the blame fully at her feet for the small ghost step forward. He didn't have to make it seem like she was a wanton woman. She was in heat, yes it was difficult, but she was in control of her faculties.

Her maw twisted and she nodded at his night wife. Her voice cold.

You've done your duty as a leader. Thank you I'm fine. Good day Dreadfather, Lady dreadfather. And your husband is right. He did nothing. It was a simple check.

Without a word she turned and slid into her den. Ignoring both of them she was tired and felt ashamed of her season and her movements and now she simply wanted left alone.