Lost Creek Hollow supuesto
Qeya River
844 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 

"@Veran," silvertongue veritably sang. "i went to visit those wild men and now we have an alliance." she wrung out the fluff of her tail from the frigid waters of the river and looked solemnly at him. "would you like to learn how to spar?"
215 Posts
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his underside was cloaked with a thick layer of snowy muck from his digging.

and so he turned out without an ounce of grace or charm. looking every bit as feral as he occasionally acted. it was no secret he was not a social butterfly.

no. but his voice was still warm. i don't do that. the whole...sparring fighting thing. not me. a soft shrug of his shoulders.

but there are plants that will do the work for me, you know.
Qeya River
844 Posts
Ooc — ebony

silvertongue glittered toward the fang with a companionable interest. "i am not a fighter either, curador," she purred. "but we all must learn, si?" to protect their land and crowfeather. still she was quite intrigued and slipped closer to the muddy man with his odd, unwashed charm. "what sort of plants, veran?"
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and i have learned in the form of plants.

he beckoned her closer, to where he had formed soft grooves in the cold earth. it seemed better to have his own space now that the other medic had returned.

it seemed that perhaps his own stores should be kept far from those meant to help.

most things can become bad just by giving more — others are bad from the start, only good in smaller doses. he hummed and looked around for where he had stashed a leaf.

do you know about poppy, silvertongue?
Qeya River
844 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"only what any basic beast would know. it helps with pain but too much sends you into a deep sleep and you never wake." silvertongue glanced between the earth and veran's intent face. "you mean there is more than poppy that can do this?" she learned quickly; she had learned she must. and yet she remained ever-present and a loyal pupil to him in this moment.
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he did not deny himself the wag of his tail.

of course there is. garlic, yarrow, arnica. he hummed the little list he had collected in his mind. in his heart.

i can keep and maintain a garden of these things for riverclan. learn them better too so that if we ever need to use them...
Qeya River
844 Posts
Ooc — ebony

silvertongue ticked off these names and set them inside her mind. she pursed her lips, one hip curving in unconscious stance. "you can be sure these will be guarded? set aside?" but she did not say no, for she saw the merit of these things. peacemakers did not need to be warriors to protect. this was the lesson. "shall we put thorns around them, or cover them from view?"
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i can be sure if you let me be. a mild, toothy grin slipped onto his features. just as quickly lost as he examined the place around him.

i can set somewhere up. find the seeds to grow them and make bed next to it so i'll always know who is here. bushes and thorns can be grown too. make it hard to reach.

he casted a look her way, thoughtful in that moment.

i might need a trip to gather things for my garden. i'll come back, of course.

perhaps that went without saying for most. he felt the need to clarify it.
Qeya River
844 Posts
Ooc — ebony

veran set himself to guarding the stock. silvertongue watched him with an open look of pleasure. he had seemed so tense in the beginning, but now the potential poisonwield, priest of dark green — now he seemed to have a purpose. "of course. go," she urged. "i will guard riverclan while you are away." pleasant warmth played through her figure.
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she seemed keen for him to go out into the world.

with her blessing, he saw no reason to hesitate. a little shake to loosen the worse of the clumping in his fur, he offered her a crooked grin.

'course you will.

for he had seen her face most of all so far, it seemed. now if she had those wild men on her side? well, veran didn't worry too much about going away.

anything you need me to bring back?
Qeya River
844 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"surprise me," silvertongue said with a winning glint of her teeth. truth be told, however, she would simply be pleased to have veran back. "i'll tell @Crowfeather you have gone to seek secret green things." momentarily she wondered if this man could cultivate the sacred plant that allowed one to speak with starclan. but that was a better question for their star.
215 Posts
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secret green things.

he laughed, but it was warm. humored by her fanciful speech.

thanks. and he meant it, truly, but there would be no more time to waste! he took off at once with only one more warm look at riverclan.

until he returned, of course.

fading!! <3