Lion Head Mesa ashes

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
All Welcome 
The desert was not usually associated with snow or ice, but the recent weight of winter had caused the land to become white regardless of what was normal; and so when Nazli ventured outside of the palace for the first time in what felt like weeks, she saw it, and she felt it: the red dirt of Akashingo covered in a layer of fine white which melted with each step.
She had been sent to fetch something; however, once she was among the crags and once-familiar paths, the snow had her baffled. Nazli promptly forgot what her errand was! She became focused only on pressing her paws in to a patch of snow, or sniffing at the ground, and even - without thinking of the propriety of it - she dove for a pile of snow and rolled!
It was fun, and cold, and exhilarating! And not at all appropriate for the fellahin.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
have a semi-creepy stalking jodai! :D

The usual routine for the stone cold jodai—patrolling, and almost nothing but. Of course, this was aside from his usual protective detail. But at this hour, it didn't seem a necessity for anyone.

Along the marked path of the mesa, the dark, trudging mammoth of a wolf happened upon an interesting sight.

A shape; a form. They pawed, tossed, and rolled within the unusually thick blanket of snow.

From a distance, the jodai sat to watch, surprisingly amused.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any


Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
She did not know she was being watched. It was common for others not to look at her as she worked within the halls, and she did not expect to see anyone outside the mesa at all — so even if Nazli had become aware of the sensation of eyes upon her, she was so accustomed to it that it meant nothing. Besides, the snow had her full fascination.

Her shoulder dug sharply in to the snow and with a wriggle, Nazli was on her side and skating forward with the ice beneath her. When the slippery surface ended she kicked at the air, rolled, wriggled again, and righted herself. Her fur was disheveled and her face was flushed with warmth; but there was also the bite of cold which was refreshing.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
He watched as she continued to philander, but then slightly jolted away from his firm posture as she began to skid across a patch of ice.

Wasting no time, the jodai jumped to his feet and circled the patch, meeting her in perfect time at the other side as she collided with a mound of snow.

Khaba chuffed downward in warning, as to not frighten her too greatly, Leaning forward, the man then grasped for her scruff, doing his best to be gentle. When he had a decent hold, he pulled the lightweight free from the trap she'd found herself in. 

With an evident size difference, it didn't take much for the beastly wolf to lift her from the earth's floor. But he wouldn't let her dangle there long, quickly setting her softly back upon the ground.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any


Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
There was a sound above her head, and she saw a flicker of movement as a shadow loomed over her. Then there was the pressure upon her scruff - a familiar sensation she hadn't felt since her first few months of life - and in the next instant, Nazli was free of the snow and righted on her feet.

Snow clung to the fine, short fur of her shoulders, and salted along her spine. Some remained on top of her head and she gave it a shake, smiling unabashedly a moment towards Khaba; her eyes full of thanks before she could put her thoughts to words.

Nazli felt very silly.
Th-thank you, um, there it was, the flood of embarrassment! She was never like this, never given leave to be playful or silly, and was certainly wasting her time when she should have been working - what if Khaba said something? He was loyal to Ramesses, he was above the fellahin!
I—um, please, don't tell... anyone?
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
There was gratitude, hastily followed by chagrin.

Lifting a brow, Khaba withheld a small chuckle. She pleaded he not mention this to another, and for this he couldn't help but be furtherly amused. Though, it wasn't yet enough to crack a smile.

Your secret is safe with me. A poor attempt to tease, but his tone did well to soften ever so.

When you are out and about next, try to be more mindful of the possible conditions. He hadn't meant to seem scornful, but she may take it as such.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any


Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
He was agreeable.
Being with him reminded Nazli of their trip to Mereo, and she half-thought, half-wished, that Makono would come upon them here in the snow. Word among the fellahin was that the Crown Prince had gone — so the hope was in vain.
I have never seen the ground like this before— Nazli admitted; she had been so busy with her lessons between Sayf, and Sokha, and her other work, she hadn't come up for air from the mesa's many winding paths for an age.
Do you... Do you like it? This unnatural cold.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
I have never seen the ground like this before.

Did she mean the snow? Yes, it had to be. 

You are young. There is still much like this for you to see — some good, and some bad. How could he lie and say otherwise? It didn't seem right... especially not when in Nazli's regard.

Do you like it? This unnatural cold.

Can't say I really have a preference. I'm accustomed to most types of weather, so I hardly pay mind. A boring response. But enough about him. With a soft gesture, he invited her to walk a bit with him. It would probably warm her up some. You say this is your first time in this weather... what do you think of it thus far?
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any


Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
She wouldn't be seeing much outside of the palace, Nazli knew that much. This was as exotic as her life was bound to get. Unless the pharaoh saw fit to sell her or trade her somewhere, as that was his prerogative. She belonged to Akashingo - to Ramesses - and as far as Nazli knew, nobody had ever been gifted away to some far-flung place.
Khaba wasn't phased by the snow. He was a large man, and dark; he often patrolled the lands and would be more adjusted to them than little Nazli, and besides that he was older. He was not born here but chose to serve. Nazli suddenly found him very interesting for all the places he might've been, and stole some thoughtful glances.
What do you think of it thus far?
I like it. It is a shock, but a good one. Refreshing and different. It was a fun thing, this snow. Nazli did not understand how it could also be dangerous or deadly. Those of Akashingo were fortunate in that way, their winter would always be mild.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
She enjoyed it, as it seemed. 

But she didn't venture often. This much was obvious.

Alongside still being young, the fellahin was expected to remain within the palace. While Khaba understood the reasoning, he didn't fully agree with it.

But maybe their was a loophole lingering before them. 

Your tasks keep you often within the halls of the palace, They both knew this. But if there is a time you would like to venture the mesa, come find me. It was a cruel thing to keep her holed up in a place where she would never know the true beauty of the world.

Maybe, later, if he was ever sent as an escort, he may request that the fellahin join them. Any opportunity to be out of the palace, surely she would not decline.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any


Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
He shared with her a rare kindness. The offer brought a hesitant kind of hope to Nazli, who felt it flutter in her heart.
Reminded of the trips to Mereo, and her learning to hunt while Makono learned to fight, and how strong she felt once; but then thinking of how she would soon be tamed, that fire inside of her burned low.
I will. Thank you. A long nod, swallowing the past. Nazli knew she had been out here playing in the snow too long, someone would be seeking her for work.
Will you walk me back to the palace? They need not speak; it would be enough of an alibi that she be in the presence of the jodai upon return.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
She did not decline. Maybe she would even seek him soon for yet another playful adventure.

Yes. He answered to her request, nodding his head briefly.

The remainder of his patrol could wait until later.

Assuming she ready to return, the jodai turned in the direction of the palace, taking a slow lead so that she could keep pace.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any