Blackfoot Forest Singeing Through Cosmoses
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
Tap, tap, tap. Patter, patter, patter. Pattering was the sound that clicked from her moving feet, sprouting noise only from the undergrowth shuffling to make way for the nightingale's presence. Her head carriage was level, paws gliding across the ground in an airy skip while her tail tapped at the wind with every other step. That foggy gaze had long seen these trees and these soils. She was retracing steps, having long since strayed elsewhere; though, in this time, things felt new. 

Oh, Su, oh, Su! Left poor little imp on her own. That was okay. It wasn't as if she wasn't the one who parted their ways, trailing behind a bit too far and keeping on her own. The psychological beg for water in her stomach was not foreign. No, she was quite used to that! Long had she adapted to living in a state of need. It was what she was familiar with. It was of no bother to her. She didn't notice. That ashy pelt was busy- busy leaping over bramble and thorns, over the foliage sitting about. Now, wasn't this a change! Trees, grass, leaves, dirt, all below her feet all at once! This was a change of pace! This was new. This was fresh. Oh, this had been exciting! A smile was on the tip of that maw of hers, daintily hanging there while she sped up her pace and sought out that nearly floral scent that infatuated her nostrils. 

Su, Su, Su! Where are you, Su! Come out, Su!

Her lips were silent, yet her eyes told all.

Though, she knew she was close. They had never parted all that far. They met up between travels, only for her to slip off at some point and depart from his path. You see, she had much better things to be doing sometimes! What better thing to do than to do absolutely nothing and sit on her own! 

But that wasn't good enough. No, she'd return. It may have taken days sometimes or hours, but she returned time and time again, taking him up in his call of riddles and desires. They didn't all make sense, no, not at all! That was fine though. She knew one thing, and one thing only, and that was that it must have been interesting. It must have been grand! Fine then, she'll find something grand! MAKE something grand in this place of grand! And in mutual agreement, they would learn, and she would be strung along. Now, where was that stupid Su? He'd gone too far! That was a bummer AND annoying.

Coming to a stop when that question rang through her head, she snorted and held her neck up in the air while looking about. Her hues tackled over the tree lines, the shrubs, and even briefly the sky as if a wolf could fall out of it. So, she turned in one circle, two circles, using her ears during her moments of still, and when she had not yet picked up on something, she stayed in spot. Not a pretty sit to wait, no! Stand. She stood, keeping that smile across her maw and those wide doll-like eyes. Waiting for him in a quiet patience. 

92 Posts
Ooc — tazi
He stands a distance away, drawing her familiarity out from this land of no memories.  By now he is used to silence, though something pulls between them like a murmur, or a string drawn tight. She has on her old collar, his affection it may be called, the tethered end of leash Sutekh grips between his teeth. She is obedient yet numb, like a leg gone to sleep, returning in a prickle of sensation. An invisible phantom limb.

He only sees the outline of her head and shoulders edged in moonlight, and nothing of her face when she turns and looks for something lost, the voice to her echo.

He ripples forward. From his jaws dangles a rabbit with a snapped neck, which he places down at her side before pulling back to see her.

“Little raven has flown so far,” words trace to her, his nose lowering to hover over a dark ear. “Does she hunger?” Perhaps a few implications posed. He knew the ways in which to tend his raven.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
"Starved!" she answers in rhythm.

The tip of her nose nudged up to his cheek, coupled with a slow sit once his aroma had reached her nostrils. Shuffling her shoulders back and forth, she fixed her legs to tighten her chest together while her ears came to a distinct perk.

And she would peck at his feed littered across the floor. Why, he brought her something good! Something that she'd enjoy. Something that would satiate her hunger. Ruffling her tail behind her in a quick, rapid wag, it slowed down with quick grace before she leaned her head down to the fallen hare. With her toes gingerly pressing down onto it's throat, she grabbed onto it's ears to pick at his offering. "And Seth? Did he feed himself?" Falling comfortable in a place all too outlandish, she would spread her wings here if beckoned to. 
92 Posts
Ooc — tazi
He was underfed in the ways that mattered. He hungered, yes, but it was nothing a meal of rabbit would slake. He watches her feed and takes some satisfaction in it.

Her scent is memorized.

He breathes deeper, opening his mouth to let the novelty of a new land fill his lungs. Trees in the distance tipped in moonlight sway softly. Faintly, the scent of pack brushes over. He finds it invigorating.

He returns to his raven aligning himself before her with a devilish grin. He purrs when her nose surfaces.

“Do you miss me?”
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
Well, that got her attention. The tips of her ears briefly touched her scalp, swift and subtle in motion as that chill approached. That sweet, hazy chill that ran her head into a spin. Her eyes met to his then, her spine shivering while she shuffled her shoulders into her chest again to ease the winter cold he gave her. Wind fled from her lungs in a soft, quiet hush, and with his own breath, he gave it back. Look at the beauties death could breathe into ones lungs. Look at how it kissed it across the surface.

Snapping her mouth shut on the ear of the rabbit before his face, there was the loud clack of her teeth colliding before she answered soon after. The imps tongue crossed over her lips in that telling, nasty smile. "Yeah! I missed ya lots!" Huffing, she flared her nostrils to get a whiff of his scent again. It did her well to keep it in thought. "There's nothin' but sand and gravel without ya, Seth." Her head carefully looked him up and down with an amused quirk. "You haven't found what you were looking for, have you, Seth?" Swish, swish, swish did that devilish tail move. 
92 Posts
Ooc — tazi
His muzzle twists into smile, he rises to slowly traipse along her side, eyes outcast as he did so, to the faraway, untouched places the moon would not light. There was nothing to look for. There was only here. And while he was here, he would create something; transform it. On this earthly plane, or in his mind. Maybe both. He has done so before, as marked by the silvering fur along his crown. His years are upon his pelt and so too is his experience. 

“Perhaps whispers are coaxed from sand and gravel. Do you know what lies to the west, little raven?” From his lips, a gentle ask, always gentle with her. He listens to her breath, warm upon the still night air. She is blithe and full of want. He drinks from this.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
When the fur below his paws begun to tread the ground, she came to an immediate, pristine stand for him. His eyes would travel, and so would hers, following his gaze wherever that may be and lifting up her tail to a near sickle as he fed her pride. That same pride erupted and eroded from her body, breaking down and yet dispersing across her body in jolts of confidence. Sweet, sweet confidence that the moon itself would one day tremble over if Sutekh continued to nurture it. In return, she tilted her cup for him to drink from her life.

High above her shoulders was her head, turning about to follow him while her tail swayed and lured. A cheeky, tight laugh came from her lips as she dipped her head in doing so. "Haha! Hahahahaha!" An immature, malignant laugh, squeaky in nature while she tucked her muzzle around her front leg. When the tips of her ears touched up to the sky again and her mouth had stopped hiding itself from his view, an open mouthed grin now displayed on her face. "No. Not yet, I don't! I haven't had the chance to listen!" When he said it like that, he made it all too enthralling and exciting to ignore, and as he did so, he looked ravishing.

Quirking her head, she fixed it back up before she spoke to him with a nearly feline flick to her tail. "Would you like me to, Seth?" Say it! Say it! Let her work for him. There was that fix of light in her eyes and that excitable squint. Oh, she knew whispers. She would nourish their calls.

92 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Her mouth knows laughter. It takes to the shape of her incessant giddiness, guffaws carrying high and loud overhead like a hyena’s cackles. She is all creature, articulating through her limbs, surrendering to wild inclinations. Where one would see madness, he sees pure uncontaminated existence. This gives to her value, she is easy to think little of and disregard as nothing other than simple.

He gives an approving look from a tutor to a pupil who learns quickly. She is aching to be put to task. He has known her long enough to understand she needs purpose, or before long her mind will corrode like a canyon wall into dust. Not unlike himself, should monotony seize him. It was a good thing that they were not bound to an eternity of repetition, for he knew sometimes the worst place to be was trapped inside one’s own brain.

“So eager to fly?” A glint of a golden eye teases then looks into the archway of stars above. “Very well, take your wings into the West. Follow whispers.”
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
"Yes, yes! I want to do that."

The unparalleled amount of joy that surged through her flesh at the mere thought was sickening. Legend enjoyed that sick feeling though. She enjoyed that churning, nauseating sensation in her tummy that made her mind recoil in thought. That recoil was ever so alluring, taunting, and a dance she would happily partake in with Death himself.

"Then I will return to you," she says, a low dip to her head while she walks to his side with submissive, low shakes of her tail. That sly smile never left her lips. Her body comes to full height and stands before his figure, he and all of his glory as he commanded her as a God above the flightless, he who gave her wings. With those wings, she worked. She delivered. She gave, as it was the only purpose and joys she now knew. Joys that, by now, she was ecstatic and all too twistedly enthralled with. Her front legs aligned to his, her chest up and her head afloat in that snake-like pride.

Starved, she said before to him.

"And I will whisper back to you.
92 Posts
Ooc — tazi
[Image: wizard-of-oz-witch.gif]

He strokes the wisps of fur along her muzzle with the tip of his dark nose, eyes holding her wide and ardent. “Another time then, little raven.”

And another place.

He does not wait for her to take leave before folding back in with the night, a lingering Fly,” is all that is left in his wake.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
"Seth will see me again.

And the night departed them.