Redtail Rise rise,
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snow knew what was coming; it was why she did not seek to leave the protection of the Rise. With Blood Star as Wealda, New Snow saw the right that she had given to her and felt relaxed and at ease. She steered clear of Bloodspot, but not due to distaste or displeasure in her. Rather, she did not wish for conflict, and the days preceding her heat led her to be rather more aggressive than normal. 

But now, New Snow was all wagging tails and happiness. Her season had come. New Snow kept in the reach of the Rise and called for her man, and then moved to sniff after his latest trail.

attn @Mountain Boulder ANOTHER!
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
there was still trepidation within mountain boulder for this. he had not yet sought out thorn caller, and now as new snow's fragrances filled the air, he knew he would not for some time.

it was not dislike nor fear; mountain boulder regarded the young caru as one of his own and always had, since their conception. but they had chosen their mother's ways and mother's blood over new snow, over establishment and organization and peace.

the den in the bloodwood was not forgotten.

mountain boulder answered her call with a proud one of his own, then moved to meet new snow, covering her face with kisses, his tail waving joyously and his whines a low, steady croon.
330 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Hope this is ok. Can be a cameo!

There had been a momentary splitting in the Rise with the loss of one Wealda, the emergence of another; Tulimaq kept out of that, as it was not his business. He had been loyal to Avicus once, and had not earned a chance to be that a second time.

He had caught the scent of a woman, now. At first he had wondered if one of Avicus' children had met her time early, and was curious enough to seek out answers. When he came to see the Snow woman, there was the Boulder there too.

The man was not a voyeuristic type; but he lingered long enough to make a throaty call to them both, the kind of sound a bachelor would make towards rogue women, and made it known he was near. That there were options.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
Her man! New Snow bounded toward him through the soft fresh snow, carving out a path easily. Her tail whipped wildly around, her own fragrance traveling with it as she pressed into him, high-stepping around her mate until she was right beside him. Now she pressed beneath his muzzle, needy little whines trickling forth from her throat—and then she bolted ahead, slapping her forelegs against the earth as she slipped into a playbow. 

Her ears are pricked as she hears the sound of another. Soft eyes turn from Mountain Boulder to a man yet unnamed by her. He lurked, and New Snow then stood to stare. She listened for Mountain Boulder, who might make his own stand.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mountain boulder had never been challenged for the attentions of new snow before. his massive bulk was usually a deterrent to other men, and her complete loyalty and investment in his own focus each year spurred him to choose only her, knowing he would be chosen in turn.

the huntlead was not immediately reactive, still besotted by her scent; he tugged at her pale shoulders and nosed her nape until he realized she was no longer romping. 

the yellow eyes traveled to tall man, who inexplicably was now calling to new snow. she was not a rogue woman and he found this disrespectful, both of her and himself.

instinct drew him close with long strides and a wrinkled muzzle; mountain boulder crowded tall man with arched neck and stiff tail.

330 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The woman was preoccupied until his call, and then stood and looked, and Tulimaq saw this as a good sign for himself. He drifted closer and then stood above a snowbank, watching. The Boulder approached him first, but it was not his attention that mattered; this was not a choice of men but of the woman, and perhaps she would like a change.

The man postured and demanded Tulimaq back down, and the elder was not the kind of creature to cede ground so easily. He bristled and flashed his teeth in a small show of refusal, standing tall. His eye drifted from the man to the woman pointedly, and he chuffed to her as if saying, you choose. Or did she expect the man to make all decisions for her?
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snow found her eyes upon Mountain Boulder. She stepped alongside him and once more nuzzled into him. In her amorous state she did not sense disrespect from the other man, but she felt her mate tense alongside her. 

She sought to soothe him with a show of her affection, pressing against him more firmly to both gain his scent and give him her own. The Clawan claimed him, each and every year. 

But, instinctively, New Snow understood that the stranger was challenging her man. So even despite her own claim, Mountain Boulder might yet need to react.  

There was no interest or love from the huntwoman here, except for Mountain Boulder. She stood with him then, shoulder-against-shoulder, notched ear twitching as she heard the sounds surrounding them, keenly aware of whatever movements her man might next make.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tall man's resistance brought a low and slow warning from the throat of the boulderwolf. new snow stood close at his side, not reacting to the potential charms of the one-time leader.

they had met in play at the borders. but mountain boulder did not forget he had been brought here a second time only for lack of hunters.

assured by his mate, his legs advanced him stiffly once more. he was not a wolf given to unnecessary blows, but submission was what he demanded now, capitulation to his role as leader, not a husband.
330 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Augur stood firm.

The woman at his side, she who made her choice by standing with him.

Tulimaq huffed but was not so put-off by the sight. It was not a surprise to him, and did not harm what he thought of the Boulder. As the Ulfhedinn made his displays, Tulimaq accepted that he would not be chosen in this moment.

The elder shook the quills from his fur. He pulled a step back, then another, tail whisking at his hocks, and he retreated to the place he had been lurking before, and then continued on his way. There were patrols to make, hunting trails to investigate.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
The other was deterred, and New Snow found herself proud of her choice all that time ago. Indeed, Mountain Boulder proved to be the strong and solid protector, husband, and father she had known he would be from the start. As Tall Man moved away, New Snow drifted in another direction, loosing an encouraging bark for her man to give chase to her. 

Her love for him was constant, renewed again and again each Winter into Spring. New Snow looked upon him for a long moment, besotted, and the fire in her was growing and growing. 

And so she ran toward him then, reaching out to playfully nip him before surging away. More loud barks: catch me!
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
his yellow eyes watched the man as he drifted away.

this moment would be remembered. mountain boulder did not intend to forget.

new snow took his attention now; he returned her bark and soared after her with long heavy legs, seeking to run his teeth gently through the fur on her flank.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
There was only joy now, with him. In the fog of her season all other things were forgotten. There was only this building fire, and the only man who could both set it to a roar and smother it so that she no longer burned so terribly. It was not yet unbearable, and so she did not yet yield to his gentle teeth.

Playfully, she rebuked him with a nip of her own. The action slowed her, but it had not been her goal today to outpace him and his distraction had given her a healthy headstart. 

She was only inconsistent in these days—she had thought she wanted him later, but to feel him this close… perhaps she wanted him now! Her nips turned to preening nibbles to his chin, his ear—pausing to huff at his notched ear, a mirror of her own, and then placing a loving kiss there. 

Down she went, snuffling at, and then affectionately grooming, his shoulder. Her tail waved wildly, driving her own scent to surround them both with the winds that stirred their fur.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
their dance was familiar, filled with low rumbles and whines and soft sounds, vibrations in feral throats and the crush of snow beneath and around them.

he lapped at her ear, her neckline; he pressed closer with soft croons as the air became fecund with her fragrance and his body responded in kind.

yet it was new snow who would choose their moments; mountain boulder, heart pounding, would only remain close, courting her as if it were the first time they had coupled.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snow had decided after his own ministrations that it actually would be now, leaning into his touch and letting out wild noises of her enjoyment and her need for him then. Her neck, in particular—she exposed it to him for a moment, whining to let him know that her life was his, as her body would be, as her heart had been from the first. 

She wanted him elsewhere; she rubbed her body alongside his, until her tail was near his face—and there it waved as she looked over her shoulder, and then, she would pick her way towards someplace more secluded. It was not that she cared to be seen—but she did not want to be interrupted.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he kissed her fervently, face and throat and neck, lingering upon the back of her ears and the long line down to her shoulder; he did not care who saw, drinking in new snow's yielding body and soft whines, breathing as she sent the bloom of her season right into his brainstem.

the ulfhedinn followed eagerly as his mate led them toward the treeline, tail waving as his chin raked along the fur above her hips, and when shadows streaked the snow and she had passed between them, he was ready as new snow seemed to be.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
Away she led him, and once they were good and secluded New Snow would yield to him for the first time this season, happily so! 

last from me here!!! little fade