Moonsong Glacier mistmantle
378 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 

scarcely had chickadee arrived back at the den she shared with kivaluk then she had run off again, back out toward the glacier. she had only just started to mend things —!
so here she was now, clambering up the slopes and the ice-paths, shouting the name of her — were they friends? until the wind took it right out of her mouth.
Sword of the Morning
555 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
It was lonely on the glacier. Dutch could not bring himself to settle back in just yet. He wasn't at all sure of the pack's future, and the lives of the individuals left behind were constantly on his mind. A secret hope had taken harbor beneath his breast; he dared not acknowledge it while there was so much else to be done.

A familiar voice called out a familiar name. The panther's ears slicked back for a moment, but he pulled himself away from his current task and went to meet the girl.

"Peace, bachchee," he called out to her when he had her in his sight. He closed the distance between them at an uneven lope, hoping to quiet her calls before they could bring more misfortune down upon them. He did not believe it was wrong to speak the names of the dead, and he was sure that Ariadne still lived either way — but he did not feel they needed her spirit upon the mountain at this time.

His brows were drawn in sympathy, even though he did not know what kind of relationship the girls had had with one another. Her frantic tone said quite enough.

"She is not here," he said.
378 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the moonthorn knew this man, and raced toward him. his demeanour calmed her cries, but knowing that ariadne was "gone?" chickadee blurted, still catching her breath as disbelief crossed her face. 
she sat down hard; she looked toward the top of the glacier, then glanced back toward moonglow; "her mom called a women's circle. they've — been having issues," she sighed, beginning her chirp like the bird for which she had been named. "she ran away crying after someone asked her a question; i don't get it. but that sucks."
something else occured to her. "is - is kaluktuk here?" but she knew the answer.
Sword of the Morning
555 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
This was news to the panther, and it showed in the slight furrow of his brow. But Chickadee's current state was a more pressing matter, and he reached out to lay a paw on her shoulder while she caught her breath.

"They departed," he said gently, his paw slipping away. "While we were still on the plains. They left no word. I hoped we might find them here, but — " But they hadn't, obviously. Dutch found his gaze drawn to the glacier as well, and he breathed out a sigh of his own. "I do not expect they will return," he concluded.

And that made him — Sad, he told himself firmly, grabbing his anger by the scruff. Both were true, but although neither were helpful, one was quite a bit less dangerous than the other.

"I need you to pass a message, Chickadee," he said, his burnished gaze grave.
378 Posts
Ooc — ebony
they'd gone! just like that! she tried to remember every detail of her talk with ariadne, and before that, the way that kivaluk had offered his own pain in the matter.
"but —" her babies. chickadee started the thought but did not finish it; dutch touched her gently and tears she did not understand became wetness to dash almost irritatedly from her face.
a message. "to kukutux?" she asked hoarsely, ears lifting in interest and concern. he looked somber; the girl was already nodding. she would carry whatever he asked.
Sword of the Morning
555 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
He hated to see a woman cry. It always felt as if he'd somehow failed them, or like there was some unseen threat he needed to chase down at once. He had pulled Tulugak into his arms, but he was not familiar with Chickadee in the same way. He felt helpless to do anything but bear witness, an immeasurably sad look on his face.

It was not his own sadness, he thought. Not most of it. He was sad for Chickadee, and he was very, very sad for moonwoman.

"Yes," he agreed, his voice creaky. He drew in a breath to steady himself before he went on. "This village belongs to a moondaughter," he said, searching the girl's face for understanding. "We have none. Our numbers dwindle. Soon, I fear we will have to merge with another of the villages to survive the winter, and give up this village that her daughter built."

Moonsong. He didn't know how to feel about carrying on that name.

"If this displeases her, I ask that she send us another moondaughter. Perhaps you and Kivaluk, to bring new life to the village. In this, as in all things, I bow to her wisdom. I will do as she instructs.

"After you tell her that Ariadne has gone,"
said the panther, "I ask that you say these things to her, also. But if you cannot, I will understand. What will be will be, either way."
378 Posts
Ooc — ebony
listening soberly to the dictation of a message that she did not want to take to kukutux, chickadee nodded softly, commiting even the way that dutch had said these things to memory.
but his specific mention of she and kivaluk paused the young wolf, brought her green eyes up in surprise and perhaps another emotion.
another pack with moon in its name? her sister's voice asked archly in her mind. what followed was not shame but — defiance, chickadee rising to the event horizon of her life.
"I'll tell her." she was lifting to her feet, watching his face. "and I'll talk to kivaluk." how would he feel about this place? it was so new. would he feel that any touch of his father remained? would he feel obligated to clean up another abandonment — oh. maybe she would hold off on saying anything until kukutux addressed it.
chickadee feared the pain and anger which might touch her intended now.
"dutch." his name had been stamped in her mind from the memory of that day, where he had complimented her but she'd been too distracted by the kids to truly know. "it will be all right. there are still four of us villages, and brecheliant also. even if they're n-not coming back, we can make everything work." hopeful. youthful. she offered him a smile but was intending to go now unless he had more to say, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible.
Sword of the Morning
555 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
He felt guilt and failure when she felt the need to comfort him, but he let the words warm him, anyway.

"You are right," he quietly agreed, summoning up a smile for the girl. "In the end, all will be warm and safe in one place or another. I wish only that we could skip ahead to that part."

He almost let her go, but called again and caught up to say —

"If she does not want to send anyone to the glacier," he said, wavering for just a moment before going on: "I will do as she best wishes, Chickadee. I will fight for the village if she asks for this. There is no ultimatum. Only a request."
378 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he would persevere! 
she flashed him a smile, halfway down the frozen path; "i hope i can carry a better message soon."
defiance, again; flickering; defiance and resolution. 
her mind was half-decided; she would rely now on the guidance of kivaluk and her leaders.
a last look to dutch and then she was hurrying, trying not to slip as she searched for the best way down and the fastest path back to moonglow.