Firefly Glen Oh Lord, won't you buy me A Mercedes Benz?
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
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I used this summary to help with Ariadne's story:

Ceridwen's banter was delightful, even if Ariadne didn't fully understand what she was saying. She bobbled her head, laughing occasionally, and did her best to follow. Well—if I have never been tested by a hag, and if it turns out that you are one, I guess this must be my test! How am I doing? She hoped she was doing well!

Oh, yes! My aapa told me the story of my name when I was younger. It is from ... Greek mythology, aside from her father's stories, she did not know much about Greek mythology, Ariadne was born to king Minos and Pasiphae. She fell in love with an Athenian hero named Theseus, and somehow, he got stuck in the Labyrinth and slayed the Minotaur, a half-man and half-bull beast, that her father kept in there. She helped him escape with a thread of glittering jewels.

After they escaped the Labyrinth, Theseus carried her to the place called Naxos and left her there to die, but she was saved by the God Dionysus ... and, ah, I think that is it, she concluded.

What about your name, 'Dwin? Does it have a story? she wondered.
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RE: Oh Lord, won't you buy me A Mercedes Benz? - by RIP Ariadne - May 06, 2024, 12:37 PM